***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Ooh 3 shifts left... that's great kanga! Sorry you're in so much pain - not long to go now though, eh? I'm just assuming some Zen-like state of acceptance that this wriggler inside me controls my body now lol
My partner keeps telling me to stop poking it when it kicks me, but I think we're having some sort of poking conversation that way!
Just had a piano student cancel a lesson tonight - at the moment I'm overjoyed when anybody cancels and I can nap instead! Getting so tired with the day job, it's becoming a real struggle to work evenings too - I just need to think of the money!
One student recently gave me a gift card for mamas & papas, a lovely gesture... might have a look at their site and choose something posh to buy with it. Most of our baby stuff has been 2nd hand so far, except the car seat - gonna splash out on something!
I know, just 8 weeks to go as 32 weeks tomorrow!! I remember this being the best part of pregnancy last time and it's sucks to be in so much pain instead. Hubby is glad though as it is putting me off wanting a 4th... for now!

Glad you get a bit of a rest tonight, I'm just thinking about the money too so that I don't phone in sick for the week. Enjoy spending the gift card at mamas and papas, most of our stuff has been 2nd hand too from when we had our 1st, but it all lasts well. Got a few new clothes for baby though so not everything is hand me downs xx
Little madam kept putting her feet in front of her face but eventually played ball. She kept yawning which was sweet and opened her eyes once. They also switched to hd which was unbelievably clear but that's on the disk.
Was so amazing to see her, x


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Aww gorgeous pics blueclass, how far are you now? Sounds like a fab weight though.

Well work isn't happening tonight. I'm in so much pain as soon as I stand up with the sciatia. Seeing my chiropractor in a hour and hoping she fixes me enough to get through my 2 shifts Thurs and Fri, if not I won't be in from now xx
Il be 30 weeks on Friday so I think two weeks behind you kanga? I worked yesterday and was in London then went London today and i'm working in London tomorrow aswell. Feel completely shattered another night of not sleeping and hoping all the walking iv done today will help me sleep. My hips started to hurt as i got home but was surprised I managed to do as much as I did.
Sorry just need to express my anger at one lady who was on the tube. A man offered me his seat so I said yes please. As I went to sit she tried to beat me to it and then said laughing I nearly beat the pregnant women to the seat. I replied and said well it was offered to me and I would have told you to get up!! Plus it's not really funny is it? Your a grown woman at least 47 yrs and your trying to steal a seat from a heavily pregnant women aren't you nice!! Rant over lol.x
Yeah two weeks behind, I'm 32weeks tomorrow (Thurs). Harry was 3lb 1oz at 29+4wks and born at 7lb 1oz, so maybe a nice sized baby for you? I don't envy you working in London and needing to use the tube. Can't believe the women laughing and gloating about stealing a seat from a pregnant lady! Some people are really strange.

I have managed to piss my boss off :( I thought I was going to be able to go to work but the pain has got worse and worse through the day so I didn't phone til 6pm, I start at 7:30pm. Granted I know it's not enough time really and hate doing it. But my boss never answered his phone so left a voicemail and he replied with this at 7:15pm

"Not happy with u at all, 6 o'clock is no good to me as I can't get cover that late in the day."

He didn't even have the cheek to phone me back!! I know I shouldn't let it get to me as I only have 2 shifts left but I really hate letting people down and pissing them off! xx
Maybe just respond and say well I'm sorry and I really intended to come in. However it got worse and pain killers didn't help(just lie) and you was waiting for them to take effect.
Your better than me if I was in pain and they was a bit funny with me I just wouldn't go back. Hopefully you will be able to make your last shifts it is hard cleaning. I am glad I don't have to work at school till the 11th but really am not looking forward to working till 38 weeks x
I was trying to get it covered by the lady I work with, she replied back just before 7pm and I think she is doing it for me anyway. I am so tempted to just not go back in but it's an extra £60 towards paying of some debts before baby is here and the £35 chiropractor bill tonight! Enjoy your time off, and I hope the 6 weeks after that aren't too bad xx
Do you not get sick pay? I know the feeling that's y I'm doing tomorrow so it's a bit of money of my credit card. X
No unfortunately not :( I haven't had sick pay at any of my jobs, they are all part time though. Not long back from the chiropractor and the relief was almost immediate. Still sore but so much more managable now. She reckons it will stabilise once I stop work, but I am booked in for 2 wks time just in case. Just wish it wasn't so expensive xx
I'm not sure how much they are but I do know they cost alot. Luckily as you say you only have two shifts left and if she thinks it will get better once you stop that's good. I have pgp and since my accident my back has got so much worse. My physio says it won't get better as obviously being pregnant puts pressure on your back. They did say it might help a bit but unfortunately till baby comes it will still hurt. Untill the accident my back was not too bad, now I walk 5 mins and my pelvis and back is agony normally. The support belt does not do alot for me so I just try to get on with it. X
She did say my sacroiliac joints are still misaligned due to the pelvis relaxing ready to give birth, but I feel so much better from it being shifted back into place a bit more. I paid £55 for the first visit and £35 a time since, so not cheap! But if it keep me mobile enough to look after my boys I don't care on the cost. Thankfully I've always gone straight back to normal after having baby so fingers crossed I won't need to see her afterwards, maybe once to align everything without a bump. I would definitely recommend seeing one if you start to struggle even more though xx
Just had call from GP to say I need to speak with them about my blood test results. Never had any issues before so bit worried what it is, although the receptionist says it's not urgent so won't be anything serious. Only thing I can think of is anaemia but I take a multivitamin and eat a varied diet so don't know how I could have low iron...

Only other thing is diabetes but my wee test was clear of glucose (midwife specifically told me as I was joking that baby will be diabetic with all the chocolate I'm stuffing) so presume it can't be that either.

Wish they could tell you over the phone rather than making you wait!
Aw Maud, it's great how they leave us to sweat over things isn't! Hope all's ok - let us know ;-)
The receptionist can't discuss your results so I suppose it depends on how busy the midwives are - thoughyou'd expect one of them to phone you!

A week after my booking in appointment a midwife (not "my" midwife) phoned me out of the blue and said that my tests showed an infection... it completely panicked me the way she worded it (like what kind of infection... STI?!!) but no it was just a minor urinary infection which I cleared by upping fluids and taking Apple Cider Vinegar and cranberry tablets. Was slightly annoyed she didn't say "urine infection" though as she had me really panicking for a few seconds there lol!
All bloods etc came back clear & fine for iron count and no UTIs since (gave samples at 16 weeks and 20 weeks, both clear).
Iv never had the same mw, does anyone else? I thought we had one throughout the pregnancy.
Hope everything will be ok probably just a urine or something. It is annoying they can't discuss things with you.

Is anyone else feeling miserable? I'm so grateful to be pregnant but I feel so tired all the time! I know my iron levels are low so that is a factor but j just can't do anything. I'm so tired but can't sleep and end up getting ratty because of it. I can't be arsed to do anything that involves leaving the house but at the same time I'm sick of looking at the same 4 walls. OH said bowling but we did that last weekend, just nothing takes my fancy as I have no drive. Feel bad on my husband I know his dying for some 'love' lol but I generally can't be bothered. Just feel in a constant bad boring mood. X
Hope it's nothing serious Maud, although I agree it's annoying they can't tell you. A doctor should just phone with the results.

Blueclass I have had the same mw every appt this time, but haven't in previous ones. Yep I am constantly miserable and tired and fed up.

I was brought to hospital yesterday morning due to my sciatica and back pain. Been in complete agony ever since even with strong meds. Not sure what the plan of action is, but should have a growth scan today xx

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