Just wanted to update everyone . Went for sweep this morning and Mw said I was already 2cm dilated and my cervix is favourable so she reckons bump could be here within the next 72 hours. If not I'm booked in again for Tues afternoon for another sweep and also to book an induction. But what she did say was that the induction may only involve breaking my waters if they dont go on their own as everything else seems to be progressing as it should. Mw said my cramps and back ache have obv been helping which is good, so fingers crossed they pick back up again!
Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying baby cuddles (I'm not jealous at all )
Thanks ladies.
I think I just had my show. Quite funny to think of what I thought was a show all those weeks ago compared to what I just saw though Sorry tmi but good to know things are progressing in the right direction! Cramps picked up again last night but still not regular enough or strong enough to be contractions.
No baby yet Siskin Back at midwife tomorrow afternoon for second sweep! I'd really like it if she decided to start arriving tonight though - so would Daddy!
Hi ladies
Back from second sweep. Hoping this sweep gets things moving more although being honest I think this sweep went better; I'm already cramping from it. Also been booked in for induction on Saturday first thing in the morning if bump is a no show and have been advised they will keep me in so to go prepared to stay. Currently sat bouncing on my gym ball hoping it helps baby to continue engaging. Mw said bump was low so it shouldnt be long now.
Cmon baby - lets do this!
Good luck alrm- I've got a sweep in 2 days and I'm a bit apprehensive. I'm hoping baby comes before then. What is a sweep like - is it just like a smear and did you have any bleeding after. I'll obviously take a sanitary pad with me incase. Thanks
Good luck alrm- I've got a sweep in 2 days and I'm a bit apprehensive. I'm hoping baby comes before then. What is a sweep like - is it just like a smear and did you have any bleeding after. I'll obviously take a sanitary pad with me incase. Thanks
Hi TTC, to me it was just like a smear. A little uncomfortable but not massively. Yeah I would suggest taking a sanitary pad
Good news ladies! My DH and I are pleased to announce the birth of our baby daughter! Still deciding on name but home already after 7 hours in hospital. Born 29 June 2016 @ 2:48am weighing 6lb 12oz. She is so chilled and my DH was a great birth partner. So happy but very tired, we're all in need of a good sleep!
Congratulations and your home so soon your lucky! I spent 3 nights on the ward and it was hell. Hope you have a speedy recovery and enjoy lots of cuddles xx
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