***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Blueclass- thank God all is OK. That must have been so scary.
I have not been on lately over DD and I being sick. Is anybody really struggling with exhaustion? I'm going to bed early every night. And when I get up in the morning I'm exhausted again a couple of hours later and could sleep again.
It was so scary but I'm taking it easy from now on.
I really struggle in the mornings and then at lunch time. I am getting more tired as each day comes I think x
Hey ladies - Weekend again... phew...
Although unfortunately no rest! In concert again tonight, so 5 hours including set up and run through, will have to find time to eat something decent - but I think this is the last concert I have to do before the birth! Poor dog had some dental work yesterday so she's had my attention since last night - hand fed her poached cod for dinner and made her scrambled eggs this morning.

I'm rubbish at taking it easy tbh, and I hate to be given special treatment at work! My boss won't even let me crawl under a desk to plug in a USB drive lol
I think a lot of us ladies have a hard time giving into the fact that we should be better to ourselves in pregnancy :)

As for exhaustion, definitely YES ahaha.. I fall asleep on the sofa in the evening and my partner has to tell me to go to bed, but then I wake up at about 3 or 4am and can't do much else but doze or stroll about the house until I get ready for work. Could really do with an afternoon nap... will look forward to that when mat leave comes! I think I only have 7 weeks left to work now with a week's holiday in mid April.

Stay well, ladies ;) xx
Hey ladies, I have been reading but not finding the time to post. Had a week off work this week and I've enjoyed not going out at 7pm so much. Only downside is James has been poorly since Tuesday so not been anywhere or done anything since then except give loads of mummy cuddles and calpol.

We did have our 4d scan on Wednesday and baby was a little pickle. Kept burying his head in my placenta and hip lol He was weighing in at 2lbs 11oz at 29+6wks, which is below the 10th centile so been advised to mention to my mw, so been on a major panic this week that he isn't growing properly. In comparison Harry was 3lb 1oz at 29+4 and James 3lb 6oz at 30+1, so this one is quite a bit smaller which I guessed from my bump being so small.

I agree with the exhaustion very been going to bed by 9pm most nights and wake up around 3-5am and can't get back to sleep xx
I fell asleep while LO was napping this afternoon. OH just tuts at me if I tell him I'm tired and comments that he is too. I think he's forgotten that I pretty much slept the whole 3rd trimester last time when I wasn't at work so he's going to have to cut me some slack at some point!

I'm getting really worried about my sugar addiction this pregnancy. I'm not so bad at home but at work I just graze all day and am eating at least one bar of chocolate each work day! Everything I've read says that too much sugar can affect baby for life as it sets how their body processes sugar so I'm genuinely worried my second born is going to have weight issues when older dueto my greediness :-S Not a nice feeling. I'm already worried this one's going to be a chunk given the size of me. I'm jealous of your lovely little bump kanga; I look full term already, lol!! Must work on my tummy muscles after this one!
I get similar response from hubby regarding the tiredness too. It is so much harder doing pregnancy with other little ones to look after too.

Maud I'm jealous of the bigger bumps lol I feel like a fraud suffering so much as generally people don't think I'm pregnant, probably just think I'm fat!

I did a little 4d scan comparison of my boys today, can't wait to see if this little one will look like his brothers xx
Your little one looks really cute kanga!! I can't wait for mine in a week or 2.

So iv noticed my LO is generally not as active on weekends but today iv only felt her 9 times. Iv already been in twice with reduced movement and don't want to waste there time. I'm not sure what to do because she is less active on weekends. Therefore am I just being paranoid? I'm so convinced that something is going to go wrong x
Erm I'm not sure blueclass. They always say go and get checked when their movements are different for you, but surely she should be as active whatever the day is. As much as you feel it is wasting their time it really isn't, they are there to check baby is well. My friend has been in twice in the last week and had a scan done inbetwen and they are repeating the ctg and scan again on Tuesday so they do take it seriously. If it is enough to worry you then phone up for advice xx
Erm I'm not sure blueclass. They always say go and get checked when their movements are different for you, but surely she should be as active whatever the day is. As much as you feel it is wasting their time it really isn't, they are there to check baby is well. My friend has been in twice in the last week and had a scan done inbetwen and they are repeating the ctg and scan again on Tuesday so they do take it seriously. If it is enough to worry you then phone up for advice xx

The last two times iv been in is a weekend that's what is making me think twice. I also had a growth scan and she was ok. They traces her on Thursday when I fell over and she was ok then. Yesterday she didn't stop moving. I'm wondering could it be that I woke up late and not done much.
My OH thinks I'm mental and says I worry to much x
It is possible she is having a lazy day along with you, but never think you're worrying too much. We have a huge responsibility looking after these little ones and keeling them safe. I would definitely get checked tomorrow if she is still not moving much though xx
Yeah I will if she is the same tomorrow. Hope she starts to move soon or il be up all night worrying xx
I hope so too, I always get kicks when I lie on my belly out of protest for being squashed lol xx
Lol il try that. OH is going to buy me a full fat coke see if that helps and i'm currently laying on my side. I did have ago on the doppler she sounds ok. Maybe she is just moving at the back and therefore I can't feel her. I'm hoping there gets to a point where she is big enough that it doesn't matter what way she moves I can still feel it. I also think I'm so paranoid especially after the accident then falling on her. I know she a tough little cookie though so need to concentrate on that. I really want the pregnancy to go fast and have her in my arms.x
That's good she sounds good on the doppler. Hope the full fat coke works. My movements have been alot stronger in the last week or so, so hopefully you will find that when she gets bigger too. It's understandable to be worried when you've had so much happen already. They really are tough little ones but they will constantly cause you something it worry about unfortunately even once they are here, but at least you can see them xx
How are things this morning blueclass?

I had an awful night sleep and today I'm in so much pain. Lying on the sofa with a hot water bottle and taken some cocodamol. Feeling a bit sad that I have to go back to work tomorrow as enjoyed not being in this week. Only 2 weeks and 8 shifts to go though xx
Not long kanga keep focusing on that. Iv still got 9 weeks left at work. To be honest iv been so busy today we went to Canterbury today and only just got home. She moved a couple of times but again not really alot. As we only just got in I'm going to wait a couple of hours and see what happens. X
No not long at all. I am lucky I can finish up early although if I couldn't I would probably get signed off for pgp/sciatic pain.

Hope baby has a wiggle for you now you're back home. I don't feel much if I'm out and busy xx
Spent the day de-cluttering the house. Forgot how much storage we have once you remove all the junk you don't need.

Picked out a sleigh cot and changer from Toys R Us, only the look out for some grey and yellow baby bedding.
No not long at all. I am lucky I can finish up early although if I couldn't I would probably get signed off for pgp/sciatic pain.

Hope baby has a wiggle for you now you're back home. I don't feel much if I'm out and busy xx

Yes think I felt hiccups and now going to have a bath see if that helps it normally does. I have considered going sick a bit later on but it would need to say I'd hurt my back. If your signed of due to a pregnancy related illness your maternity would start then.
I work in a school so I'm working till Thursday then have two weeks of but I will be working one day for someone else. Then it's 7 weeks till I leave so I guess it's not to bad. However with this being my first I don't know how I will feel and when I leave il be 38 weeks. Not 100% il make it that far as walking has become a real pain. Feel I'm getting more and more immobile every day. Xx
That is good you get 2 weeks off Blueclass, although if you're like me you really won't want to go back after some time off lol they can't force start your maternity leave until 36 weeks if you are off sick. I know some ladies have been fine finishing up really late on, but I have suffered with pgp everytime and finished at 34, 33 and 32 weeks with holiday on the end xx

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