***June/July mummies to be!***

Had 3 hours of mild contractions yesterday evening -I was on my own so I just led on end sofa to try and stop them as every time I moved they started up again!! Luckily it all eased off, but hoping it means things are moving in the right direction ready for Sunday. Hubby back tonight so anytime after then will be ok!!!
Had practically zero sleep last night......so I'm tired and grumpy today.
That does sound promising, I hope they ramp up for you!

Nothing new from me. Still fat and unable to move far.

No sleep here either. Hubby's hayfever is causing him to snore and then I had my daughter knocking on the bedroom door at 5:30 this morning so I'm exhausted! Hoping to get her down for a nap so I can have one too!
Meh.... tres annoying when it's others keeping you awake!!!!

No more twinges here, but hubby home now so going to walk up a hill later on and get on the ball lots today, might even try nookie later (neither of us keen though!) just to try and get things started naturally, but I really don't think it will. I think it's way to comfy in there and it'll take the induction on Sunday to start things off. I can't believe that it's going to be so warm this weekend either!!! Just typical! That hospital is going to be unbearable.
Had an hour or so of pains and pressure in my bottom last night...was desperate to sleep and they kept waking me up, but it didn't come to anything (again!!) last chance today to get things moving before tomorrow's induction. Off for a walk up a steep hill later in this wonderful heat...can't wait!!
Good luck Bythesea! I hope you get it started naturally! Can you get another sweep?
I haven't had a sweep.... never got booked in for one. No twinges so far today-think it'll be down to the induction.
I beat the induction! Baby boy born early hours of Friday after less than three hours from first contraction!
Aaaarrgghhhh!!!! Lollie that's amazing news!!!!! I'm So jealous you had such a quick birth!!
Massive congrats lovely xx
So, no baby here yet. No beds so had to wait til yesterday afternoon to be admitted, then they couldn't put pessory in until 7pm as baby's heart rate was high...so it's been in 12 hours, no twinges as yet. Another 12 hours before they re-assess the situation...and it's hot and sticky!!!
Also being given iv antibiotics every 4 hours until delivery so that's a pain, but necessary...and hooked up to the monitor in between that so not a huge amount of sleep going on here!
I really hope things are progressing well for you Bythesea! Looking forward to hearing your good news!
So, Eleanor (Ellie) was born at 7.50pm June 19th.

Labour finally properly kicked in after breaking my waters 22 hours after the pessory went in (and fell out 3 times!!) and after only a couple of hours contractions she was here. Got off lightly with no stitches this time and recovering quickly. Of course there's been zero sleep now for 2 nights running....and of course I'm on the ward where all the babies are crying and mines choosing to sleep for England!!

Good luck to any June mummies left and for the July bunch that will soon be delivering their little bundles.. Xx
Yay! Well done you!

Lucky you with the lack of stitches! I had a second degree tear as they literally had to drag him out of me as he was too far down for me to have an emergency csection.

Well that's our small group done :)
Congratulations Bythesea!! Such a beautiful name too.

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Congratulations! I'm glad it went quite smoothly in the end. My baby was quiet for two days but I think he was doped up by all of the drugs I had! X

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