***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

I was kind of straddling it at first, but then got into a knees together legs forward type position, as remembered the advice about the SPD! I think it's a bit deflated perhaps - a colleague offered to bring in a bike pump and top it up, so will see if he remembers (and whether that makes a difference) ;)
Should I have been offered the whooping couch vaccine at my 28 week appointment? its not evening been mentioned.

Yes!!! U should have it at 28 weeks. Call your doctor/midwife or nurse at gps. It's really important to have it as if a baby catches it he or she can dye. Not trying to scare you, some don't have it done but if you want it you should get on to it asap. X
How many nappies to go in my hospital bag?
I just sorted all my newborn and 0-3 stuff and realised I have next to nothing!! Not sure what I brought or where it is. OH wants to go to bed but I really want to go out and buy bits so I know it's done. I got so much for later on from 3 months. I got loads probably enough for twins lol all the way up to 18 months.
I'm thinking to pack 4 sleep suits and 4 vests or 6 of each? Also what are you taking your baby home in, an outfit or sleep suit (babygrow)? I'm thinking sleep suit as it might be easier. This is so hard when it's your first as you have no idea. I live 2 mins from hospital so if need be hubby can come home as I don't want a huge bag.
How many nappies to go in my hospital bag?
I just sorted all my newborn and 0-3 stuff and realised I have next to nothing!! Not sure what I brought or where it is. OH wants to go to bed but I really want to go out and buy bits so I know it's done. I got so much for later on from 3 months. I got loads probably enough for twins lol all the way up to 18 months.
I'm thinking to pack 4 sleep suits and 4 vests or 6 of each? Also what are you taking your baby home in, an outfit or sleep suit (babygrow)? I'm thinking sleep suit as it might be easier. This is so hard when it's your first as you have no idea. I live 2 mins from hospital so if need be hubby can come home as I don't want a huge bag.

I'm just shuvving a full pack of nappies in. Clothes wise I'm going to do 6vests/sleepsuits just in case were in overnight. As for coming home outfit that's entirely up to you. My little one will just be in sleepsuits for the first few weeks xx
How many nappies to go in my hospital bag?
I just sorted all my newborn and 0-3 stuff and realised I have next to nothing!! Not sure what I brought or where it is. OH wants to go to bed but I really want to go out and buy bits so I know it's done. I got so much for later on from 3 months. I got loads probably enough for twins lol all the way up to 18 months.
I'm thinking to pack 4 sleep suits and 4 vests or 6 of each? Also what are you taking your baby home in, an outfit or sleep suit (babygrow)? I'm thinking sleep suit as it might be easier. This is so hard when it's your first as you have no idea. I live 2 mins from hospital so if need be hubby can come home as I don't want a huge bag.
I'm taking half a pack of nappies. 4 baby grows and 4 vests. Also i will be bringing blankets and baby towel. I don't live far from the hospital so if I need anything else hubby can bring it in.

Anybody else peeing a lot! I can't stop. I do drink a lot of water but this is getting ridiculous. I reckon it's probably baby putting pressure on my bladder.
I think I'm the last one to move across! Sorry for lack of joining in ladies, cant believe how quickly this has gone. Hopefully the next 13 weeks slide in xxx
I found a kick counting app for my phone in an attempt to find some sort of routine... I was trying to keep note in a little book, but always fail to have it with me. The little bugger never stays still during the day though lol
Is something like this a good idea, or will I just send myself mad trying to keep it up? Anybody else using an app?

And love87, I'm in the work bathroom every bloody half hour... yeesh!
How many nappies to go in my hospital bag?
I'm thinking to pack 4 sleep suits and 4 vests or 6 of each? Also what are you taking your baby home in, an outfit or sleep suit (babygrow)?

I'm going to take two bags. One for labour and the few hours after and then a second to leave in the car for if we're kept in overnight.

I was planning on putting 4 nappies in the labour bag and 10 in the overnight bag. 1 vest and 1 sleepsuit in the labour bag plus a little jacket and possibly a thin hat for coming home if it's chilly and 2 vests and 2 sleepsuits in the overnight bag. If I have to stay in longer again then my OH will have to bring bits in. We didn't dress in anything but sleepsuits for the first 3 months last time.

PS I think you'll worry yourself Yorkslass. As long as you are feeling baby regularly it doesn't matter if you don't know how often or what (if any) pattern there is.
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I think so too. It definitely moves every day o.o
Mw gave me leaflets about baby movement though and said 'I should start noticing a routine'... I think the routine is that it doesn't have one lol
Man, I really oughtta start thinking more about hospital bag too...
I think so too. It definitely moves every day o.o
Mw gave me leaflets about baby movement though and said 'I should start noticing a routine'... I think the routine is that it doesn't have one lol
Man, I really oughtta start thinking more about hospital bag too...

I have a app I use and log each kick like you wanting to establish some routine but she moves all day and not got a routine. X
Ha... exactly the same then. At least maybe our little uns might sleep at night if they're constantly on the move in the day lol
I haven't noticed a routine yet this time but I remember with my first she used to get hiccups every afternoon just after lunch without fail :-)
I think so too. It definitely moves every day o.o
Mw gave me leaflets about baby movement though and said 'I should start noticing a routine'... I think the routine is that it doesn't have one lol
Man, I really oughtta start thinking more about hospital bag too...
When pregnant with #1 she never developed a routine and would go hours without movements. She was so lazy. Even when she was born all she did was sleep. People used to ask me if she was ever awake. :)
This one is more active but does not have a routine either. I feel her every day so im not really worried.
I honestly believe some babies don't develop a routine. They like to worry us. I got an app for my phone and deleted it again as I keep forgetting to mark the kicks. :)
LOL. Mine has no routine and is most active at night usually!! Does not bode well haha.

S/he has actually been very active today, but more 'squirmy' than actual kicks lol.

As for nappies, I think you'd be best just taking the whole pack rather than opening it and trying to fit some in your bags. Carry it alongside your bag rather than *in* your bag, IYSWIM?

Last time I took enough nappies for one or two days, but had her at 10pm, the (jr) Dr came round at 7am the next morning to do the newborn check and said he could hear a heart murmur so insisted we stay in another night. Not sure how many nappies I brought but they ran out later that night as I had planned to go home within 24hrs of the birth but ended up staying in about 42hrs! (it was about 4pm 2 days later by the time someone actually got round to discharging us! Was so annoyed as we'd been given the 'all clear' early that morning but had been forced to wait for official discharge - I was so close to just leaving anyway lol.)
I was then given a stack of pampers by the midwife on the ward lol.
Has anyone been to physio for pgp yet? I went yesterday for the first time and am in agony today! It's so much worse, not sure if that's normal. X
I have but she only gave me excerises to do so nope I wasn't in pain. Sorry, have a nice bath with bubbles smooth the body.

About to go harley street got my 4d scan this afternoon. I'm so excited to see our little girl especially after two accidents. I was so scared I'd killed her today has been a long time coming. Well so it feels, have a good day x
I just never got around to the physio, keep waiting for a lull in work that never comes! Baths are bliss though... and maybe warming down with yoga type cat and dog stretches, that's what I've been doing haha
Blueclass, exciting, send pics!
Welcome over to Tri 3 lottie :)

Blueclass I packed 10-12 nappies each time I went in. Think hubby had to bring in extras though as was in over 24hrs with each of them though. Plus 4 vests and 4 sleepsuits. I had a special sleepsuit that was their first outfit and they came home in sleepsuits too. I love them and only really have sleepsuits this time for newborn and 0-3.

Yorkslass I just monitor movements myself. If I think I haven't felt him in a while I sit, chill and keep him a poke lol

Pip I've seen a chiropractor for my pgp and I'm always worse the day after but it does get better. Guess it would be the same with physio. I use a hot water bottle as I can't sit in the bath without pain (tried and failed a few weeks ago)

Good luck with you scan today blueclass, enjoy seeing you little girl again.

I finish work this Friday so just 3 shifts left as cannot wait! The pain has been unbearable again the last few days and sitting, standing and lying down cause me pain :( Cannot wait for pregnancy to over, although I'm not ready for baby yet, so can't win lol Really struggling with his name too. I mentioned Alfie as I really liked it and now he likes it I don't! But I have no other I like either, so feeling a bit stressed xx

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