***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

I think the m&s boob woman mentioned to be measured for nursing bra at about 35/6 weeks, as that's when they'll be pretty much at their breastfeeding size... I was going to do it then, as I'm still comfy in mine! My nipples been fine though - just very erect, but not painful! I'm sure the pain is probably just part of this weird process ;-)
Happy Birthday yorkslass! :yay: hope you have a great day!
Had our growth scan today and all is well. She is defiantly a girl and a little livewire. She didn't stop moving for a second. She is weighing 4lb 12oz!!!! I'm now terrified she is going to be huge even though the lady doing the scan said she is only a little above average. Main thing is she is healthy and all is good. X
Happy birthday yorkslass

Apparently I'm anaemic. Not sure how given I take pregnancy vitamins which contain all the iron I'm meant to need but I'm being prescribed iron tablets to take as well.
Happy birthday yorkslass

Apparently I'm anaemic. Not sure how given I take pregnancy vitamins which contain all the iron I'm meant to need but I'm being prescribed iron tablets to take as well.

Me to but the iron tablets make me feel terrible so I'm not taking them. I'm eating alot more red meat and green leafs.x

Glad your scan went well love87. How many weeks are you? I had a scan last wed and at 29+5 she weighted in at 3.1lb. I'm hoping she no bigger than 7 lol x
We're vegetarian so won't be eating any meat, but we eat a pretty varied and I thought largely balanced diet. However a quick bit of research has informed me that eating too much chocolate hinders absorption of iron so it may be that my chocolate addiction this pregnancy is to blame rather than my diet!
I never knew that but I don't eat alot of chocolate x
I'm going to try to stop and to eat more vitamin c rich foods after meals instead as they help boost your intake.
Cows milk and tannin stops iron absorption.

Kale, broccoli, cauliflower & red lentils, tahini & beans are good sources of iron, oh and dried apricots. And yes eat iron rich foods with vit c (most fruit or veg).
Glad your scan went well Love87, 4lb 12oz sounds like a good weight.

Hope you had a good birthday yesterday Yorkslass.

Hope the iron tablets help you with your anaemia Maud, I didn't know chocolate inhibited iron absorption.

We have our growth scan this morning and I am exhausted. Tried to not take any tramadol at bed last night and ended up tossing and turning in pain til 3am and I have in a took some. Hubby got me up at 8am with a cup of tea in bed :) leaving the house in about 20 mins for the scan xx
Good luck with scan Kanga. Can't wait for update! X
Happy belated b'day Yorkslass! Hope you were spoilt;-)
Good luck with the scan today Kanga. A tad jealous you get to see the bubs again;-)

I see April babies are popping out which means not long until May babies, then us!!!
I almost died of excitement yesterday when the changing bag and pram arrived :yay:
Hoping to get to Mothercare this afternoon to pick up a load of essentials like breast pads, maternity pads, disposable pants etc etc. Hospital bag should arrive Friday and then we're pretty much set.
I wasnt going to sort it all out until later this month but suddenly had a panic moment that she might come early.

I'm finding the hospital bag a bit of a challenge. I've heard 2nd timers only stay in maximum 1 night if it's a straightforward birth but what if I end up with C-sec? My SIL just had a baby and ended up staying 1 week due to an infection. So, I think I'll pack the same as I did last time which was faaar too much. lol! I bought a large duffle bag with wheels so everything should fit in there... Plus I'll bring changing bag... Plus my large handbag... lol!
Hope everyone is well and enjoying your bumps:-) xx
Just in waiting room. Measurements were coming out at 30+3 or 31+4 and weighing 3lb 8oz. I'm 32+6 today so a little bit behind. Not sure if the sonographer is talking to someone about the results xx
Got my whooping cough jab later today. I'm a little nervous, I believe it makes you feel pretty rubbish afterwards for a while?
Got my whooping cough jab later today. I'm a little nervous, I believe it makes you feel pretty rubbish afterwards for a while?

I heard others say they was ill. I think I just had a really sore arm for a few days then a bit sniffy. I don't think I was too bad.
Got my whooping cough jab later today. I'm a little nervous, I believe it makes you feel pretty rubbish afterwards for a while?
I had it last Friday and no side effects except a sore arm. X
Hi girls il be 31 weeks on fri but since yesterday iv had what I can only describe as period pains. Lower stomach ache kinda like a ache and goes round to my back. As this is my first not really sure what's normal ect. Can anyone else relate to this? Would be grateful for any advice.
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Sorry thread jumping!

I didnt feel unwell after my WC jab. But both pregnancies ive suffered with an awful sore swollen arm for 3-5days afterwards.
The area where i had it was like a big red circle, it was hot and hard to touch.
Couldnt sleep on that sode until it went.
Otherwise it was fine!
May never even got the sore arm though so u may me lucky n avoid it x

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