***June/July mummies to be!***

I reckon so... Baby is still trying to break out of my tummy with its bottom! Painful!

How was the ice cream?

Yes, wish I could be munching on all kinds of sweet treats but it'll be worth it to have a healthy baby. Hubby is under strict orders to bring me a huge pic n mix in hospital! :)
Mines calmed right down again now-clearly the sugar hit is over....

The ice cream was good-they had magnums on offer in Tesco and I couldn't decide which of the 4 flavours to go for so bought a box of each!!!!!! Oh dear me....

Now pic and mix is a bloody great idea! Better than tea and toast any day! X
Exactly! Although after not having white bread through pregnancy it was the best thing ever last time... I must have had 10 slices after I had delivered my little girl :)
Hair done
Pedicure done

Still a million practical things to do, but at least I have nice hair and feet!

Pregnancy insomnia has returned with a vengeance-so tired......
Oh that sounds lovely, I bet it was nice to have a bit of a pamper?
Ha! Well it was, but actually really uncomfortable sitting around for so long!

Getting lots of backache tonight and just blown up the birthing ball to try and get everything soft and supple.
Get bouncing! :)

I'm just relaxing in bed and needed to get something from hubby's bedside table so thought rather than get out of bed and walk round I would just roll over... Totally beached! I tried to roll one way whilst my tummy refused to move! Gave up in the end...
Well this is the most pregnant I have been, I am 37+3 today. Baby is so so low, feels like everytime I stand up baby is going to fall out!
Well let's hope it comes soon for you. I've been surprisingly 'comfortable' today-don't think this baby will come before I get induced, I feel far too 'good'!
Oh and I had a magnum today! A double raspberry something or other, wow, it was immense! I was allowed a treat as we were out for a walk so it burns the sugar straight off.
Yes, we've got the raspberry ones....ooh they are immense indeed!!!!
Glad you had s little treat, they taste even better then.
Set the pram up today, and built up the cot....goodness me it's all starting to feel a bit real now.
I keep thinking about setting the crib up and getting the pram attachment back down from the loft, but I think as I will have to stay in hospital for at least 12 hours after birth so baby's sugar levels are monitored hubby might as well do it all then.

How is your backache today?
Still have backache, and I'm constantly passing wind or going to the toilet, so obviously baby is still sitting in that place, not seeing a midwife til thurs, would be interested to know how low it is and confirm that it's curled up like a hedgehog at the bottom! Headaches are back again after a few days break as well....paracetamol is becoming my friend!

I still have lots of stuff in boxes,bottles, steriliser etc but will get mil to unpack those when I go in, that will keep her busy and occupied cause she'll be on edge waiting, and hubby can fit car seat and base into the car when he comes home after delivery. I also need to get buggy board sorted.
Do you have an induction date Bythesea?

I had some mucus plug come out this morning, and pretty sore BHs and period type pains most of the night.

40 + 11 today!
Oh dovekie, this baby is not keen to meet the world for you... hope all those pains you're getting lead somewhere. Sounds like something is starting.

I'm being induced 2 weeks today-but I'm not feeling at all well today. Feeling very sick, have a migraine and so tired, even though I slept really well last couple of nights. Also my legs are aching a lot and just generally feeling crap. It can't come soon enough to be honest.
Why are they inducing you early? Are you worried about it? I think I'll only go for it if my cervix is favourable.
Having a few issues....just needs to happen sooner rather than later.

Yes I think so Hun, try not to listen to all the horror stories. Every labour is different regardless of whether it starts naturally or not anyway. You can't control how it's gonna go whichever way it happens! Not how long it'll be, how painful it'll be....it's different each time, and given you are already overdue and things are naturally starting to get more favourable for you, it's just a case of helping things along. Recovery will be much quicker with a vaginal birth, I was in the shower within a couple of hours!
I too have some worries about induction. My sister was induced, they went straight to breaking her waters (no pessary etc) and she had a smooth birth. My cousin was induced and 4 days later she had to have a csection as nothing was happening and I can't be away from my daughter for a week!

We went for another walk today so I could have another Magnum! Haha, I blame you Bythesea!
Ha ha!! I'll happily take the blame for you to have some luxury my love!

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