***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Does anyone feel like me or are my hormones going mad. Dont get me wrong, I'm over the moon I have my perfect little baby at home with me, but is anyone else gutted pregnancy is over, I want to rewind to last Thursday when I would have just been going in to be induced. I don't know if its because id decided this was my last baby and know I wont experience it again (saying that, the way I feel at the minute. I would have another one tomorrow ��) xx
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Are any June mummies still to give birth? How are you fluffycat? I can't believe it's July tomorrow and my due date!!xx
Congrats alrm! Great news... I'm late with the congrats, have been tied up with little 'un heheh
Hope to hear news from you soon too ttc!
Thanks ladies. :) Strange to think our little lady is one week old tomorrow already!
Hi ladies, havnt been in here for a while.
Just to let you know that my little man was born on Saturday 2nd July at 40+3 after a 7 hour labour!! Didn't get my epidural but somehow managed on gas and air!! So much for the big 10lb baby the midwives measured me at.....He was 7lb!!!

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying lots of newborn cuddles!!
Congratulations fluffycat! :dust: Hope all is well and you're enjoying cuddles! :)
Congrats fluffycat! I'm always amused by how inaccurate the measurements are - my bump was small for dates and my baby was 8lb 4.

I shouldn't be posting this here as we've all had our babies, but if I put it elsewhere the June mummies might not see it - how is everyone getting on? My little man is 2.5 weeks old and I am the most tired I have ever been. I'm finding motherhood so much more difficult than I could ever have imagined - mostly because of the tiredness, I feel like I could manage great if I could only get more sleep! That said, it is also the best thing I have ever done and so rewarding.

For the people who had vaginal deliveries - how has your recovery been? I had a straightforward delivery and a second degree tear, but 2.5 weeks on I'm housebound as I have pain in my pelvis/vagina if I stand for longer than 5 minutes, and a sensation that my insides are going to come out. The midwife and the GP both say that there's no prolapse and I should "give it time" but I'm going a bit crazy at being so physically restricted. Pre-pregnancy I was fairly fit and active. Has anyone experienced similar?? (I naively thought after a vaginal delivery I'd be up and about as normal immediately afterwards!!)
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Ahhh, just found the other thread in Baby & Parenting, will repost this there!

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