***June 2019 Mummies***

I suffered with constipation last pregnancy and what really helped was downing a pint of water 10 minutes before going to the toilet, and putting my feet up on a step so my knees were above my pelvis.

I slept at my in laws last night and I didn’t sleep hardly at all! I kept getting pins and needles in my hands. I don’t know if it was because the mattress was so hard. I couldn’t get comfortable and then at 3am my toddler joined us.

My New Year’s Eve plans are to sleep!
I have a question about weight gain ladies. I had initially gained about 2-4 pounds in the first tri and bow I've lost that weight. So technically I have gained nothing. I don't know how normal this is? How much weight have you all gained? Should I be eating more? Xx
I've gained 2 or 3kg by week 14 despite the sickness. It's hard to be sure because I've only been weighed at the hospital before by scans when I have drunk loads of water so some of that might just be pee! I think it's quite normal to not gain anything in the first trimester but I don't know about losing it after. Has there been a reason? Have you been very sick?

It also depends on how much you weighed to start with.
I only lost a pound or two so I am back to my original weight when I found out I was pregnant. I have only been sick a couple of times but constantly nauseas. I had to cut down portion sizes as too much food makes me feel terrible and bloated and ill. I was a little overweight to begin with and still am although my face looks thinner. I'm short at 5'1 and weigh around 10stone 10 pounds so I'm not skinny by any means.
I lost half a stone, only put 2lb back on since but I had aversions to everything. I needed to lose weight tho lol
Well that's good to hear it's not just me. First baby so panic about everything! Just want him to be healthy.
I've found that I've not been able to eat big meals either. But I have been eating every couple of hours or so as I get so sick otherwise. And my aversion were all to healthy food, I've been getting plenty of calories from jelly sweets just not nutrients! From what I've read even if you barely eat baby will still get everything he needs but you still need to take care of yourself for yourself. I've found if I'm stressed or upset it's harder to eat so make sure nothing is stressing you out, especially around meal times. Also being tired doesn't help me either so I have found a nap before dinner helps me not feel so sick while I'm cooking.
Baby will be fine smithy, baby just takes what it needs from you and you'll be taking prenatal vit so you're covered. I lost a lot of weight in my second pregnancy due to horrific sickness that lasts right the way through the pregnancy. I soon gained weight in the last stage of tri2 and tri3. The weight I gained was all baby and amniotic fluid though lol.

Just remember to eat what you fancy and when you fancy it. Little and often is the key. If you're not eating enough the midwife will pick up on it as you release ketones into your urine, which basically tells them your using up your stored energy, which means your not eating enough. As long as there is no ketones you should be ok :D

Baby will be fine smithy, baby just takes what it needs from you and you'll be taking prenatal vit so you're covered. I lost a lot of weight in my second pregnancy due to horrific sickness that lasts right the way through the pregnancy. I soon gained weight in the last stage of tri2 and tri3. The weight I gained was all baby and amniotic fluid though lol.

Just remember to eat what you fancy and when you fancy it. Little and often is the key. If you're not eating enough the midwife will pick up on it as you release ketones into your urine, which basically tells them your using up your stored energy, which means your not eating enough. As long as there is no ketones you should be ok :D

My mw didn't pick any up on mine and I barely ate a meal a day at that point due to illness, maybe my body is eatting itself.... Yes I needed to lose weight haha
Glad to hear you’ve all put in minimum weight! Unlike myself lol. I’ve put on about 10-11lb. I was only physically sick twice right at the start & when I was really nauseous I was eating a lot less than before but still put on weight & now my appetites back & Christmas has hit mines crept up more! Can’t wait to do my next shop & start eating more healthy again !
Baby will be fine smithy, baby just takes what it needs from you and you'll be taking prenatal vit so you're covered. I lost a lot of weight in my second pregnancy due to horrific sickness that lasts right the way through the pregnancy. I soon gained weight in the last stage of tri2 and tri3. The weight I gained was all baby and amniotic fluid though lol.

Just remember to eat what you fancy and when you fancy it. Little and often is the key. If you're not eating enough the midwife will pick up on it as you release ketones into your urine, which basically tells them your using up your stored energy, which means your not eating enough. As long as there is no ketones you should be ok :D


Thankyou, I feel more reassured. My mum put on a fair bit and my Aunty gained a whopping 4 stone with hers. I don't have any other friends or family to turn to to ask these things. I haven't been making amazing choices (I had a massive burger king yesterday because I was craving cheeseburgers like nothing you have ever seen!) but I've been doing as you said, little and often of what my body seems to want. Some days it's oranges and apples, others it's a filthy cheeseburger lol.
We had our gender scan today and we're having a little girl, I honestly can't believe it, I was totally convinced we were having another boy, I gave absolutely no thought to it being a little girl, we have no idea what we're going to call her, we were all set with a boy's name! Xx
Thankyou, I feel more reassured. My mum put on a fair bit and my Aunty gained a whopping 4 stone with hers. I don't have any other friends or family to turn to to ask these things. I haven't been making amazing choices (I had a massive burger king yesterday because I was craving cheeseburgers like nothing you have ever seen!) but I've been doing as you said, little and often of what my body seems to want. Some days it's oranges and apples, others it's a filthy cheeseburger lol.

I’m thread hoping but just wanted to reassure you that with my first I lost 4 stone in the first 16 weeks due to hg. I ended up giving birth to a healthy baby at 7lb 8 at 37 weeks and she was fine. Baby takes all it needs from you xx
We had our gender scan today and we're having a little girl, I honestly can't believe it, I was totally convinced we were having another boy, I gave absolutely no thought to it being a little girl, we have no idea what we're going to call her, we were all set with a boy's name! Xx

Congratulations!! I’m sure you’ll think of a name for her.. how exciting! Xx
Thank you. It's definitely going to take some getting my head round! Xx
Congrats Unicorn.

I don’t weigh myself during pregnancy. I know baby will take what it needs and I just eat what I feel I need to.

Is 16 weeks exactly too early for a private gender scan? I worry I’ll get there and they won’t be able to tell as my dates are off or something. Although I mostly want it as a reassurance scan rather than to find out gender.
We had ours today when I'm not actually 16 weeks until tomorrow and I'm sure they've dated me further along than I am and we had our gender scan for our son at 14 weeks, so I think they just say 16 weeks to be on the safe side so 16 weeks exactly is absolutely fine xx
Have people got any ideas for names yet? Our little boy was going to be called Malachi but now she's a little girl we have no idea what we're going to call her! Xx
We have a list of options on names. We like George, Rory or Oliver for a boy. My girl list was much longer, even though i knew he wasn't going to be a girl from week five or six. Our girl list included Lucy, Charlotte, Erin and Adelyn.
Yay another team pink! Massive congrats unicorn :) I was the same as you, never gave 2 thoughts to having a girl. Was convinced she was a he. I'd not even thought about a girls name but had a quick look since and so far I like the names Isabel and Aubrey. As you can see our list isn't extensive lol.

Is anyone else having awful hip/back pain when sleeping? I'm a tummy sleeper normally, and obviously can't do that now as the pressure is too uncomfortable to sleep on my tummy. So I'm either on my sides or occasionally on my back. But I wake 2 or 3 times a night with hip pain, then wake in the morning with it too :( I'm tossing and turning all night trying to alleviate it. I don't think I'll survive another 21 weeks like this!

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