***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Hello everyone, not been on for a while, life is a blur right now....
Just had midwife check up and Willow has now lost 10% of body weight at 10 days old. I thought everything had been going really well, we were getting into a routine with bfing and giving 1 ebm in the night. Now been told to bf then top up with ebm at every feed. Not sure I can produce enough bm to keep that up, pulse all I'm going to be doing is either feeding or linked up to breast pump. Feel really down and like I have no idea what I'm doing anymore! Xx
Pip, if you feel you are in a good routine of feeding now then don't do the top up. Introducing bottles at this age could cause problems.

Could you see a breastfeeding supporter or someone instead to check your baby is feeding efficiently?

When I had K she lost over 10% of her birth weight by day 5 (dropped from 6lb 11oz to 6lb) and then took til day 15 to get almost back to birth weight (was 6lb 10.5oz on day 15).

The next time she was weighed a week or two later it worked out she'd gained just over an ounce a day. And that was just breastfeeding I wasn't told to top up (and would not have done anyway)

If she is pooing and weeing and you feel she is feeding well, ride it out a little longer and see what she weighs at the next weigh-in/in a week's time.
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Well today is induction day for me, was hoping I could avoid induction this time but never mind. Had a really emotional few days feeling guilty for bringing another baby into the life of my 18month son when I keep thinking, he is my baby and should I be really letting him get all my love and attention for a little while longer and have I been selfish wanting another baby. I'm sure its only hormones and nerves and once he's here it will feel like it was the right thing to do. Feel rubbish feeling so negative about the whole thing �� xx
Good luck walkergirl. I got really strong feelings like that in the week before Kara was born. You'll feel better once baby is here x
Good luck walkergirl - baby cuddles for you soon :-)
Pip, so sorry you're having a rough time, but hang on in there. Rowan lost 13% in her first 3 days, got jaundice, went horribly lethargic and ended up back in hospital for tests, just because I hadn't quite got the latch right and hadn't been guided through it properly. BUT with persistent feeding, she's now suckling for Britain and has totally turned the corner, better colour, gradually gaining back the weight... I went from feeling like I had near killed her and devastated to now feeling like we're doing ok. Our only problem now is that I'm on antibiotics and it's affecting the taste of the milk a little, but after a few times pulling away she'll go on. Gah... whatever next, eh? Keep plugging on me dear and I hope things get better and you feel better! :-)
Switching to expressing with formula top up today. At day 5 she's regained to her birthweight so midwife happy with latch but she's feeding so often my nipples just cant recover. Bit nervous about an expressing timetable but going to give it to day 10 before deciding whether to make a total switch to formula.
Glad to read Thea is gaining back her weight StephyLou! Sounds like a good plan trying to express first as well before going straight into formula. I think if I was in that position (which may happen you never know) I would be trying that first too.

So I've tried to have a productive day today and keep moving. I've done a 3 mile round trip walk in to town. I went and voted. I treated myself to some hair dye, nail polish and a reduced wrap front dress which will be great if bump does take to BFing (and if not its really pretty anyway). Bought my grandad his birthday presents. Repacked hospital bag and bumps bag (removed some clothing I clearly wont want having visited the other week). Cleaned the bathrooms. Cleaned the degu cages. Now going to make dinner. Then I'm going to pamper myself and then sit on my gym ball.
I had period cramps again yesterday evening but they went after a nice cool shower and today I have backache (probs from carrying 2 shopping bags back) but again nothing else seems to be going on. I'm running out of ideas! :lol:
When are you booked for induction alrm198? Must be soon. Are you getting any niggles things may start? Most people on this forum seem to deliver early but maybe there have been interventions. I'm 39 weeks today and hoping I go naturally in the next few days (maybe wishful thinking lol)!!
Hi all, Nathan Robert was born 1.29 am this morning, 1hr 45 mins after they broke my waters, when i went in yesterday for induction id already dilated 4cm without realising, he weighs a healthy 7lb 14. Needed a few stiches so bit uncomfortable at the minute bit home now enjoying cuddles �� xx
Congrats walkergirl - why did you get induced before your due date if u don't mind me asking?
When are you booked for induction alrm198? Must be soon. Are you getting any niggles things may start? Most people on this forum seem to deliver early but maybe there have been interventions. I'm 39 weeks today and hoping I go naturally in the next few days (maybe wishful thinking lol)!!

I'm not booked in for an induction yet - my mw team dont offer it until you are 42 weeks as they will only let you go 10 days over. I have the offer of having a sweep tomorrow morning at my 41 week appointment which I have decided to accept. Ive been having period cramps all week on and off and like I say Ive had back pain but nothing else - no show, no BH. Its like my body doesnt know what to do! :lol: (Fair enough though as this is our first!) Bump doesnt seem to be in any distress either so I'm not too worried - my kick counts are still on time and roughly the same amount. I was hoping to go naturally too but I just dont think its going to happen! We're pretty laid back though and at the end of the day the mw do this day in day out so I trust them. Hopefully the sweep works!

Congratulations Walkergirl! :dust: Sounds like a speedy labour and I think its great that youre already home enjoying cuddles! :hugs:
Congrats walkergirl! I had a wee boy last night after being induced. Bit of a lengthy process but we got there in the end! He weighed 8lb 4, doesn't have a name yet and is absolutely gorgeous. Can't believe he's finally here!
Congrats, Siskin, Hope you're both doing well!
That's a nice weight for being 2 weeks over.
Hi ladies!

So baby Jaya Atwal finally made an appearance on Father's Day at 7.53pm, weighing in at a tiny 6lb and 7.5oz!!
She's absolutely perfect and I still can't quite believe she's here...she's our Rainbow baby and I think I never allowed myself to think abt her actually arriving!!
The boys are smitten with her, as we are, and the last few days have been spent just enjoying every minute with her, and we have been inundated with family and friends wanting to see her xx

Not sure how to add a photo...so need to work that one put!
Think this might work!


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