***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Woohoo congratulations!! Sorry you had a rough time after hopefully your recovery will be speedy. Xx
Congratulations Yorkslass!! I had a feeling you must've finally gone into labour x
Congratulations maud and yorklass!

I've been in with reduced movements yesterday and today, and am now booked in to be induced at 8am in the morning....
Feeling nervous as my anxiety has been really bad this week, and just hoping everything goes ok.... Waiting for my mum to drive down tonight as she will be having the boys while we r in hospital xx
Good luck for tomorrow Kuku. Just remember the MW's know what they are doing so try and keep as relaxed as possible :hugs: I know it's easier said than done but just keep thinking it'll be worth it in the end when you get to meet your baby :)
Good luck tomorrow Kuku, I was induced at 37+5weeks due to reduced movements and it went really well. I was suffering really bad with anxiety too and it has been so much better since having Alfie xx
Right ladies the last of my waters have gone and its green so I'm off to the hospital, see you on the otherside.

Congratulations Yorklass. xx
Good luck StephyLou hope it goes well for you and not to long.

Kuku you will be fine induction is scary as anything can happen but they know what they are doing and your in a safe place. When it comes to reduced movements you can't mess around and if being induced is what they recommend then go with it. Some June mummies have had a good experience mine wasn't but it was 10 days ago now and can honestly say I have forgotten about it. Not all stories are bad so please don't think to negatively. I went in feeling negative and it was so go in feeling positive. Your going to meet your baby, how exciting. Get to see their little nose, ears and their feet are to cute. Make sure you update us on your progress xx
Morning ladies, hope everyone's well. Good luck for today kuku and stephylou x

I might try and post up a bit more detail on our birth story later. Had a pretty tough night as LO wouldn't sleep anywhere but on us ( same as her sister's 2nd night) so not much sleep was had and we have more visitors coming later (with instructions to come with food!). Our big girl came home yesterday and looks and feels like a giant now, lol. Things have been going well so far though.

We're going to have to set up a baby chat thread for us all to keep in touch over next weeks/months. Would people want that?
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Good luck today Stephylou.

The first few nights are hard work but it does get easier, think you get used to the constant wake ups haha

I would be up for a baby chat group, we should do a May/June Mummies one as a few of us were May in the end. I can start one up if you want? xx
That'd be great kanga :-)

I can't believe how different this has been to my first. Pregnancy, labour and newborn life so far have all been so much less stressful! I'm sure we've got some very tough times ahead but it feels a lot more manageable than I feared.
After my 2nd I found things pretty good too, think because you've done the newborn thing before it is far less stressful and you cope much better than you think. Having 3... well that is a a slightly different story hahaha xx
Hi ladies can't believe it's Saturday already. I'm away in at 2pm to get induced so will start up a thread to keep you all updated once they get things going xxx
I hope your induction goes well lottie, lots of June babies over the next few days xx
Well due day came round fast! :lol:

We were at midwife this morning for routine check up, booked in again for next Saturday & have been offered a sweep if bump hasn't decided to make an appearance before then.

My DH was joking with friends this morning on whatsapp saying; "It's fair to say the baby doesn't take after me or she would be here on time. My wife on the other hand is always late...:think:" :lol: Was quite funny :)

About to make a chicken dopiaza curry for dinner and then I will probably sit and watch a film whilst sitting on the gym ball. RocknRoll Saturday evening but I need to keep occupied or I'm going to go mad with anticipation!

Best of luck Lottie and StephyLou :hugs:
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Good luck lottie!
Hope things are going well with stephylou too!
We've just got the all clear to start getting the hell outta hospital, which is great, as Rowan was awake wanting to cuddle and feed all night and was keeping the whole ward awake o.o
Really want to be home now...

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