***June 2019 Mummies***

Honestly ladies, I can't recommend ranitadine enough, I couldn't cope with the indigestion without it. You just take one tiny tablet a day and it completely eliminates it! Xx
Honestly ladies, I can't recommend ranitadine enough, I couldn't cope with the indigestion without it. You just take one tiny tablet a day and it completely eliminates it! Xx
It's the only way I survived my past pregnancy. I had to take 4 a day as it was that bad. Thankfully milk controls mine this time.
Honestly ladies, I can't recommend ranitadine enough, I couldn't cope with the indigestion without it. You just take one tiny tablet a day and it completely eliminates it! Xx

I've been prescribed ranitadine too! Looking forward to being able to sleep again. I think my heartburn and indigestion is worse because I can't burp so it's just sort of stuck there and I feel bloated and miserable. Hopefully not for much longer!

I had another scan with the doctor too. She wanted to do 4D but his head was too far down to get a good picture and his back was facing out. Perfect position for birth, less so for a scan. His head was measuring 33 weeks though, although she did say that the measurements aren't perfect. I'm slightly scared I'm going to end up giving birth to a toddler sized baby at this rate! He weights 1.6kg, no wonder my organs feel squished!
Have any of you ladies chosen to have an elective caesarean? I have a consultant appointment to discuss options next month and wondered if they are likely to agree to it or whether they will do their best to convince me to go natural...

I injured my tailbone in Dec 2017 and still can't sit down for long periods without a coccyx cushion/being in a lot of pain. The physio I saw mentioned my pelvis may have also shifted position after the accident which terrifies me the baby might get stuck on his way out. Also struggling with SPD, clunky hips and back issues and concerned a natural birth could cause even more lasting damage, let alone being very painful when baby's head pushes against my tailbone.

I was so looking forward to trying a waterbirth and if I knew it would be very painful but baby would get out safely I would 100% go for that! However the more I read up about women who have been in similar situations the more I'm leaning towards asking for an elective c-section. Apparently it doesn’t mean you can’t try a natural birth next time and as we want more than one baby it would give my coccyx a few more years to recover which would only be a good thing. Are they allowed to refuse if they don't agree?

Has anyone had a c-section previously? What was your recovery like? Did it impact being able to breastfeed? Has anyone had a vaginal birth after a c-section previously?

Sorry lots of questions, feel like I'm going round and round in my head with what I want to do :(

I can't provide any info in relation to the tailbone injury and birth as I've not endure that myself. Your best discussing that with your consultant. However, I have experienced a c-section, although it was an emergency and not elective. I've also had a vaginal birth after the section whilst suffering with SPD.

Personally for me the section was no walk in the park. The whole experience wasnt great, the meds made me feel sick, the aching and tightness after the section was uncomfortable to say the least. It took at least 6-8 weeks before I could get about properly. However I wouldn't say it was painful, just aching and tight feeling. As for breastfeeding with a scar, I didn't attempt breastfeeding with my first but I have read that it makes things a little more tricky due to the pressure on the tummy and trying to get comfortable. However people achieve it so there's obviously ways around it.

When I had my second child I was offered a section but refused just because recovery is so much easier and quicker with a natural birth. Although I had horrific spd, was on crutches and really should have been wheelchair bound but refused. It is 100% possible to give birth with spd. I used a birthing ball which helped to open up the pelvis but without masses amount of pressure. There are also alternative positions to try when birthing, I found on all fours was good. By the time it came to pushing I wasnt even aware of the spd everything else takes its place. After the birth I ached for a little but regular painkillers helped abd within a matter of days I was feeling much better.

If you decide natural is the way to go you could push for a waterbirth, don't forget there will be pain meds available to you should you need the to help control the SPD.

I think in terms of your consultant they might try to talk you out of the section route as it is classed as a major procedure. Unless there is clear evidence that a natural birth would put you or baby at risk, you might find you have to push for the section of that's the decision you make

I'm feeling really uncomfortable today! I keep on getting severe twinges in my cervix area and I don't know if it's then that which is leaving me really sore or whether I've got a water infection and so the baby kicking in that area or something or really painful!? I've never had a water infection before so I have no idea but things definitely don't feel right! Xx
I think the cervix twinges are normal. I've been getting them for the last week. I assume they are baby playing about in that area.

I was in hospital Saturday as I was having pulling/stretching pains near my old scar. They ran urine, swabs and blood tests to rule out infection. I mentioned the twinges in the cervix area and she said it was probably baby. I've since had the results too all tests and there's nothing to be found so the cervix twinges must be baby and the pulling/stretching pains where put down to ligament.

If your concerned though I'm guessing your consultant/midwife will see you as they'll need to make sure it's not your stitch wont they?

Generally if I get a uti it normally pulls/feels heavy when I pee. Or I get aching tummy/kidneys. Ive never had the cervix pain with a uti xxx
I’ve had the twinges low down also. I think it’s babies head pushing on cervix. Baby was head down at last appointment & I feel kicks to my sides & higher up now so I’m thinking he/she might stay head down now so everytime I get those sharp stabbing feelings I’m guessing it’s babies head pushing against the top of my cervix. They aren’t pleasant but I think it’s just another pregnancy “symptom” we’ll have to endure occasionally until babies born xx
I think as long as there's no bleeding I can assume my stitch is ok as if there was any pulling on it it would bleed! And I'm not experiencing any discomfort when I wee so I'm assuming it's not a UTI either! I'll just see how it goes for now then xx
Yep totally getting the cervix twinges too, usually when walking so my knees go funny lol
Iv literally just got into bed and little miss has started to dance. She picks her moments lol
Morning ladies! I’m officially 3rd tri now! Yay! Still 12 weeks though :( lol.

I’ve signed up to a pregnancy yoga course in the hope that it will help my back at night so I can sleep better. Also thought it’d be great to run along side hypnobirthing to hopefully mean I have the stress free homebirth I plan. Talking of birth plans anyone else feel very much alone with theirs? Hubbys all for whatever I chose which is great but he’s not interested in much else. I tell him about my hypnobirthing book & have shown him the relaxation mp3s & say how I’m meant to breath & how he needs to massage my back etc in labour & he looks at me like I’m a complete alien. He’s also said “you’ve had 2 babies already so you know what to do!” Like it’s all up to me. My last labour with my son, I passed out & completely collapsed on the floor before attempting to get a bath & I remember coming round & he looked petrefied. I remember him saying his first thought was “please don’t leave me alone with 2 children” so you’d think he’d be more up for having a much calmer, relaxed birth. My 2 children were hospital births & if this is my last one I just want it to be as smooth as possible & “nice”. Like I say hubby supports the homebirth but he doesn’t seem to want to help at all. I may aswell tell him to piss off out & I’ll do it myself when the time comes! :think:
Linnett my husband is the same. He's happy with whatever I choose for birth but he's staying out of it. Like you, I'll have to convince him to listenbto the hypnobirthing stuff.

Like you I'm ideally planning a hypnobirthing waterbirth but mine will be at the hospital since there are no birth centers and homebirth isnt allowed here. But that's ideal for me because it's my first so I have no idea what I'm letting myself in for so I still have the option of an epidural if I change my mind. I keep meaning to ask my doctor what I have to do about writing my birth plan, maybe I'll remember at the next appointment. I'm going every 2 weeks now, so that really shows its getting close now! I don't know if the hypnobirthing stuff I've been listening to is working already or if I'm just so sick of being pregnant but I'm quite excited about it.

I haven't been having any sharp cervix pain but then baby has been head down for the last couple of weeks. I can feel pressure there sometimes when he hiccups but at least with a head it's more spread out so it isn't the sharp pain I would get from a kick.
Had my 31wk midwife appointment this morning. She said it sounds like I have spd so given me the number for hospital physio. Got to go for a growth scan next Tuesday as he’s measuring big, she said she’s not worried it could just be the way he’s lay or discrepancies with my dates but just wants me to be scanned to be sure.
Other than that everything seemed well.

My other half isnt that bothered either he’s just going with the flow. I’m sure when it comes to it tho he’ll panic and not know what do haha x
It just bugs me. They are happy enough to get us pregnant & cant wait for their new son / daughter BUT god forbid they have to play any part in bringing them into the world! Lol.

I’m not worried about the labour at all. Not one part of me is concerned about pain & im totally open to whatever path it might end up leading down. Ie, if I did have to transfer to hospital etc. I birthed my first 2 with just gas & air so I know it can be done but I just wish hubby would show an interest. I want to try to remain as calm as humanly possibly during labour & I feel if he’s not on board with that & just stands there looking at me gormlessly because he hasn’t been interested in anything I’ve told him I can imagine that calm environment I crave so much will be jepodised. Maybe it’ll happen in the day whilst he’s as work & I just wont tell him & then when he gets home he’ll have a baby waiting for him haha.

Glad your appointment went well Smcx, I wouldn’t worry about the size. I think the measurements & even scans sometimes can be very inaccurate. I always worried about size in my second pregnancy, not because I was told I’d have a fairly big baby but because I was so much bigger second time round & my son came out an almost 10lber but by then you’ve already done all the hard work & delivered them & your actually just very proud you did once they announce the weight. In a way I’m glad I had a big baby as it’s opened my eyes to the fact that is woman are made to do this regardless of size & I’m so ready to do it all again :)
Thanks for your replies and advice Abi88 & baby.3. I've booked some more sessions in with the physio I was seeing for my coccyx/pelvis prior to getting pregnant and going to ask his advice on things before my consultant appointment. I'm also going to ask if there's any way to get hold of my MRI scan results to take with me in case the consultant wants to look at them..although this is probably wishful thinking!

Starting to dread going to bed every night now as sleeping on my left side is making the PGP/SPD so much worse, especially as I have most pain in my left hip. Tried pillows between my legs and we have a memory foam mattress but it's not making any difference. Ended up sleeping on my right and propped up on my back a few times but always feel guilty after knowing left side is what's best for baby...
Try not to beat yourself up about sleeping position. I wake up several times a night having rolled onto my back or my right side. I don't really know how you can stop yourself.

Is anyone else well and truly over being pregnant yet? Not that I'm not thankful to have been able to have a child but that's the bit I want right now and the pregnancy is just something I have to get through the last few months of. I didn't really expect to enjoy pregnancy to be honest but I can't help but think that if full term were 30 weeks, pregnancy would be so much better and I would nearly have my baby. I guess I'm just impatient to meet him now.
Sorry to hear about your husband linett. My ex husband was exactly the same with my first! You’d be thought he’d have more compassion being a paramedic too! I’m just glad I had my mum there.
Do you have anyone else that you’re close to that could come along with you? (Tell him he’ll be looking after the other kids if he doesn’t pull his bloody finger out!)

My partner is totally hands on and I couldn’t ask for anyone more supportive, but I still worry he might pass out or something, so my mum will be there again.

I’ve got my 28 week appt a week today. I can’t wait to get started on appointments etc. I’ve got 10 shifts left at work until I go on leave. Can’t wait! Then I start my hairdressing course!
Sorry, started my reply earlier and only just got around to posting!
Sorry to hear about your husband linett. My ex husband was exactly the same with my first! You’d be thought he’d have more compassion being a paramedic too! I’m just glad I had my mum there.
Do you have anyone else that you’re close to that could come along with you? (Tell him he’ll be looking after the other kids if he doesn’t pull his bloody finger out!)

My partner is totally hands on and I couldn’t ask for anyone more supportive, but I still worry he might pass out or something, so my mum will be there again.

I’ve got my 28 week appt a week today. I can’t wait to get started on appointments etc. I’ve got 10 shifts left at work until I go on leave. Can’t wait! Then I start my hairdressing course!

Maybe we’ll end in divorce also Chrissi! Haha! Im hoping the closer we get the more he’ll buck his ideas up & ask about the “plan”. I might not mention anything at all & when it does happen & hes all flappy ill just calmly ask him to step aside because ive got this on my own! Lol. Im hoping my cousin can be there too but the plan is for her to take pictures (shes a photographer) so she wont be able to be very involved in that sense.

It deff feels like your properly pregnant once the appointments start ramping up. Ive only had 3 midwives app & next ones not till 34 weeks. Not that i mind but as you say its nice when you start hitting those final weeks & the ball really starts rolling :)
To be honest I feel more like your husband Linnett and really can't engage with the whole labour thing! After doing the whole pregnancy yoga, hypnobirthing thing last time and still having such a traumatic experience I just feel like what's the point! Everyone I know who really engaged with being prepared had a much worse experience then those who didn't even consider it so I think I'm just not going to think about it and let what will be be. No amount of hypnobirthing experience would have helped me last time due to the speed so if anything I'm expecting this time to be even worse! But baby and I both survived and that's what I'm going to hold on to for this time xx
I'm planning to go down the hypnobirthing route too. Gunn a sit and have a chat with my midwife on Monday about my options for birth, so hopefully will have more of an idea then.

My husband's really good during labour. He was my voice during my first as I was practically passed our from the drug they gave me.
Aslong as he knows what you do and don't want and can advocate for you when you can't for yourself that's all that matters.

Another awful nights sleep. Trapped nerve. Dancing baby. And got a busy day today aswell.

Anyone having really weird dreams. I literally have the most random dreams every night lol

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