Just popping in quickly to announce that I had a little girl this morning (her due date!) after an 8 hour labour start to end. We made it to hospital this time and I did it without anypain relief and no complications this time. We've named her Kara. 6lb 14oz
Feeling exhausted as I laboured through the night but should be going home later today. Totally different experience to my first and so very emotional.
Afternoon StephyLou, yup bit quiet today! We've just been out for our weekly food shop and bump seems to be waking up as per her normal active time. 1 day to go but still no real signs of her arrival other than being a bit achey. At midwife in the morning for 40 week appointment. I've been asking bump if she is going to come out to play tomorrow but she doesn't seem to be giving much away
Congrats maud
Ours finally came at 2.09am, with nowt but 2 codeine, a tens machine and a water pool - would have been perfect, but I had a massive haemorrhage and ended up in theatre for 2 hrs! Just about got enough strength now to start some serious bonding with our Lil yorkslass, Rowan
Massive congratulations on your little girl Yorkslass, so glad you managed to go to lgi and got your water birth. Sorry you had complications after and wish you a speedy recovery. What did she weigh? xx
We're not entirely sure, as things were just a bit crazy straight after the birth - need to see if there's a chart somewhere... I think somebody mentioned 7'11" but that might have been when I was half out cold!
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