***June/July mummies to be!***

It's difficult to ignore the horror stories when there are so many of them! I'm just disappointed I probably won't get my natural waterbirth, as planned.

Do you guys know anything about the best time to get an epidural, if at all? I don't want to become immobile and slow things down, but lots of people say they help.
I know, and I'm anxious too as it'll be my first induction, but there are lots of horror stories for natural labours as well!! It's the unknown, you could have a very straightforward labour and birth. There's no reason why you still can't have a waterbirth-I'm planning on getting in the water? And I have to have iv antibiotics during labour and they still said it's ok as long as I keep my hand as dry as possible.
I've not had an epidural before so can't help with that.....both my previous labours I just went with it, and honestly pain relief never even entered my head. With my first labour, I was put on the drip as the last 1/2 cm wouldn't dilate, even though my body was naturally already pushing, and apart from contractions being then back to back, they weren't any more painful. I did end up having a spinal as he got stuck, and I had to go to theatre for him to be helped out...but it wasn't by choice to have the pain relief and I didn't at any point think to ask for it.
My second labour was totally different, and he arrived very fast completely naturally.

You really can't control what happens. I was having a water birth with my first, was in there ready to go and started pushing- but then had to bail cause he got stuck.....my second I didn't get time to have one....labour is difficult to plan, and I don't know anyone that's had the 'perfect' labour they had planned. I didn't bother writing a birth plan with my second or this one, just popped essential info in there.

Try as much as you can to go in with an open mind, and go with it. You might find you've worried unnecessarily, or you might end up having a bit of a crappy time, but when you're in it you don't really know that's what's happening until you look back on it!
The most important thing is that baby arrives safe, and labour is genuinely a tricky thing to predict.
At the end of it you'll have your beautiful little boy and congratulate yourself on being a clever and kick ass mummy for getting through it and producing a beautiful little life.
Sending hugs xx
^^^ wss

No experience of an epidural either sorry, I just had gas and air and loved the stuff!

Baby's movements are so painful today especially when they stick their bottom and legs out at the same time!

Two weeks till induction so fx baby makes an appearance very soon!
I'm having some lady bits ache...not pleasant! Feelis like it's head is going to pop out!
Got woken up numerous times with back pains last night, still have them now and round to my lower tummy area. Typically I have a busy day today so just gonna have to get on with it! Pretty sure this baby can't get much lower, so not sure what it's playing at!

Hope dovekie is ok-looking forward to hearing that the baby has arrived xx
Sorry you're so uncomfortable, how are you feeling now? Every day is one step closer!
Not as bad now Hun, I've managed to rest up a bit this afternoon. Seeing midwife tomorrow....then that might be it til d-day?!!
How are you?
My daughter has an awful cough and cold so I've not slept for two days, I'm desperate for baby to come but don't want to be leaving my daughter when she's so poorly!

I'm also so confused about induction. As I have GD they won't let me go the full two weeks over as there can be issues with the placenta which I understand but as it's diet controlled they are happy to induce me at 40+7. Now I didn't want to wait that long and asked to be induced on my due date which they were fine with. Now, however, I'm wondering whether I should just wait that extra week to see if I go naturally to avoid any interventions?

Can I just change my mind the day before I'm due to be induced?
Aw bless her-hoping she gets better soon.

I've no idea regarding induction to be honest Hun. I'm keen to get the baby out so I'll take intervention over waiting any day-but everyone is different. I guess ring the midwife and have a chat about it. I'm sure you'll have the baby before due date anyway. Fingers crossed xxx
Great, so now midwife thinks baby is breech?!!!! What?!! Going for a presentation scan in the morning....
Oh no! I've had a feeling baby has turned too, I see my mw on Monday so will find out then. Let's hope they are both where they should be!!
NAUGHTY BABIES!!! I thought it was too late for them to turn, and I've been engaged for weeks and weeks....I think she might have got it wrong, but least I get another scan to check on baby regardless.
I don't know if I have coughed baby out of position due to my cold! Baby's position seems to have changed again this evening so who knows!

Like you say, another scan to see baby will be lovely!
Not been on here for a while! Can't believe we're at the last hurdle. Had a scare last night started bleeding but didn't last long. Went in to be checked and all seemed ok, dr thinks it could've been a heavy show or burst blood vessel. Lots of bh and cramping all day but eased off again in evening and nothing so no idea what's happening. Never felt relief like hearing her HB after driving to the hospital fearing the worst yesterday. It just goes to show things like that can happen and be absolutely nothing.

Hope your scan shows a baby heading in the right direction tomorrow BTS
Hello cassi!! Nice to see you back...

Sorry you had a scare, so glad everything ok though.

Just about to leave now....there's always something going on my eve with this baby. Least it'll be over with soon, pregnancy is not my favourite thing.
Glad all is okay Cassi, sorry your little one is being a monkey too!

Good luck today Bythesea, enjoy your scan!
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Baby is head down, perfect position and very very low.....it was very quick, a little hand held Doppler type scanner, so couldn't see much but still good to see it where it should be x

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