***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Hi girls il be 31 weeks on fri but since yesterday iv had what I can only describe as period pains. Lower stomach ache kinda like a ache and goes round to my back. As this is my first not really sure what's normal ect. Can anyone else relate to this? Would be grateful for any advice.

I've been having period aches for the last week, I'm really not sure what they mean xx
It's making me really grumpy.
I had my hair done today and the woman got bleach on top. It's not a proper nice one but it's one of my mat tops and I refuse to buy more with only 9 weeks to go. I feel to call up and have a right go. I'm so moody atm. This period pain and i'm uncomfortable. Arg feel like I could cry, everything is pissin me of.
Got my whooping cough jab later today. I'm a little nervous, I believe it makes you feel pretty rubbish afterwards for a while?

I had a little bit of a headache and an achy arm for a few days. Nothing serious x
Had a bloody sore arm after that too! No other ill effects except an evening's inexplicable crying - which may or may not have been the jab (one of the side effects I noticed in the leaflet from the nurse a week later listed uncontrollable crying lol)
I've booked my Whooping cough vaccine for 2 weeks time. Going to speak to the nurse as well about what would be the best type of contraceptive to go on after the baby is here. I want something long lasting, but didst get on well with the pill or implant and have heard horror stories about the coil. Wish they made contraception for men haha
Man, has such bad cramp in my calf muscle while in bed Tuesday night, it felt like I'd snapped my leg off! Inexplicably it still hurts now... anybody else had a cramp affect them so long? With that and the spd, I'm walking like some old lady half doing an impression of herr flick off allo allo!
I have my whooping cough jab next week.

Yorkslass I felt like my leg was cramping the whole time I was in hospital and a few days after. Thankfully it's not so bad now but still a bit sore a week later.

Can't keep up with all the appointments! On top of these 4, I have another 3 - a scan around 19th Apr, MW 26th Apr and need to book a physio appt tomorrow when they open! xx
Man, has such bad cramp in my calf muscle while in bed Tuesday night, it felt like I'd snapped my leg off! Inexplicably it still hurts now... anybody else had a cramp affect them so long? With that and the spd, I'm walking like some old lady half doing an impression of herr flick off allo allo!
Even when not pregnant, if I get a cramp, which is very rare, it can last for days! Really sore like there is a knot in the muscle for days. X
Wow Kanga that's a lot of appointments. I have an anti-natal Monday morning at the hospital and then with midwife 2 weeks later. And I even feel that is too much to fit in haha.
The 2 scans are because he is measuring small and they are worried, the consultant appt is because I was in hospital and the SOM visit is to plan a homebirth which I'm not sure will happen now! I was hoping for a nice straight forward pregnancy like my others but doesn't look like it will be :( They may even add twice weekly ctg's too! xx

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Kanga hope baby is ok, maybe his just going to be a small baby and hopefully you will still be able to have a home birth.

So I mentioned I had back ache and cramps well this is my 4th day of it. Iv not slept at all needed the loo every 5 mins and kept the OH up. I looked at my stomach today and the stretch marks have got worse so I'm guessing it's all to do with me and baby getting bigger. I know this may sound selfish but I'm hating it. Every time I look at my belly I'm disgusted with it and think I'm only 31 weeks today how bad will it look in 9 weeks!! I really wanted to go and have a pregnancy massage but I can't face getting it our in front of someone. I should be embracing my bump instead I'm trying to hide it. I know they will fade but there always going to be there. That and constant back ache is making me so miserable.
Stretch marks do fade quite a bit afterwards, but they're nothing to be ashamed of - badge of motherhood! I certainly wouldn't let them put you off getting a massage. I couldn't be bothered shaving my legs during my last pregnancy and totally forgot their forest state when arranging a massage. Lady didn't bat an eyelid and when I apologised told me they weren't even very hairy so I guess they see all things ;-)
Lol well I guess I care more than others. Also think I'm just struggling with the change that's happening. X
That's fair enough. We go through an awful lot to have our babies! It is all worth it in the end though x
I meant I care more than those who see me. I'm sure I'd I book the pregnancy massage whoever does it won't even look at them. It's just me being paranoid.
Well I've had an interesting week, turns out my 57 year old mother despite working in a school, nursing home and university her entire adult life as well as having two kids who've had it has somehow contracted chicken pox, not shingles but actual chicken pox. Bless her she's been in bed for a week.

Even though I've had it my GP wants me to come in for a check up as I've been around her in the incubation period. Got my whooping cough vaccination at the same time seeing as my useless midwife doesn't think to even mention it.
Hopefully you will be fine as you have already had it. It was going around school but doctor was not worried about me. Hope your mum feels better soon.

Well iv been up since 2.50 am again. Is it really that much to ask, just a good night's sleep. Hubby got up at 4 to go to work so I got up and made him a bacon sandwich as couldn't sleep. I go back to work on Monday for 7 weeks and was hoping I'd sleep ok tonight and tomorrow so I'd be fresh for monday. Instead il be shattered.
I had an old friend over yesterday and she gave me so many baby clothes and mat wear which I'm really happy about. The clothes was 0-3 and is what I needed so that's saved me loads. I still can't believe it's 9 weeks till due date, time has blown by. Seems only last week we was discussing early pregnancy symptoms. Really can't wait to meet my little girl roll on 9 weeks x
I keep having recurring dreams about failing my GCSE's and missing tests. I had an English teacher who scare the bejeesus out of me so anytime I'm stressed I end up back in her class while I sleep.
I cannot get comfy at all now. My posture has never been great but this is ridiculous. Now even sitting down gives me upper back pain and breathlessness! I'm also sort of wheezy. And don't even get me started on these Braxton Hicks contractions. They are getting so tight and lasting longer. Getting fed up now. 7 weeks feels like a lifetime. I want my body back!!

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Iv not had any braxton hicks. I had it once at about 18 weeks not had it since. I have however had terrible stretching pains and my back constantly hurts no matter what. Had to take two paracetamol today and have a hot water bottle. I am pretty uncomfortable and dreading 7 weeks at work. I hope the fact I'm not getting brackton hicks means I won't go over.

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