***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Congrats yorkslass. So sorry you had complications. Hope you are feeling well again soon. Xx

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Hopefully you've been allowed home from hospital now Yorkslass and getting some snuggles in :)

Changed our plans tonight - we decided to go out for a walk somewhere new and then went out for drinks and a little pub grub as I was getting a bit fed up. Now in bed watching episodes of QI.
Hopefully you've been allowed home from hospital now Yorkslass and getting some snuggles in :)

Changed our plans tonight - we decided to go out for a walk somewhere new and then went out for drinks and a little pub grub as I was getting a bit fed up. Now in bed watching episodes of QI.

Sounds like a nice evening. We are going out for our first fathers day tomorrow. We will have family over then go to a bbq then summer and I are treating daddy to a meal at his frav pub. Iv got her a vest saying happy first fathers day on it, bottle of wine and a pic frame saying I love daddy from his head to his toes and a pic of them in bed together. Hope he likes them!
Hello, just a quick update Baby girl Holman arrived 1pm yesterday on her due date at 7lbs9: small but very long. Birth was an experience but i'll post more later because even though everything went to shot for awhile was able to recover buty god the drip induces some big contractions. Will post pics and stuff once we've decided on a name xx
Congratulations and yes it does I made then give me an epidural before the drip as I was already having contractions. Can't wait to see some pics xx
Huge congrats to yorkslass and stephyLou!!!
Sorry your birth ended a bit traumatic yorkslass:-( hope you're recovering well. So chuffed you got the little girl you'd hoped for;-)

Hope all is well kuku and lottie? Hope you're both having cuddles by now.

Ruby has settled in to our family very well. She's been feeding every 2 hrs which has been exhausting (not to mention my poor nipples!!) but seems to go a bit longer now. Will look out for the baby thread.
Hope everyone else is doing well. Good luck to those still waiting.
Congratulations StephyLou! :dust: Hope you're enjoying baby cuddles!

Sounds like a lovely day you have planned Blueclass, I'm sure your OH will enjoy his first fathers day! :)

Nice to read Ruby is settling in well Babymaker :hugs:
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Congrats stephylou :-) all our babies are coming now!
Darling partner stayed downstairs all night with Rowan so I could get some sleep upstairs - just brought her up every couple of hours for feeding. She tends to nod off as soon as latching on, but she's getting the hang of it. I'm still pretty immobile, but glad of a bit of sleep! Can't wait to be able to walk around with her...
Must post a decent picture soon ;-)
Congrats stephylou :-) all our babies are coming now!
Darling partner stayed downstairs all night with Rowan so I could get some sleep upstairs - just brought her up every couple of hours for feeding. She tends to nod off as soon as latching on, but she's getting the hang of it. I'm still pretty immobile, but glad of a bit of sleep! Can't wait to be able to walk around with her...
Must post a decent picture soon ;-)

Yes you should!!! Glad your able to rest my hubby also been helping and doing a night feed so I can rest a bit more.

We went to see some of the family today and summer met more people. They was all fighting to have cuddles and I was getting lonely haha. I wanted to cuddle her! Now on our way home so il make up for it tonight x
This waiting game is turning me into an emotional mess! I'm anxious, frustrated and becoming increasingly impatient! I've eaten curry, gone for another walk, been sat on the gym ball leaning forwards as well as rocking back and forth and I was on my hands and knees in the garden earlier today too. I don't think the change in the weather is helping either - it's still humid but raining and has become a miserable end to a quite productive and entertaining weekend :(
I kind of feel really heavy low down at the front and back. Bump was making a lot of movement earlier on which felt like she was readjusting her position but then she's chilled out again.
Come on little miss, me and daddy are ready to meet you now! :family:
Home and having a bit of a nelly about breastfeeding, have had her latched and suckling for about 4 of the the last 7 hours but no poops since 4am this morning, i can hear her suckling but not being able to measure anything is making me paranoid. I think this is payment for the 3 hour nap she had at 9am. When she does sleep it has to be on someone so hubby is giving me an hour break.

She is absolutely gorgeous and so inquisitive.
Ended up back in hospital with Rowan most of the day when she suddenly started looking jaundiced and was very lethargic and wouldn't wake properly - luckily had a mw visit and she promptly referred us. Turns out she hasn't been latching properly at all, until then nobody had actually explained to me how that was supposed to feel. So in hospital, while waiting for hours for various test results, I just kept feeding her and her colour has returned almost straightaway, and she's much more alert now. Allowed home, but feel shattered still and wrecked from sitting on a hospital chair... I'm never actually going to recover! Still white as a sheet, can't walk and refuse to be in any photos!
Oh, forgot to mention we finally found out the actual birth weight - 7'8"... Although she's lost nearly a pound since birth :-(
Never been so happy to have to wipe poo of my hands....pretty sure this feeling will pass lol. Sorry bout your bf problems yorklass, im having some latching problems i think. Dont know why else she would be this hungry.
That's poor that no-one checked her latch yorkslass. They are meant to explain how to recognise a good feed before they discharge you.

Stephylou, try not to worry about how much she feeds. Feeding a lot will get your milk supply in place. My second feeds a lot too. My first we had to wake to feed every 3 hours but Kara is a boob fiend. Haven't been keeping tabs, but she was cluster feeding the first 3 days, going from one boob to the other with short gaps in between for a few hours at a time. My milk is now coming in and that does seem to be helping space her feeds out a bit more. If you're at all worried though, ask your MW to watch her latch and feed and hopefully they can either reassure you all is fine or give you some pointers go an improved latch.
Meet little Thea Amelia Holman, 7lbs.7 (after a initial thought was 7.12) She's absolutely beautiful, eyes still blue for the minute but definitely got some hair on her.

Still unsure on the breastfeeding malarkey but we seem to have turned a corner in getting her to settle between feeds, midwife on the phone suggested the crib was too cold so whilst I'm feeding her place a hot water bottle in the covers then remove when she's done. Has worked twice so far so fingers crossed for tonight or I'm seriously considering combination feeds after some latching support.


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Hey folks, I promised a photo and then continuously never got around to it, so here's Rowan... :)


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awwww... Thea's gorgeous Stephylou - loads of hair! And yessss... we've just started warming the moses basket with a hot water bottle before putting her down, and it seems to have made a difference ;)
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