***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

The only bloke in the "fasting room" with his partner brought in two pasties and started eating them in front of half a dozen hungry pregnant women. What a knob!
The only bloke in the "fasting room" with his partner brought in two pasties and started eating them in front of half a dozen hungry pregnant women. What a knob!

That is a knob, why don't people just wait?
The only bloke in the "fasting room" with his partner brought in two pasties and started eating them in front of half a dozen hungry pregnant women. What a knob!
Oh my god! How inconsiderate... I'm going to pack a big goodie bag. So that I can munch as soon as it's done. It doesn't help that I HATE lucozade! It gives me the shakes. Horrible stuff.
At my hospital you just go to the normal blood taking room, they take a first lot of bloods, give you a cartoon of vile drink to down and then let you wander around the hospital for 2hrs before going back for another set of bloods.

I'm having a blah kind of morning, boys are being pretty good entertaining themselves and just done some colouring with them. But I am in quite a bit of pain so so far the morning has really dragged. Hubby is at work and our landlord is coming to fix the leaking bath so I can't even take the boys out anyway to run off some energy in the rare sunshine. Our garden is a danger zone too til the landlord sorts it out hopefully in a few weeks xx
Normal blood room here too. But they take bloods every hour for the 2 hours after you have the drink.
So sorry your in so much pain Kanga. It must really be taking place it's toll! :(
My cold is still not gone. I have chest congestion now. And just feel like crap in general. DD is a lot better today which is good as she was so miserable yesterday.
3rd trimester - woohoo! Officially moving over today folks... ^^
How's we all doing over here then?
Hate to say, when you're all complaining about it, but I don't need a GTT thing apparently! That's one pain in th'arse I can forego. Midwife checked my family history with utterly no diabetes at all to speak of, and said she wouldn't bother sending me for it.
Starting antenatal classes on Wednesday, should be interesting... no idea what to expect.
Hope the cold's easing Love87, and your landlord's on the case, Kanga!
;) xx
Tri 3 for me :)

Todays pregnancy symptom, rib pain since 11am this morning, honestly wondering if my expanding stomach has pushed one of them out. Going to wait until tomorrow afternoon but if it doesn't go away will get it checked out.
3rd trimester - woohoo! Officially moving over today folks... ^^
How's we all doing over here then?
Hate to say, when you're all complaining about it, but I don't need a GTT thing apparently! That's one pain in th'arse I can forego. Midwife checked my family history with utterly no diabetes at all to speak of, and said she wouldn't bother sending me for it.
Starting antenatal classes on Wednesday, should be interesting... no idea what to expect.
Hope the cold's easing Love87, and your landlord's on the case, Kanga!
;) xx

Wow your area starts your antenatal classes early, mines not till mid April! It's good you don't need the gtt thing I got mine tomorrow. X
I ordered my maggie howell cd today think I start that at 32 weeks will need to check. I also ordered babies mattress for her crib. Can't believe 88 days to go. And 11 more weeks at work. Can't wait to finish x
Yay! Today's the day I get to move over here, I can't believe how fast it's gone! Although I was awake a lot of the night worrying about my redundancy, it feels like a breath of fresh air to know I only have 5 more days of work then I can relax and concentrate on growing my baby and making a beautiful nursery for her. I've got 39 weeks if maternity to figure out the job situation. I guess everything happens for a reason.

Home straight now ladies!!!
Yay! Today's the day I get to move over here, I can't believe how fast it's gone! Although I was awake a lot of the night worrying about my redundancy, it feels like a breath of fresh air to know I only have 5 more days of work then I can relax and concentrate on growing my baby and making a beautiful nursery for her. I've got 39 weeks if maternity to figure out the job situation. I guess everything happens for a reason.

Home straight now ladies!!!

Glad your feeling more positive pip. It will be nice for you to have a break and concentrate on your baby. Part of me thinks I should leave a bit earlier as I'm working till 2 week before in a physical job. X
I felt really guilty that I wanted to start maternity early, everyone I know worked right up until the end. I felt like I was weak or being lazy. Thankfully the decision was taken out of my hands and I was made redundant yesterday. I think it's hard to balance what's right for us and how hard we should push ourselves. Do what feels right for you Hun x
I will, wprk have said if I want to leave early I can but it's the money it's rubbish. Most people at my work leave with between 6-8 weeks to go x
Hi, welcome over ladies:-)
Sorry to hear about your redundancy Pip. I'm a true believer that everything happens for a reason and one day you'll see that this was the best solution for you at this time. Who knows, maybe after mat leave you land a dream job and couldnt be happier:-) For now, enjoy mat leave and baby.

Anyone decided on a name yet? We're still discussing. Quite like Freya. And I like Phoebe but it's one she'd have to spell her whole life so I think that's a no. Unless we spell it Feebee but maybe that's just cruel lol! x
That's a lovely spelling. I havent seen that before. I keep changing my mind. We have to see her before we make our final decision I think;-)
A while after we got together we spoke about what we wanted in the future and we spoke about kids. My husband said from then if he had a girl he would like that name, I like it so I'm happy with that.

Just got home from having my GTT. How comes no one mentioned you can feel so ill with it? I kept heaving and was nearly sick in the waiting room, was so hot had to keep talking outside but then had to come back as I felt sick. I knew about the dizziness but wow I really didn't expect to feel so ill. Still feel ill now and iv got to go to work in half an hour. X
Hi ladies!

Been reading in the second trimester thread for a while and now catching up on everything in this one! Hope you are all doing well. I'll be moving over next Thurs! Team yellow and due 23/06/2016 :) xxx
A while after we got together we spoke about what we wanted in the future and we spoke about kids. My husband said from then if he had a girl he would like that name, I like it so I'm happy with that.

Just got home from having my GTT. How comes no one mentioned you can feel so ill with it? I kept heaving and was nearly sick in the waiting room, was so hot had to keep talking outside but then had to come back as I felt sick. I knew about the dizziness but wow I really didn't expect to feel so ill. Still feel ill now and iv got to go to work in half an hour. X
Oh my god it's awful! I had it yesterday. Thought I was going to pass out at one stage. Also was left with Heartburn for the rest of the day! It's a horrible procedure but a necessary one unfortunately. X

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