***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

How is it possible that I have feet/another extremity ABOVE my ribs? As the uterus grows surely it's meant to grow under the ribs. Whatever it is is literally just below my breast crease and so very uncomfortable.
It's like this on and off all of the time (which is also why I wondered how she was so high up when my uterus isn't meant to reach that high yet!)

I've got this and my midwife has referred to my GP as she's not sure why pain is high up. The guess is my baby is literally doing 360's every day so it's stretching the muscle. I've got a bulge under my right breast where the rib cage is, at first it went numb but is now tender to touch.

Would do a telephone consult with your GP just to be sure.

I will do! There is usually a big bump under my breast, the same as you. How very odd xx
Feeling miserable, in so much pain and just had enough of not being able to do anything. Hubby isn't helping as he is just making me feel as though I'm lazy and doesn't understand how waring it is being in constant pain for weeks on end with no end in sight. It's no fun being stuck on the sofa unable to move, I'd much rather be able to do jobs and help out.

Hope you are all having a good weekend xx
Feeling miserable, in so much pain and just had enough of not being able to do anything. Hubby isn't helping as he is just making me feel as though I'm lazy and doesn't understand how waring it is being in constant pain for weeks on end with no end in sight. It's no fun being stuck on the sofa unable to move, I'd much rather be able to do jobs and help out.

Hope you are all having a good weekend xx
Oh no hun! Being in pain is tough as I would think mine is just a fraction of what yours is. I don't get our other halves making us out to be lazy, I get it here too. I do try but I'm exhausted all the time lately. Also I cannot bend over anymore so if I ask him to pick something up here Tut's!!! (Hello? I'm a whale here) really hope your pain eases up a bit soon. :)
Hi ladies!
I joined the forum earlier this evening and just wondered if I could be added to the list at all please?
Team Pink due 18/06/16 :)
I hope everyone is keeping well?
I went for my 28 week app today for measurements and then I go back again on Wed for the next round of bloods.
Also got to get booked in with GP for whooping cough injection.
Will be a busy week!
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Hi and welcome Alrm98, you have reminded me that I need to book my whooping cough jab too.

Love87, thankfully hubby hasn't been too frustrating since yesterday morning. He is such a big kid at times and the boys both play up alot more when he has a few days off as they love him being around as usually only see him properly on a Sunday.

My moan for today is the inlaws again. We saw them Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and now they are here again today! Got a phone call randomly saying can we borrow your washing machine as the cat has pooed on our bedspread and it doesn't fit in our washing machine! So who knows how long they will be here for today. Whenever hubby has a day off they seem to have an excuse to come round!

Been looking at nursery and bedroom ideas for the boys as they are going to share and seem to have settled on disney cars for the boys sharing and disney dumbo for the nursery. Just got to save up as it is quite pricey but we have never decorated any of the bedrooms so it will be nice to do it now we are settled in this house xx

Bedding is fab Kanga! Poor you with in-laws. My in-laws are OK but I would hate to see them as often as you see yours.
Getting pressure now. Walking with a waddle and a leg at either side of the street! :) feels like she could pop her hand out and wave at me lol. Remember it in my first pregnancy too. Could it be baby engaging? Or is it too soon?
No idea love87. Mine is moving so much now days and when she turns it can be rather uncomfortable.
Kanga I really feel for you, as much as I like my in laws this weekend has been enough. Got there yesterday stayed over and been home a couple of hours but couldn't wait to leave.
They are lovely and we don't see them much but I'm ill with a cold and just want to be in my own place relaxing. I think I would have lost it by now and told them they are coming to much. Can your OH not tell them to go away?

I have started to write/pack my hospital bag this evening as I know I will forget something in the moment. I also want to get it ready so I'm not rushing around later or relying on OH to get bits
I have put plastic bags in there for dry washing which I thought was a great idea, just thought I'd share that. When will you all start yours? I think I still have lots of time but I like to be organised and i'm praying she will come 2 weeks early but I doubt she will. X
Welcome over, how's you and baby doing?

Kanga I love the room by the way. I'm very jel I'm in a 1 bed at the mo and won't be moving till baby is 8 months so she in with us till then. I can't wait to decorate her own room. X
Kanga - nice of them to bring cat poo into the house of a pregnant women!!! Have they never cleaned their duvet before then.

Also love the Dumbo stuff, old school Disney seems to be a trend, lots of Minnie mouse on the high street.
Starting to feel very pregnant, struggling to sit and stand, get off chairs, roll over in bed and lots of aches and pains to go along with. And apparently I've reached the broken sleep part of pregnancy already too. No matter how tired I am when I go to bed I struggle to fall asleep and Im waking up for no apparent reason through the night. As if I don't already get limited enough sleep with an early rising toddler.

Despite all this I do really like being pregnant and am feeling rather sad that I won't get to do it again so trying to focus on the best bits as much as possible.
I have started to write/pack my hospital bag this evening as I know I will forget something in the moment. I also want to get it ready so I'm not rushing around later or relying on OH to get bits
I have put plastic bags in there for dry washing which I thought was a great idea, just thought I'd share that. When will you all start yours? I think I still have lots of time but I like to be organised and i'm praying she will come 2 weeks early but I doubt she will. X

I started mine yesterday. Still a fair amount to buy/pack, but the bag is already nearly as big as I am! I'm sure I won't need half of it. I'm not sure how it usually works - if all goes well, are you usually out the same day? I've packed as though it's a long weekend away lol
I have started to write/pack my hospital bag this evening as I know I will forget something in the moment. I also want to get it ready so I'm not rushing around later or relying on OH to get bits
I have put plastic bags in there for dry washing which I thought was a great idea, just thought I'd share that. When will you all start yours? I think I still have lots of time but I like to be organised and i'm praying she will come 2 weeks early but I doubt she will. X

I started mine yesterday. Still a fair amount to buy/pack, but the bag is already nearly as big as I am! I'm sure I won't need half of it. I'm not sure how it usually works - if all goes well, are you usually out the same day? I've packed as though it's a long weekend away lol

My mw says if everything goes well we will be out the same day. They need to ensure if your bf that baby is getting enough, or if your having problems with it they keep you in till you get it. Also I think it depends on what time you give birth e.g if at night they keep you till the morning. It could be different in different areas though.
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Nesting started here today. I'm scrubbing and moving things about like no-bodys business! My poor DH is withered from disassembling and reassembling furniture. Going to start packing my hospital bag next week. I have been so laid back until now. It's crazy. Like a switch went off in my brain. Now it's panic stations. :)
Lol im not nesting to mad yet however I can feel it coming on. I'm starting my bag now and i'm trying to make sure we have everything. I feel like I got 101 things buzzing around my head.
I know I don't need to do this now but when are people putting there cribs/moses basket up? Do you wait till baby comes or do you do it say at 38 weeks? As this is our first iv no idea when you do things.
I just thought about one more thing I need to do, all my new born is mixed with 0-3 so I better sort that too. X
Lol im not nesting to mad yet however I can feel it coming on. I'm starting my bag now and i'm trying to make sure we have everything. I feel like I got 101 things buzzing around my head.
I know I don't need to do this now but when are people putting there cribs/moses basket up? Do you wait till baby comes or do you do it say at 38 weeks? As this is our first iv no idea when you do things.
I just thought about one more thing I need to do, all my new born is mixed with 0-3 so I better sort that too. X

lol I've done that already too... I did everything so quickly I'm now twiddling my thumbs, packing/repacking, reordering stuff. Do it whenever you feel like it :) it's lovely to see it up and ready xx
Welcome Alrm198 :)

I had the whooping cough jab last week and then realised something odd today - I half read the info the doc gave me on the jab (a week later lol) and one of the random side effects seems to be uncontrollable crying. I wondered why I couldn't stop bursting into tears before a man came round to fix our electric! Poor guy, must have thought I was a bit weird, puffy-eyed and forced grinning at him lol

Welcome to tri 3 iwanttobeamumm too!

Kanga, the decor looks lovely :)

I did far too much this weekend - I think the nesting thing might be kicking in. Friday, mowed the lawn, washed the car, and other odd jobs, saturday travelled to see my folks and picked up pushchair, yesterday pretty much cleaned the house from top to bottom, and today sorting out a load of paperwork. I'm shattered after the long weekend! I don't think it did my pelvis any favours, been waddling slowly today, bloody agony o.o
I also think that the gym ball thing at work is actually doing more harm than good with the SPD... does anybody else find that with the balls? My back feels better on it, but my groin... ouch!

Also my partner is starting to panic about the hospital bag. Apparently he plans to pack 3...?
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Should I have been offered the whooping couch vaccine at my 28 week appointment? its not evening been mentioned.
How are you sitting on it yorkslass? You should have your legs in front of you, not to the side, so it shouldn't be hurting your pelvis. We're inflating mine as my back is killing me after a long weekend of other people's beds and sofas. My toddler has already asked to sit on it before it's even up!!

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