***June/July mummies to be!***

This heat is immense! I'm getting so much washing done though! I love seeing nappies drying on the line :)
It is rather hot, and about to get hotter! I'll bet it's unbearable in the hospital at the moment :/
I can manage with the heat during the day-we live on the coast so there's a nice breeze to keep the sweating at bay...but at night...yuk. What with the general pregnancy issues preventing sleep as well, I'm averaging a few broken hours a night. Not fun-but getting me prepared again for when baby arrives.
Any more progress may mummies? Any niggles?
Nothing today :/ the heat doesn't seem to be bothering me but I live in an old converted chapel so it never gets too hot in my house. Bythesea I have been told by many that pregnancy insomnia is actually worse than not sleeping too well when baby arrives, at least that's the hope I'm clinging to!!! Xx
Oh. Betty it definitely is. I get much more sleep once the baby arrives.....sounds ridiculous huh?! I bottle feed as well so able to share feeds with hubby, so I'm lucky that I get some good sleep stints. Both mine were sleeping through by 6 weeks, but I also kicked them out of our room at that time as was waking every time they shuffled and squeaked!
How did they take to that? I'm the world's lightest sleeper and don't even sleep in the same room as oh most of the time! Xx
They were fine! That's when they started sleeping through. I guess because I couldn't hear the little noises they make an hour or so before a feed was due, and me getting a bottle ready because I thought they wanted it...or just feeding for the sake of it cause I was awake-they just self settled. Went 6-8 hours between a feed then.
I expressed and formula fed top ups so myself and my husband would tag team feeds so I was able to sleep in blocks of four hours so I agree, the pregnancy insomnia was definitely the worse of the two!
I won't have my oh to help. He works so me and baby will be staying in the spare room and I hope to ebf. He also said he's not really into the baby stage so I've had to accept I'll be mostly raising it on my own initially. Oh is amazing with older children though so I'm looking forward to seeing his relationship develop over time. Xx
It is amazing seeing the bond develop between them, I found it deepens your relationship too. Luckily my hubby had 3 weeks off when our daughter was born so could help with feeds. I wanted to ebf but due to tongue and lip tie it just made it impossible. This time around I'm not leaving the hospital until any issues like that are resolved!
Super low baby causing discomfort...meh
Total lack of sleep.....meh
Heartburn all the time.....meh.
Anxiety and stress....meh
I really don't embrace this last bit, 21 more days.

How's everyone doing? X
Still nothing here yet. Only a few days left of May!! Might really be joining you ladies :)
I never really got heartburn, just the occasional bit of reflux. I got shortness of breath though, which disappeared in the last few weeks, as baby dropped, presumably. I also found I could eat more, which was nice. Sickness has continued since week 5!
Ooh dovekie, it'll happen soon.... my prediction for you is June 1st xxxxxx
Baby is really low here too making walking and just moving in general really uncomfortable. No heartburn here either fortunately, I never got it with my daughter either even though she was born with a full head of hair.

I have another scan on Wednesday to check baby's growth so counting down to that.
Ooh dovekie, it'll happen soon.... my prediction for you is June 1st xxxxxx

I had a feeling about the 2nd, but I wouldn't be surprised if I went past that! My cousin is due her baby the same day as you :) If I go late enough, maybe you'll both beat me to it! X
Hi ladies! Hope you're all well. Haven't been on here for ages (I do use the Facebook group though) I was using this but there wasn't anyone here to talk to haha.

Dovekie - I was expecting my 2nd 31st may and ended up becoming a June mummy (which I was fully expecting). You don't want to be in labour when it's too hot so your body is just waiting for it to be cooler :)

I'm due 23rd June and I'm expecting to be a July mummy.
I might join you guys for a bit, the July thread has gone reeeeally quiet!! EVERYONES too knackered I think.

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