***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

We decided on Willow years a go, my tactful grandmother said "what if she turns out to be a little fatty, you can't call her that!" I'm not entirely sure what an appropriate name for a "little fatty" is!!!
Oh my god it's awful! I had it yesterday. Thought I was going to pass out at one stage. Also was left with Heartburn for the rest of the day! It's a horrible procedure but a necessary one unfortunately. X[/QUOTE]

Yes me to! I couldn't decided if I needed to be outside cooling down or inside with my head in the loo. I still feel rubbish now, I'm so so so tired feel like I'm having a massive come down x
We decided on Willow years a go, my tactful grandmother said "what if she turns out to be a little fatty, you can't call her that!" I'm not entirely sure what an appropriate name for a "little fatty" is!!!

Not Tess! lol.

I always remember hearing or reading the comment not to call a child Tess or something that can be shortened to Tess ("ten tonne Tess") :shock:

Funny though, I hadn't made the connection of Willow, to me it's just a pretty plant name.
A woman I know had a Willow about four years ago and the child is quite chubby!
I have had the day from hell! I'm just so emotional all day. My eyes are sore from crying. I feel so unprepared and feel I'm letting my baby down. How silly is that. Also DD was at the doctor's and has pneumonia in her left lung, which added to the guilt I was already feeling. So now I'm lying in bed with DD feeling sorry for myself and also sick with worry watching her sleep.
Needed to vent, I just feel useless today :(
My friends daughter is called willow and she is so cute and tiny. I like the name.

Sorry to read your feeling so low love87 but as I'm sure you know there's no need to feel guilty. Your doing all that you can and that's all you can do. Hope your LO gets better soon must be so hard seeing your children ill or in pain. Xx

Last night I had the worst pain of my life! For 5 minutes I was doubled over it started with back ache and within minutes it got worse and the pain came round to my stomach. It very nearly made me cry! I couldn't sit or stand or bend nothing seemed to help other than other half rubbing my back. Fter 5 mins it went but I was left with a dull back ache. Not sure if I should be worried? It didn't come back so guessing I'm ok but it was so scary I actually thought a second is this early labour or something it was so painful. I also said if I can't handle this how am I meant to handle labour and now im even more terrified than I was which I didn't think was possible x
Was it like an extremely bad stitch blueclass? If so I remember getting them in my first pregnancy and even my doctor was baffled! I put it down to baby sitting on a nerve. I remember not being able to straighten up by body I was doubled for around 5 minutes each time. Don't worry about labour hun, you will get through it. We all do. X
I guess we don't have a choice lol.

I went for dinner last night with my work and my Arnty works with us and came. Turns out when she got home she was ill as well cramps and needing the loo. Think it might be a touch of food poisoning. I'm still not great stomach feels a bit icky if that makes sense. I went to work lasted 1hr and now im home on the sofa feeling sorry for my self x
That could be it. Plenty of fluids and rest! X
I'm feeling much better today. Don't know what came over me yesterday. I never felt so down in my life. DD is picking up today after steroids and antibiotics. Her appetite is back and she is chatty and playing. Think it all just got on top of me! 29weeks today yippee! Just 11 to go!
Such hard work being so lovely and squiggly!



All babies have big noses, right? lol
Both me and my husband have fairly large noses, so I think it's a given she's going to be big in that area!
Aww that's so cute especially the one with her mouth open. Mine is not till a week and half away but I can't wait.
Wow that scan is cool! I'm so tempted to get one.

Feeling low and exhausted today. Haven't slept all week stressing about this redundancy. I really just want it all to be over, I'm worried I'm going to break down in the office and joy I'm working with the director all day. I can't stop crying I really don't want to face them today.
I'm joining you ladies in the 3rd trimester today :-)
Awww... how cute Kitty! Gorgeous babe...
Hang in there Pip - you're getting there and will have brighter days I'm sure. I sometimes feel like that more some days than others - tend to go off and cry in the bogs lol
Welcome to tri 3 Maud!
Cool pics kitty! So cute! Makes me realise there's an actual human being inside us all. Lol!
Sorry you're feeling down Pip:-( sending you hugs x
Welcome Maud!! Cant be many left yet to come over now?
28 weeks today I know I say it each week but it's going at a good pace, however I keep thinking it must alow down at some point. It must get to a point where you become so fed up and time drags??
I also have days where all I want to do is cry for no reason at all. The other day I cried because I left the heating on, how ridiculous is that!
Welcome Maud to the last tri!
I'm sorry your feeling rubbish pip but I think everything happens for a reason and soon your worrying will pass to enjoyment and relaxation.

After my fall yesterday I'm having a day of to relax and keep an eye on baby. I feel so much better but I want to keep an eye on her for longer and hoping work will understand. I have realised that I need to take things easy and I push and expect to much of myself. At work people offer to do things for.me and I say no its ok I can do it. Some people Find it hard to say no to things but I think I'm the opposite I'm so independent and into my work I want to do everything I can and be active. I need to sit back more and let those who offer to help help. I guess I keep forgetting I'm pregnant and maybe can't do as much.
Hope everyone is feeling good and hopefully we will all have a rest over the weekend. Make sure you all look after yourselves yesterday made me realise this don't copy me and think you can be superwoman. Xx
Thanks for the support guys, feeling much brighter today. Probably due to the fact I'm not working, also my grandma treating me to a trip to the hairdressers!

Sorry to hear you had a fall blueclass, that must have been very scary. Enjoy some rest, I know I'm going to!
Enjoy some relaxing time off ladies:-) I'm not sure if my nesting instinct kicked in (never had it with DS) but I cleaned all the windows on the inside this week. When I say cleaned I mean scrubbed! They were filthy from dust and plaster where the tradesmen dont give a sh*t and just make as much of a mess as they want :wall2:
Anyway, my point is i've felt exhausted afterwards and like you say Blueclass it's hard to remember to slow down because in our minds we are "only" pregnant - not ill. But defo time to slow down, I think.

With regards to time dragging, with DS I found that as soon as I hit 37 weeks I wanted him out!!! I wasnt sleeping well, I felt like a whale, I was exhausted, and just very excited to meet him. So that's when time dragged. Luckily he came at 39 weeks so I didnt have to wait too long and I'm hoping little Miss will be the same.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend! I'm off to the hairdressers tomorrow:dance:
Then tomorrow night is date night. And hoping to pop to the shops on Sunday to look at pushchairs. I'm pretty certain we'll get the Bugaboo Bee3 but need to test it again;-)
Glad to hear everything's ok blueclass x

I wish I could take things easy at the moment but with work manic and a toddler to care for I think I'm busier and more active than ever! Saying that OH has told me he's going run me a bath after dinner so that'll be nice :-)
My bathroom is going to be finished in two weeks which means we can start on the baby room!!

9 weeks left of work, 13 weeks to baby - whoop whoop get on board the countdown train.

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