Happy belated b'day Yorkslass! Hope you were spoilt

Good luck with the scan today Kanga. A tad jealous you get to see the bubs again
I see April babies are popping out which means not long until May babies, then us!!!
I almost died of excitement yesterday when the changing bag and pram arrived

Hoping to get to Mothercare this afternoon to pick up a load of essentials like breast pads, maternity pads, disposable pants etc etc. Hospital bag should arrive Friday and then we're pretty much set.
I wasnt going to sort it all out until later this month but suddenly had a panic moment that she might come early.
I'm finding the hospital bag a bit of a challenge. I've heard 2nd timers only stay in maximum 1 night if it's a straightforward birth but what if I end up with C-sec? My SIL just had a baby and ended up staying 1 week due to an infection. So, I think I'll pack the same as I did last time which was faaar too much. lol! I bought a large duffle bag with wheels so everything should fit in there... Plus I'll bring changing bag... Plus my large handbag... lol!
Hope everyone is well and enjoying your bumps
