***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

I get them every day, maybe one or two. Back pain is horrible and it makes it so much worse when you cannot take good pain relief. Never heard of a link between BH and going over, I had lots my first pregnancy and went 4 days over, I'm praying this LO comes early!

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I get occasional braxton hicks but they're barely noticeable and I only know what they are because it's my second. I started getting them much more noticeably in the last week's last time. I remember getting a big one in the supermarket queue once and my OH thought it was hilarious as I couldn't stand still.

I've had a headache since yesterday afternoon and woke up with it again today and combined with a nasty cold have decided to take the day off sick. Usually I don't take time off sick unless I'm bedridden so I feel a bit guilty, but I'm reminding myself that I need to look after myself and a day to myself to just relax without work stress or toddler entertainment and to catch up on sleep will hopefully get me back to normal. I miss being able to take ibuprofen for headaches!
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Urgh, turns out I have gestational diabetes:-( it all started when I was getting horrendous dizzy spells to the point of almost passing out. My mw decided to do a 14 day blood sugar test where I had to test my bloods 4 times a day. Turns out 3 out of 4 readings per day are normal but the one after breakfast is too high most days. I saw a Dietician on Friday who said even if I have just 1 high reading it means I have gestational diabetes. I am very puzzled by this as the "criteria" for having it are overweight, diabetes running in the family, previous large baby, or from an Asian/African background. I have/am none of the above so it seems I've just got it randomly. So, I now need to watch my diet and keep testing 4 times a day until the end of pregnancy... such a faff! I'm not 100% convinced she's right though. When I cut out orange juice with my breakfast my readings were normal... And my urine and bloods at the mw's have always been normal. Might ask to see a diabetes specialist as opposed to a Dietician and see what they say.
Anyway, hope everyone is well? xx
I don't get many BH but had loads with my 1st pregnancy and was still 11 days late!

Maud have a nice relaxing day, headaches are horrible when they last for ages. I use forehead or cool n soothe strips to ease mine.

Babymaker, I don't believe that just one high reading equals gestational diabetes. Surely they should do a glucose tolerance test to be sure? I would definitely ask to be seen by a diabetic nurse to double check.

I'm back at the hospital tomorrow to check placenta function and fluid levels. Wish they were going to measure baby again too so I knew if he was still growing but they won't do that til next week! It is looking more likely that baby will come early at some point though :( xx

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Yeah i asked about the glucose toleramce test and she said no need as im doing the finger prick tests. Today i had a phone call from hosp confirming an appt on Fri i knew nothing about. Turns out this dietician i saw was meant to give me the appt letter but instead discharged me..... The receptionist apologised and said no way would i be discharged as they now need to keep an eye on me until the end of pregnancy. So incompetent of the dietician! So im seeing a diabetic nurse on Fri and will question my results then.
Oh kanga, how frustrating they're not measuring:-( surely thats not too much to ask?! When will you know whether you can have a HB? When you say he'll come early do you mean induced early? Good luck tomorrow. Let us know what they say xx
That's no good that the dietician didn't tell you about an appt but discharged you. Least you know you will get answers on Friday.

Apparently it's not accurate enough after just one week but I just really want to know how he is as I have been so anxious about it. I have a mw coming to my house on Thursday but to be honest I don't see a homebirth happening unless he suddenly starts shooting up in weight. Yeah I have a feeling they will want to induce me, especially if he slows down or stops growing. As it will be better from him out than in. Most stories I've read online say that baby is usually induce by 37 weeks, 39 is the latest I've seen. But this all depends on how each scan goes and if I get any reduced movements.

Bump is so much smaller this time xx
Must be a worrying time for you kanga. Hope all goes well today and try to stay positive.
Baby maker, it's not great the dietitian made that mistake but I would definitely question it if you noticed the orange juice made a difference. With any luck they will test you again.

Since my car accident iv had terrible terrible back ache, most I can walk is 5 mins and even then it kills me. I can't go out with my class any longer at school and even sitting or standing for a period of time starts it of. Iv been receiving physio but it's a sports massage. It gets all the tightness put but it hurts when she does it, almost made cry before and iv been bruised. Anyway it helps for that day then the next I'm back to normal plus in pain from rhe massage so wondering if it's worth it? It's alot of pain for one day release if that makes sense. I'm currently having around 3 baths a day to help manage the back pain along with paracetamol and hot water bottles. I was hoping to work up to 38 weeks but I'm useless at work as can't do anything and worried they will make take may leave before. They have already stopped one of my over times as I can't manage. It was only a small accident but it's really screwed me up and being pregnant they said will and has made it worse. I even ended up in hospital on Friday as the pain was so bad and I was getting cramps. I'm still not sleeping because of it, not meant to be up till 7 instead 3.30 I got up.
Really don't know what I can do...
Sorry for the moan first thing just needed to vent.
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That sounds rubbish Blueclass:-( Can they not give you stronger painkillers?

I swear us women go through hell for our children! If men were to carry the baby for 9 months the population would be extinct! lol! Keep going ladies, you're all supermums already:-) not long to go xx
Blueclass that sounds awful :( It is horrible when you can't sleep because of pain. I agree can you not get prescribed something a bit stronger to help with the pain?

So I had the scan done by a trainee and a medical student as well as the consultant, so they did all the growth measurements again as well as fluid levels, placenta and brain blood flow. He is measuring up small still at 4lb 1oz and still below the 10th centile but his tummy measurement is no longer on the 3rd centile, it's gone up to about the 10th. So the consultant is happy to see us again in 3 weeks time at 37 weeks! I'm glad they think he is doing good that we don't need the monitoring but nervous as well. So just got to wait and see what happens over the next few weeks really.

I have another consultant appt tomorrow which was booked up after my stay in hospital and a mw coming to the house on Thursday to discuss homebirth plans, but who knows what's going on with that at the mo. But should be interesting enough to hear her opinion on everything. Consultant today did mention induction and how I can't have the pessary or gel due to my previous section, but not sure if that means he thinks I will be induced or not, I was a bit shocked that he didn't want to see me for 3 weeks to ask. Plus he had a strong accent which made him hard to understand. xx

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Sorry I've been a bit absent ladies, I've also been diagnosed as gestational diabetic as a result of increased fluid and 4+ glucose in my ironed every appt!! Although two GTTs were normal, my blood sugar readings were not but I'm managing to control in by diet for now. However last night baby gave us another shock and my tightenings were really regular and painful and I had an episode of fresh bleeding so I've been In hospital since having steroids, things seemed to have calmed down now but what an emotional roller coaster! This pregnancy had been so different & difficult compared to my last. Looks like they may induce me early because of high fluid so I may well be a May mummy! Sorry to hear some of you are also having a more complicated time, although I am glad I'm not alone!! Xx
Great new kanga! Really hope you get the hb you've wanted:-)
CCbunny, wow that sounds scary! Glad they're on the case though to slow things down. When will you know if they're inducing you early? Are you all set for bubba's arrival?
Well I'm home and scared to move invade I have more bleeding. Back to hospital today for growth scan and fluid check. They won't discuss induction until 36 week scan and consultant appt, but they have scared me so much about this fluid breaking naturally that I think I'd prefer to be induced bit earlier than due date now but we'll see. Luckily I washed all babies clothes and lacked bags at the weekend as my two year old was stuck indoors with tonsillitis, so yes I'm all done just have her blind to put up in her bedroom x
Hope everything will be ok cc bunny. It's good there keeping an eye on you. It sounds really scary. Seems a few of us are having a difficult time. I start my antenatal classes today which is exciting hoping il meet some nice mummies to be. I am in the bath at the min easing my back so I can move or il be stiff. Was thinking if this gets as bad as I think il ask for an induction I can't go on having 3 hot baths a day and 8 paracetamol plus not being able to walk. X
Oh no CCbunny. Sorry your having a tough time too. I think I would freak out completely if I started having tightenings. It is good they are keeping an eye on you with the high fluid. Good luck with your growth scan today. I'm hoping I'm not going to need to be induced but if it is the best for baby then I will. My next appt isn't til I'm 37 weeks though so if they decide to induce then at least he is classed as full term.

Blueclass I hope your pain eases up soon, it is awful be in in pain constantly. Mine thankfully is at a managable level at the mo, but only if I sit and do next to nothing all day! I hoovered and mopped my downstairs the other day and I'm still struggling with the pain. Hope you enjoy your antenatal class today.

I'm sat at another consultant appt, so going to try and make sure I ask all my questions today as I'm still anxious over everything. Baby is having a right jig at the mo though which feels odd xx
Consultant today thinks that if baby is still measuring small I will be offered induction after my next scan! So baby could be here in as little as 3 weeks! Must get more organised than I am lol I will still see what the supervisor mw suggests tomorrow as to whether a homebirth plan is possible or whether to go with the consultants advice. Just going to get organised enough as if I will be induced and then anything else is a bonus xx
Eeek Kanga 3 weeks?? It's so surreal we are talking about our babies coming soon. Part of me thinks it's dragged but another part thinks it's flown by! What date is your next scan?
Enjoy your antenatal classes Blueclass:-) I'm not doing them this time but found them brilliant last time. I'm still friends with 2 of the ladies and our boys are 4.5yrs now.
My SIL had her baby recently and i'm loving the baby cuddles! It's made me sooo broody which is good;-) I was worried it would freak me out but it's the total opposite. Every time I hold him Little Miss kicks him lol! Cousin rivalry already lol xx
I know Babymaker it is scary to think he could be here so soon, I feel so disorganised lol Everything in still in the loft and it will all need washing and because I wasn't planning it is haven't even started to pack a bag for either of us. Got bits together but I need to make sure it's all done. My friend had a scan and trace done at 37 weeks due to baby measuring small and she was told we are inducing you today! She had to rush home to grab her bags and go back!

Although I'm hoping that doesn't happen as hubby will be away on a course 4 hrs away on the day of my scan. Hoping I get a few days warning! My next scan is Thursday 5th May xx
Just poking my head in while in Prague :-) hope everyone's generally ok lately, half reading a little while having a rest! Been destroying myself walking for miles over the cobbled streets, but sod it, can recover some other time lol (tough northerner syndrome haha)
Been having some terrible bouts of heartburn though, which I've never really had before, so managed to find some rennies at a pharmacy - the instructions are in Czech however! Anybody know if you just take them as and when? Chew em or suck em? Do you have to have em with food or not? They are safe in pregnancy, no? O.o
They are safe and I think you just chew them. That's what I was told, they made me sick tho. Love hearts the sweets worked for me.
Kanga if they did say that could you not ask if they could do it the next day and explain you really need your husband there to support you?
Antenatal was ok just talked about normal labour. I thought we did all that breathing stuff but we didn't. 3 weeks is mental, I'm pretty organised but that would panick me lol. I washed a few more bits this morning for her and they look so odd next to our clothes. X
Hi girls! Just popped in to say hello. Cant believe how close you are all getting! Have any of the 'June' babies come early already? I'm pregnant again and excited to be a december mum this time.

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