***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Oh Kanga, hope you are OK.
Had anti natal check today and although all is OK there is now a trace of blood in my urine. Don't know what's going on with my water works. Sent the sample to the lab and have to ring on Monday. There is always something going on with my urine.
I'm still in a lot of pain, was finally given tramadol an hour ago and it has really helped, much better than the cocodamol. Although just spent 40mins on ctg machine and had to sit up which is agony, lying back on my side now so feeling less pain. Still waiting to hear what is going to happen and bored of the waiting around.

Hope your test comes back ok love87. Ketones can be for not eating too, I had ketones yesterday as I hadn't eaten before coming into hospital xx
It's good that they gave you something stronger to help with the pain. You are really suffering aren't you? Hopefully now they can give you something on a regular basis to help you manage the pain better. On the bright side not long left now :)

I has keytones in early pregnancy due to sickness, then it was leukocytes, now it's blood. I'm not getting a break at all. :(
It is ridiculous. I have actually hated my stay here as they haven't actually been that nice really!

This was a post I did on a fb mummy group at 1am last night. "Feeling so pissed off and let down by the hospital. Pressed the buzzer at 9pm due to pain going sky high again, got given diazepam and I waited another hr in agony crying to myself before pressing the buzzer at 10pm. Got given cocodamol and left again crying and in pain. Again pressed the buzzer at 11pm and was told the doctor was doing a hand over, pressed the buzzer again by 11:30pm as my foot and leg were on fire and I was crying out. Someone came turned buzzer off and said doctor still busy and left me again crying my eyes out. Still haven't been seen by anyone and given up pressing the buzzer as they obviously don't want to help. Just rolling around crying to myself instead :( just want the pain to end and be able to sleep :("

Doctor finally came at 2:30am to give me tramadol and I finally managed some sleep. I was asking for tramadol from 8am and didn't get it til 1pm, they kept saying deal with it and gave me cocodamol even though it does nothing for the pain.

Doctor was useless this morning said I can have cocodamol and a physio referral and that's it, amongst other rude this about having a 4d scan and wanting a homebirth.

So really not sure what is going to happen as only tramadol is helping although it has made me really sleepy the last few hours. Plus I can't walk, stand or sit even drugged up xx
That's awful! How can they just leave someone writhing around in pain like that? Can you put in a complaint? What about a drip? Could they not put you on something like that so you have a consistent form of pain relief. It sounds horrific Kanga. Really hope you are OK. X
I know i couldn't believe that two different mw just walked out when seeing me in so much pain, obviously they weren't the caring type at all. They wanted to give me morphine, which obviously can be done via a drip but I'm allergic to it. Thankfully they have been alot better with keeping up with regular pain meds today so doing ok. Still in pain and can't do anything for myself. Here for another night and so far the night staff have been good, had some tramadol already and gaviscon for my heartburn so fingers crossed I have a settled ish night xx
Sorry you're so miserable kanga. It's horrid being in pain and unacceptable they were so rude and uncaring :-(

Iv never had the same mw, does anyone else? I thought we had one throughout the pregnancy.

I get the same midwife unless she's on holiday, but after birth it's whoever is doing the postnatal clinics. I never saw my midwife after Isabelle was born (although I did bump into her in the community hospital and she gave me a hug and a well done).
Sorry to read your feeling so rubbish kanga. I'm glad your getting some pain relief though maybe a few heat patches or hot water bottle might help as well? Also I'm sure you would rather be at home but at least in hospital you can actually relax. Where as being at home you would probably be trying to do things and end up in more pain and you get a break from your parents in - law.
My nan had recently been in hospital and on the first ward the staff was very rude, uncaring and it was not very clean. She complained and was moved to a different ward and said it was lovely and the nurses was great. So if they are not good tomorrow maybe complain and say it's not on.

I have seen one mw twice throughout so far. Which I don't really like as I'd like to feel I have built some form of relationship.

Feel better soon kanga x
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Sorry to hear about your pain kanga:-(
The doctors sound rubbish! Like blueclass said, you're in the right place by staying in hosp - just a shame the staff are so rude and unhelpful. Hope you feel better soon xx
Kanga hope are you feeling today? Hope you slept better than before, have the staff been any better today? If not I would definitely put a complaint in as it's not on to leave someone in so much pain.
I actually slept ok the last two night but think that's because iv not slept in so long. I still have back ache tho from my physio appointment on Thursday. They basically give me a sports massage which is so painful she actually made me cry 3 times and my back is still bruised. Waking up this morning my back was agony, could barley move.
Hey ladies, well I am back home now after being discharged at lunchtime. I had an awful night again and didn't get any real sleep til I got some tramadol at 6:30am and that was only for an hour due to breakfast and obs being taken etc. Got tramadol to take for 10 days at half the hospital dose so hoping it's enough to keep me comfortable. Also have to phone up on Thursday to follow up the physio referral so hopefully I will get an appointment soon after. Then should have a growth scan on Monday or Tuesday to check baby's size. Feeling a bit happier at home and managed some more sleep this afternoon and have a hot water bottle on my leg which is helping ease the crampy pain a little bit. Hubby is also running around for me and the boys and is going to take time off work if I need him too.

Blueclass that sounds painful about the massage but I know in the past a sports massage cured my sciatica so fingers crossed in a few more days you will actually be feeling much better too xx
Glad your home and hubby is looking after you, sounds like you deserve it. As the day has gone on I'm feeling better than I did. I felt good after the massage but then the pain hit that night.
Iv just arranged my baby shower. Well I called it that but really all I want is for everyone to come over have some food and drinks. Mainly coz I don't get out much. It ill be when I'm 36 weeks so hoping I'm still mobile and able to enjoy having people over. Was really excited about it but just received a txt saying the men are going to go to the pub and wet another babies head that was born in Jan. I didn't mind to begin with as lads will not be coming but then I thought why do they always turn things around to be about them? The girls will be here but I thought the guys would go for lunch and chat now it's about a different baby when i feel it should be about us. Do I sound like I'm being silly, maybe it's hormones? I just don't want it to be about the baby that was born in Jan especially when it's at my house and i'm cooking and getting drinks and organising games ect x
Sounds like you will have a lovely time at your 'baby shower' and having your friends round. I would feel a bit out out that they are wetting another baby's head born ages ago but they probably won't talk much about babies anyway and I'm sure your baby will be talked about if they do talk babies

I'm still in a lot of pain but managed to stay up in bed last night. I have added 2 quilts under my sheet to make the bed softer and had taken tramadol before going to bed and half way through the night.

Hubby is going to be off work for a least 3 days to help with the boys and take me to some appointments. MW tomorrow, scan Wednesday and cats to the vets on Wednesday too so that's one less thing for me to worry about.
Blueclass, sod the lads, just have a blast with the lasses! I'm sure you'll have a great time in the end and they'll love a good chat about your babe!
Kanga, glad things are looking up a bit now with things getting sorted, sorry you've had so much pain - hang on in there! Are you done with work now at least?
I've been suddenly organised and sorted out a load of stuff, car related, dog related, opticians, dentist... have spent my piano student's gift card and had a load of random stuff delivered the other day!
Got mw on Wednesday and ante natal class, then next week I'm off work for a week and we go to the theatre and to Prague for two nights... can't wait! It's also my birthday tomorrow, which I'd almost forgotten about before my partner cooked us a nice meal yesterday and said that was why lol
On a completely different and tmi note - I have a lot of creamy discharge going on at the moment, which is irritating my skin a little - is this normal, or should I worry? Occurred to me it could be thrush, but it kinda doesn't feel like it is...
X ;-)
Glad ur feeling better kanga! Blue class I wouldn't worry, don't think men really talk abt babies, it's just an excuse to get drunk lol!
I've had a mad few days, was the dh brothers registry wedding last week up north, this weekend it was my Bfs mums 60th in London, so spent the weekend with girls and this coming weekend it's dhs brother Indian wedding...and my nieces 5th birthday, all up north...just the thought of it is tiring!!
And in between all this I'm trying to mange the house building works, the boys and half term and make 5 pairs of curtains...currently the curtains are losing out lol!!
On an exciting plus side, we had our 4d scan last week, and she's the spitting image of my youngest ds, whose 10 soon, but I can't say that aloud as don't want to upset ds1!!
Blueclass - don't worry about what the boys are doing. Concentrate on having a nice girly time and enjoy it.
Kanga- glad you are getting some relief. You are really getting your fair share of pain.
Kuku - wow that's a packed schedule.
Yorkslass- is it itchy? That can be a tell tale sign of thrush.

I have growth scan tomorrow morning. Cannot wait to see little miss again (hope she is still a little miss and not a mister).
I am getting really uncomfortable now. I can't get comfy no matter what position I'm in. I feel huge! 8 weeks to go, surely I cannot grow anymore.
Wow Yorkslass sounds like you have been getting organised, enjoy your birthday tomorrow and week off and time in Prague.

Kuku that does sound like a hectic couple of weeks for you. I can't think of anything worse than being in a car at the mo. Glad you had a good scan and I think all my boys look alike on the 4d scan pics.

Have fun at your growth scan tomorrow love87, I'm having one on Wednesday. I don't feel too uncomfortable from baby just the pelvis and sciatic pain.

Stupidly did a few jobs this lunchtime and had a shower and been in agony since :( Hubby really isn't helping much and mainly driving me mad. I fell asleep after taking my tramadol and I woke up to the boys causing havoc and hubby asleep on the other sofa!! He seems to think cos he is home he gets to do what he wants and leave the boys to it and then gets frustrated at them when they play up. I tell him the are bored and want to get out or do something and yet he still sits on his phone or the computer! xx
Kuku, glad you enjoyed the 4D scan - good luck with all the travelling, nice to see family though ;)
Hope your growth scan goes well love87 :)
And... it doesn't itch so much, which is why I thought it wasn't thrush... o.o... might question mw!
Aww... partner brought me pancakes in bed this morning for my birthday - I never had breakfast in bed before! Led to the realisation that it's a little awkward to eat a meal in bed, especially when half tangled in a pregnancy pillow!
Happy birthday, hope you have a great day! I love pancakes Mmm guess what il be having later haha.
Does anyone else have really sore nippels. They are so painful even of I brush an item of clothing against them it hurts.
Also when do you buy a nursing bra? I'm still wearing my word ones, mw said as long as it don't dig in its fine. I am going to a baby show on 16th so was thinking I could buy some bras there. X

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