***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Finally able to come over to tri 3, but not a great start with violent vomiting from food poisoning from a meal out last night, really struggling with pain in hips and legs, made worse by the weakness...
That is good you get 2 weeks off Blueclass, although if you're like me you really won't want to go back after some time off lol they can't force start your maternity leave until 36 weeks if you are off sick. I know some ladies have been fine finishing up really late on, but I have suffered with pgp everytime and finished at 34, 33 and 32 weeks with holiday on the end xx

I know the feeling iv been suffering from pgp too and even 5 mj s of walking starts it of or sitting to long. I really can't wait for my 2 weeks of I'm gutted I'm working one day I just want to stay at home. Also when I go back it's 7 weeks that sounds so long........ I'm getting so tired now especially the last 2 days I just want to sleep. I don't even care about food and I love my food but sleeping sounds so much better. Iv also had alot of time of recently what with both my accidents so would feel bad going sick. However if it comes down to it and I need a rest then I guess il have to. Il have to see if my work is from 36 weeks. I thought mine said if you go sick within 11 weeks of due date with pregnancy stuff then that's when my mat would start.

Welcome over Kuku sorry to read you have been ill I also had a touch of food poisoning on Tues so had Wednesday of was to scared to leave the house lol. Plenty of water and rest in bed if you can. Hope you feel better soon x
Thanks blue class, haven't been able to move from bed all day, finally been able to have paracetamol and keep
It down, it's took the edge off the pain in my legs and headache and fever has dropped...can't c myself doing anything tomorrow but resting xxx
That is good you get 2 weeks off Blueclass, although if you're like me you really won't want to go back after some time off lol they can't force start your maternity leave until 36 weeks if you are off sick. I know some ladies have been fine finishing up really late on, but I have suffered with pgp everytime and finished at 34, 33 and 32 weeks with holiday on the end xx

I know the feeling iv been suffering from pgp too and even 5 mj s of walking starts it of or sitting to long. I really can't wait for my 2 weeks of I'm gutted I'm working one day I just want to stay at home. Also when I go back it's 7 weeks that sounds so long........ I'm getting so tired now especially the last 2 days I just want to sleep. I don't even care about food and I love my food but sleeping sounds so much better. Iv also had alot of time of recently what with both my accidents so would feel bad going sick. However if it comes down to it and I need a rest then I guess il have to. Il have to see if my work is from 36 weeks. I thought mine said if you go sick within 11 weeks of due date with pregnancy stuff then that's when my mat would start.

Welcome over Kuku sorry to read you have been ill I also had a touch of food poisoning on Tues so had Wednesday of was to scared to leave the house lol. Plenty of water and rest in bed if you can. Hope you feel better soon x

I think from 36 weeks is government guidelines so I would be very surprised if they werent following that, might be getting it confused with the fact you can legally start maternity from 29 weeks.
Welcome to tri 3 Kuku ;) Feel better!
Hope babe's moving about again for ya now Blueclass. Mine was really quite yesterday and the day before, but maybe I was just too busy - it's been moving loads today.
Exhausted now from last night... yeesh... about 5 hours of standing and singing, huge cramps in the legs after! It's made me realise how reduced my lung capacity is now too :o
Then stayed up until 3am to make sure partner got back from a London gig ok (he decided to drive it back on the same night rather than stay over like a sensible person). So I was a bit of a wreck today!
Baby seems to keep pushing its head down too - had a lot of pain in the pelvis today, causing a horrible bad ache in the groin. Maybe it's a side effect of all the standing though and the ol' pgp!
Ah well, on with bloody work tomorrow...
;) x
Hi ladies I've really struggled with what I'm guessing is pgp this weekend. I saw midwife and doctors over the weekend, the offered me bed rest and morphine in hospital. I don't like the idea of baby having morphine surly that is to much for her! Chasing up my physio appointment to get it bought forward and try see a chiropractor ASAP. Last week at work starts today, I cannot wait to get out of there!! I really don't want to go, I'm tempted to get my redundancy package today and not go back.
Hope you all have a good week lovelies!
I'm wondering how I tell the difference between braxton hicks and baby shifting position uncomfortably. My stomach is so tight constantly anyway, and she's always in the most uncomfortable sticking out positions that make it feel even tighter. But perhaps some of these are BH? For the last 15 minutes of had a tightening belly on and off, but she is also sticking out and moving at the same time so I'm not sure
Sorry kittykitchn I have no Idea.

I have noticed a couple of times my nipple seem a little Crusty sorry tmi! Kinda have a yellow crust on them. Well I just went to the loo Coz I can't sleep and noticed nippels are a tiny tiny bit wet looks like clear stuff is coming out. It's a really small amount. I squeezed my boobs a little and it looks like a little come out again. I'm totally freaked out. The yell ow stuff freaked me out to but iv not seen a mw to ask. I'm. Wondering is this colostrum? At the moment I don't even think I'd need a pad but will they begin to leak more? Sorry if I sound dumb but I have no idea x
Yes, it's colostrum and nothing to worry about. Just means your boobs are getting ready :-)
Kitty - BH tend to last a minute or so at a time and I find them quite uncomfortable, I would have to straighten up my body if I was slouched. I would say some of those tightenings are defiantly BH at this stage of pregnancy.
Blueclass- it's definitely colostrum. I have had it since around 24 weeks, nothing at all to worry about. I also find it weirdly satisfying picking the crusty bits off :blush:

I'm exhausted! My 4 year old is coming into my bed every night. Even when she falls asleep and we put her back out to her room, she is back in within an hour...think she senses a change coming and is preparing me for the upcoming exhaustion!!
I keep worrying that my breasts AREN'T leaking as I really want to have a good go at bf-ing lol - mw told me not to worry though!
One thing annoying me at the moment is this damn baby's head seems to constantly push down into my pelvis - it's so uncomfortable! Struggling to wear the maternity trousers too as I feel too big for them suddenly and don't want to fork out for the next size up for a matter of a few weeks! Sorry, almost turned to a rant there!
Amazingly, somebody in work happened to have a gym/birthing ball thing, and I now have it to sit on to work! I'm loving it - much better for the spd and bouncy too...
I really want to get one now for home... any recommendations? X
I got on for work also I got mine on amazon for maybe £7.00. I use it and the kids bounce on it to. However I told them once I fit 36 weeks il be on it all the time hoping to get her ready x
I'm seeing them around that price on Amazon, that's more reasonable than I thought... sod it, gonna get one...
My gym ball was £3.89 (with pump) from Ebay :) haven't used it yet though, so can't recommend
I can't remember what ball I've got, but we've got it back out of the loft ready. I loved it last time and would sit on it for a bit every evening. Not sure how I'm going to stop the toddler from flinging herself on it though!

Yorkslass it really doesn't matter whether you leak or not. I never leaked during my first pregnancy and am still breastfeeding now. If you want to breastfeed then my best advice would be to make sure your family will be supportive and to look around for some breastfeeding support groups in your area as most people don't know much about it and can give well intentioned but misguided advice to struggling mums.
I got my ball from Argos for £5.99 make sure you get the right size for your height. Look it up online. I love mine, I've found it really helps. X
Yorkslass don't worry about leaking I've never leaked apart from a couple of days after baby was born when my milk came in and I've breastfed two boys for 11.5m each.

Hope you feel better on the iron tablets blueclass.

A bit late but welcome over Kuku, hope your recovered from your food poisoning.

Pip I recommend a chiropractor for the pgp. I had hardly any sciatic pain yesterday but did still have other pgp pains but I'm am doing so much better than I was before I saw one. Hope your last week goes well and you can say good riddance to the place!

Love87, I remember Harry went through a really bad sleeping path whilst I was pregnant. Think they can sense the change and want to be as close as possible to you. It did pass though.

I never got on well with the gym balls, found them more uncomfortable than helpful. I had an awful migraine at work last night but thankfully it has eased off this morning. So grateful for a 4 day week this week xx
Had quite the emotional day, off to hospital tomorrow as baby hasn't grown in 3 weeks to need to get my placenta checked. Probably shouldn't have gone to work in my emotional state, had a big contract dispute and wasn't in the mood to have to shout down a client.

Still pain in my ribs and feeling fobbed off by my midwife and GP, midwife saying its not normal but doesn't think its pregnancy related and GP writing it off as pregnancy related.
Had quite the emotional day, off to hospital tomorrow as baby hasn't grown in 3 weeks to need to get my placenta checked. Probably shouldn't have gone to work in my emotional state, had a big contract dispute and wasn't in the mood to have to shout down a client.

Still pain in my ribs and feeling fobbed off by my midwife and GP, midwife saying its not normal but doesn't think its pregnancy related and GP writing it off as pregnancy related.

Sorry to read you had a crap day. Sounds like you could do with the long weekend to relax and take it easy. I hope tomorrow goes ok and baby is alright.

I have a terrible cold and feel run down and rubbish. Looking forward to my OH coming of nights tomorrow and being home to look after me. I don't know about anyone else but not being able to take decongestant is really annoying.

Hope everyone has a great easter weekend xx

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