***June 2019 Mummies***

Marvellous, I'm having strange dreams too! But last night I did manage to sleep through until 6 without even having to go to the loo.

Is anyone doing any other things to prepare for birth? I have read a lot about raspberry leaf tea, eating dates and eating a low GI diet in the last 6 week/month. I've spoken to my doctor and while she says there hasn't really been any research to prove they work she has said I can try them if I want because none of them are harmful so worst case scenario is they do nothing and it at least reassures me that I'm doing something to prepare.
I tried raspberry leaf tea capsules with my eldest, cant say I found any benefit from it at all, but Iv had friends say it worked for them.
To some degree I totally agree unicorn that’s why I’m still trying to remain open. It’s just because I’m planning on a home birth that id like it to be calmer. Don’t want the whole street hearing me screaming haha. But as you say no one can foresee their birth. My first was 12 hours & my second was 9 so neither were majorly quick so I have no idea with this being my third if it will or won’t be much quicker.

Abi I’ve read about the dates working so I got some in the shopping the other day to try & they are bloody horrible! Really going to struggle to eat those but from 36 weeks week I’ll just chomp down on six, mix it with a drink & try to swallow them as quick as possible! I’d tried a lot of the other things with me last 2 & they were late. Haven’t tried the dates before so that’s why I’m attempting this one this time. Even if they just prepare my body a bit more I guess that’ll help but we’ll see :)
I feel your pain linnett. My boy was 11 days late. Nothing would shift him except waiting until my husband was 2 cities over at a wedding (he was best man) to burst my waters. Thankfully I have slow labours so he was back with plenty of time lol.
My eldest was 3 days late but that was fine. Il allow that. Haha
hansimju I’ve got terrible pgp too. I’m really struggling to sleep with it. I’ve also caught a cold and coughed so much I’ve cracked a rib on my left side. I haven’t found any position comfortable sleeping really, so I’m constantly tired. I’m having hydrotherapy to help with the pgp which is really helping. I’ve also had to finish work this week and I’m not good at resting and doing nothing. I can’t wait for the next 9 weeks to be over and to be able to hold my little boy.
Linett is he always unsupportive or just since the pregnancy?
Maybe he’s suddenly petrified at the thought of a third lol!

Divorcing my rx’s Lying cheating ass was the best thing I done for my daughter. Although our relationship wasn’t abusive, it wasn’t healthy and there was no love.

I’ve been considering a home birth, but keep swaying towards hospital because of the neighbours. I thought last night I could write them a letter along with some earplugs to put through the letterbox!
The other problem is where the hell would I give birth?! Living room looking the best option. But I don’t want to be some cinema experience for the onlookers lol!
Also need to look at pool hire.

My daughter came on her due date, I used to walk the dog every day for around 20 mins. I took raspberry leaf tea, pineapple, and had a bit more sex, I also used to hoover on my hands and knees with the nozzle! Apparently being on hands and knees helps baby into the right position for birth.
I keep hearing about hands and knees to get baby into the right position for birth. Just before I had that bleed I was on hands and knees cleaning all the skirting boards. While the bleed would put me off going mad cleaning again baby has been head down facing my back ever since so it clearly works! Lets hope he stays that way! My mum got my sister to come 2 weeks early by mowing the lawn but since I live in a flat I don't have that option!

Chrissi, can you still have a water birth in a hospital or do the ones near to you not offer it?
Linett is he always unsupportive or just since the pregnancy?
Maybe he’s suddenly petrified at the thought of a third lol!

Divorcing my rx’s Lying cheating ass was the best thing I done for my daughter. Although our relationship wasn’t abusive, it wasn’t healthy and there was no love.

I’ve been considering a home birth, but keep swaying towards hospital because of the neighbours. I thought last night I could write them a letter along with some earplugs to put through the letterbox!
The other problem is where the hell would I give birth?! Living room looking the best option. But I don’t want to be some cinema experience for the onlookers lol!
Also need to look at pool hire.

My daughter came on her due date, I used to walk the dog every day for around 20 mins. I took raspberry leaf tea, pineapple, and had a bit more sex, I also used to hoover on my hands and knees with the nozzle! Apparently being on hands and knees helps baby into the right position for birth.

Lol no he is supportive Chrissi. Tbf I know I’m complaining about this but he is a great husband & dad. He just doesn’t see the point in having all these calming / relaxing therapies. He just wants me to have the baby & not have to think about it I think lol. He was good during the other labours, as well as the man can be. But that’s the thing I want him to play more of an active role & not feel like a spare part but maybe he’s happy being a spare part lol!

The thought of the neighbours put me off a homebirth innititally but it doesn’t bother me now. I’ll give birth where I like, neighbours will have to lump it lol. If you think about it some ladies end up labouring at home, in the car, in the hospital car park unintentionally & you just don’t give a crap when it’s happening do you lol. I’d thought about where too but the more I’ve researched the more I’m swaying to my own bedroom. I find it the most relaxing room, I can have candles, close the blinds if it’s day time, I’ve got my en-suite right next to us for when I need the loo & shower afterwards. I did think about a birth pool at first but I think it’s just another thing I’d need to think about. I’d have to buy or hire one which I can’t be arsed to do & then there’s the faff of pumping & filling it up & then I thought what happens with the water afterwards ?! Lol. And then you need to resell it or return it. Just seems like a lot of hassle. I’ve got a homebirth midwife coming to mine in the next few weeks & they discuss all options with you & advise where they thinks best but I just feel the bedroom will be most relaxing. They advise to just buy some cheap shower curtains to put down where you decide to labour & they bring all the puppy pad type things & everything else. If you think about it it’s only really the actual delivery that makes a bit of mess & that’s a tiny part of the labour really. They clean everything up afterwards, make you a fresh bed, make you tea & toast & leave with all the “mess”. You’d never get half the attention you get at a hospital as they provide with a homebirth so to me it’s a no brainier :)
Ladies with other children... what are yours like? I’m really struggling with me eldest, she’s 8 (9 later this year) and she can be such a bitch!!! The way she talks, answers back, grunts, stamps etc. When I ask her to do anything it’s an issue or I get “I AM!” She’s sweet about 25% of the time but the rest it’s just constant attitude. I find she’s very negative aswell - “Agh this songs so annoying”, “Kians (her brother) so annoying” everyone & thing is annoying. Kians 5 at the end of the month & they constantly argue & bicker & wind eachother up. I’m so excited for the baby to be here but the other side of me is worried it’ll just be something else for them to argue over & especially on my daughters part something to use against me as getting more attention, as in the baby gettin more attention. I know I can’t change it now but sometimes I wish I had children closer together as they’d be closer. There’s 3 & half years between my son & daughter & 5 years with the baby & I think god if my current too can’t get on will they will the newest addition.

Is it just me or is anyone else having the same issues?
That’s good then! It’s weird what men do when they maybe start to feel scared or worried. My partner wouldn’t talk about the what ifs at the beginning when I had spotting etc.

The more I hear everyone talking about home births the more I’m swayed! Your right about not caring too, I’m pretty quiet and reserved but during labour I remember calling the matron midwife a cow and telling my midwife that I couldn’t push cause I’ll shit myself haha!
The only thing is I used to go to school with my neighbours son!
I’m also quite noisy during labour, which surprised me.
Our bedroom is the dumping ground for all the stuff that needs going in the loft or the shed or taking to the charity shop, I’m hoping it’ll be cleared by baby time, but there is constantly always more being added! Atleast the rest of the house is nice and tidy.
Apparently the pools come with kits to fill and empty them down the sink/toilet. My mother is a health visitor so she’s hoping I will do a home birth.

My daughter just turned three. She sounds just like your 9 year old! She’s in to snitching at the moment. Had a text from her dad earlier asking if my partner smacked her because she wanted a magazine. Of course bloody not! She’s three and is already playing us all off against eachother.

When the baby arrives, she’s going to go one of two ways I think. Either she won’t want to go to hers dads for fear of missing out. Or she won’t want to stay with us, which would absolutely break me. But it’s important she chooses what she wants to do.
Yes abi but there is only one or two pools in the midwife led area, so it’s first come first serve. I had it available in the height of labour last time but I was at the point of just wanting to get the baby out/ feeling sick/ giving up. So I didn’t take them up on it. I really wish I had done though
Just had my growth scan. Good Lord she's shot up the centiles and now on 75th. Weighs a estimated 2lb14. Safe to say I'm bricking it im gunna have a huge baby lol I need to stop feeding her red meat or shel come out like a body builder lol
Linnett I have a 5 (soon to be 6) year old and a 16yr old. The age gap wasn't intentional, I split from my first boys dad then it just took just years to conceive with my fella now. You'd think with such a big age gap that they'd not really have any issues, at least that's what I though... How wrong I was. My teenager is a lot like your girl. Everything is a massive issue, if I ask him to do something you'd think I'd put him into slave labour! Hes very 'the world owes me' at the minute and he's never wrong. Our current hot topic is that I won't go half with his dad to buy him a mopped. My stance is that I will buy him a mopped when he has a job to run it, I'm not buying it, insuring it and paying to fill the damn thing. So of course I'm the worse parent in the world for trying to teach him that nothing is free.

I think in terms of baby, he'll probably just grunt at this one like he does his brother. It'll be all cute and fun and games until it hinders him in some way, probably when I refuse to taxi him to his mates coz I'm feeding baby lol.

I do worry about my 5yr old though. He's pretty much had our undivided attention for the last 5/6 yrs. He is very loving, loves his story time and bedtime books, loves to have snuggles, loves playing random made up games etc. I worry about him feeling pushed out if I have to say 'no sorry mummy is busy feeding/changing/putting baby to bed' etc. I'd hate for him to feel push out, so that is going to be difficult. He is a little like your girl too. We've been trying to make him more independent, slowly over the last few months. Just doing small things like making his own bed in the morning. Lord you think I'd asked him to some unimaginable task that was going to take him weeks or months to achieve. Literally just wanted him to throw the duvet over haha. Kids are so dramatic!
Just had my growth scan. Good Lord she's shot up the centiles and now on 75th. Weighs a estimated 2lb14. Safe to say I'm bricking it im gunna have a huge baby lol I need to stop feeding her red meat or shel come out like a body builder lol

That’s good to hear marvellous. It doesn’t mean you’ll have a huge baby, I’m sure you’ll have a perfectly average sized baby :)
That’s good to hear marvellous. It doesn’t mean you’ll have a huge baby, I’m sure you’ll have a perfectly average sized baby :)
Just hope she's not too big or I may cry lol got another scan at 36 weeks. She's healthy tho so that's all that matters
Linnett I have a 5 (soon to be 6) year old and a 16yr old. The age gap wasn't intentional, I split from my first boys dad then it just took just years to conceive with my fella now. You'd think with such a big age gap that they'd not really have any issues, at least that's what I though... How wrong I was. My teenager is a lot like your girl. Everything is a massive issue, if I ask him to do something you'd think I'd put him into slave labour! Hes very 'the world owes me' at the minute and he's never wrong. Our current hot topic is that I won't go half with his dad to buy him a mopped. My stance is that I will buy him a mopped when he has a job to run it, I'm not buying it, insuring it and paying to fill the damn thing. So of course I'm the worse parent in the world for trying to teach him that nothing is free.

I think in terms of baby, he'll probably just grunt at this one like he does his brother. It'll be all cute and fun and games until it hinders him in some way, probably when I refuse to taxi him to his mates coz I'm feeding baby lol.

I do worry about my 5yr old though. He's pretty much had our undivided attention for the last 5/6 yrs. He is very loving, loves his story time and bedtime books, loves to have snuggles, loves playing random made up games etc. I worry about him feeling pushed out if I have to say 'no sorry mummy is busy feeding/changing/putting baby to bed' etc. I'd hate for him to feel push out, so that is going to be difficult. He is a little like your girl too. We've been trying to make him more independent, slowly over the last few months. Just doing small things like making his own bed in the morning. Lord you think I'd asked him to some unimaginable task that was going to take him weeks or months to achieve. Literally just wanted him to throw the duvet over haha. Kids are so dramatic!

Glad it’s not just me baby. My son is no bother at all. He’s so kind, helpful, never arsey. Well he has little strops every now & then when he’s tired but he doesn’t get shitty like my daughter! Whenever I ask him to do anything he just does it with no complaints. He actually loves to help.

Me & hubby sat down with them both tonight because my daughter was a twat from the moment I got her from school & then as soon as you tell her about herself she screams/cry’s/stamps so we sat down with her & said she needs to change her attitude & explained it’s not everyone else that’s “annoying” but her letting people annoy her & if she just ignored people / things that she claims are annoying she’d be a much happier girl. Then we got them both together & said they needed to get along. I asked them how they both felt when mummy & daddy were angry or upset & argued & they both said sad so I said and how often does that happen & they both said not that often so I said now imagine mummy & daddy did that every single day, everytime we looked at eachother, over every single thing that annoyed us about each other - would you like it then? They both said no & I explained that’s how we feel everyday when they argue & bicker so we said if they continue to do it that’s what we’ll start doing. Madison said “but that’d be on purpose?!” I just replied with yup & that’s exactly what you two are doing! We ended it with a family cuddle & everyone perked up. We said everyday they have to give eachother a cuddle & tell each other they loved each other. I’m hoping just doing that once a day will make them feel a bit closer again. We’ll see how it goes!
Just hope she's not too big or I may cry lol got another scan at 36 weeks. She's healthy tho so that's all that matters

Lol you won’t as by the time you’ve delivered her all the hard work will be done & you won’t care about the weight :)
Is anyone planning on mix feeding breast and expressed/formula?
I’m going to have to leave baby for one day per fortnight while I’m at college 9.30-5.30 plus a 1.5hour drive each way. So it’s going to be a good 12 hours.

Cant really find any info on mix feeding from day dot.( I know it should be 4 weeks before introducing a bottle, but this will be no good for me) Not anything helpful anyway! I gave up last time as I struggled with a poor latch and being extremely tired since the birth (awake 48 hours before she arrived after almost 24 hours contractions) and never had the chance to catch up.

If anyone else has done it or planning to it’d be fab to hear.
I'm hoping to express so DH can do one of the night feeds. My friend recommended it as a way to get slightly more sleep and for him to feel useful and bond with baby. But I'm hoping that the hospital gives me good advice on how because I'm a bit clueless! I would be keen to hear from others planning to do something like this too!
I combi fed both my previous for 6 weeks. Both we're perfectly fine going between the 2.
Each baby is obviously different tho so never know how theyl take.

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