***June 2019 Mummies***

Yes I'm getting ligament pains like this, particularly if I reach to grab something just out of reach, like when my charger is on the other end of the sofa. I also sometimes get it when I sneeze.
Hi ladies. I had my 12 week scan Monday, so thought I’d come over now. Happy healthy wriggly baby!
Glad to see everyone else over here now.
Sorry to hear you’ve got to have a stitch unicorn. Atleast they picked it up! Sometimes I wonder if they look properly for things like that.

Hope everyone is nearly ready for Xmas! X

Lovely scan Chrissi, it's such a relief isn't it to hear everything is going normally. Did you have any clues as to whether you're having a boy or a girl this time?
Aww yay, we've all moved over! Chrissi, when is your official due date and I'll pop your name on the front page. Lovely scan too, you got any inkling of what you might be having?

Re: ligament pain. Yes i get that often, usually when moving sharply. I also forget that my uterus is bigger now and when bending quickly and getting up quickly I get sharp shooting pains across the lower abdomen, it really bloody hurts! lol.

Went for my 16wk check up today, nothing really to report. She just did a few health checks, asked how I felt then sent me on my way. Won't see the community midwife now until I'm 25wks!

Got my gender scan on Sunday. I'm so excited, I honestly think its a boy, but secretly I'd love a girl. I'm 17wks tomorrow, since hitting 12wks the weeks seem to have flown by, which is great, hope they continue to go by quickly!

Hope everyone is ok, it's very quiet on here. Which is a good thing I suppose, must mean everyone is feeling better now xxx
Lovely scan Chrissi!

Such exciting news Baby.3! Can't wait to find out. I'm in the process of trying to book an early gender scan. I can't wait til 16th Jan haha!
I'm feeling good today. It's taken weeks to get to this point and I actually vomited and had the worst headache of my life all weekend. Truly appalling.
Other than that I'm definitely getting a bump now. There's no hiding this thing. I may even be brave enough to put up a pic soon haha. We'll see though. How's everyone else? Xx
Hi ladies, in hospital, stitch done, I'm sore but me and baby are currently doing fine. I'm being pumped full of antibiotics and being kept in overnight for monitoring and will then be in bed rest for 2 weeks. I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well. We've got our gender scan on the 30th, pretty sure it's a little boy xx
so glad everything went well unicorn, sorry your feeling sore though, all for a good course though! lol

I'm feeling total boy vibes too, I have two of them already so odds are it's going to be another boy and I'll be well and truly outnumbered. However, according to the Chinese calendar, I'm meant to be having a girl lol. I had a look back at when I was pregnant with my last boy and the Chinese calendar predicted correctly, so who knows lol
Congrats Debbie, Abi and Chrissi for making it over :)

Glad all went ok Unicorn, enjoy the bed rest, use it to watch trashy Christmas films. I love them!

Got 16 week midwife tomorrow and hoping she will listen to heartbeat. Taking my girls with me as school holidays so hoping they behave! I’m waiting till 20 week scan on 17th jan to find out, hoping with Christmas and my sis in law is expecting a baby on new year day so will have that to look forward to as well.

Belly getting larger and larger and sis in law has got all my maternity! Brought a few bits but living in dresses I can pull over bump at moment. Xx
Thanks ladies, it’s definitely got daddy’s head and nose! Haha!

No idea which one were likely to have. We’d both like a boy so we have one of each, but everyone keeps saying it’ll be a girl! We don’t mind either way though of course!
Although girls are little so and so’s. My daughter decided to unravel a whole loo roll at 7.30am today!
Could even be one of those new non binary ones! Haha! (I’m cool with all the lgbt stuff btw, just think some of the ‘gingerbread person’ sayings is far fetched!)

I’m feeling you all with ligament pain. Getting a bit of gas pains aswell now. And acne!!! Still feeling sicky some mornings. But seems to only be morning now.

Glad things went smoothly unicorn! Hope you’re feeling right as rain ASAP!

Baby, good luck with your gender scan, I'm glad your 16 week check went well too. It's really reassuring to hear how quickly you have felt it has gone from 12 weeks. I'm hoping it will be that way for me too not that the HG is starting to finally let up. I'm amazed at people who are on their 2nd or more baby, I'm not sure I could do this again and I haven't even had to give birth yet! The ligament pains are agony too aren't they, I get it when I sneeze and I have been sneezing loads recently.

Unicorn, I'm glad the stitch went well. Make sure you enjoy your rest. As Bubbles says, at least there should be plenty of good Christmas TV to watch!

Chrissi, I think mine has Dh's nose too. When the sonographer was looking for the nasal bone in the scan poor DH thought she was hinting that he was deffo the father because baby has a big nose too!

I had my last appointment with the doctor yesterday. I had been put down as high risk pregnancy due to the HG, the O- and a subamniotic hematoma they spotted on my scan (that was what the lines were that I was told not to worry about). But I'm officially off the high risk list as DH is O- too, the HG is easing up and in the 2 days since my official scan the haematoma had already reabsorbed and disappeared. So cleared to go back to the UK for Christmas! Hurray! And so long as I stay off the high risk list I should still be allowed a waterbirth despite the high C-section rate over here.

Can I please be updated on the front page for the 25th please? And I'm team blue too, no doubt about it at the doctors appointment yesterday!
Abi so glad everything has worked out and that your safe to fly :) Enjoy your Xmas holidays! And yay for team blue! I'm surprised that they could pick it up on the sonogram, as they tell you here you need to be at least 16 weeks. I suppose it's all still visible just a little smal lol. Maybe it takes a good monitor and a keen eye :)

Though when I had my reassurance scan at 12wks (though I was less than that) she did say she had a sneaky suspicion it was a girl, maybe she could see.

The more I think about it the more I realise I'd love a girl. Obviously a healthy baby is all that matters regardless of what's between its legs. And I feel bless just to be carrying a baby again. But secretly it would make my Xmas if it was a girl. Is it too late to write santa a Xmas wish list? Haha
As far as I know it can be possible to see a boy from 13 weeks ish depending on how the baby is sitting. They had to get the scanner really low and press on my very full bladder to confirm it! But if they can't see anything at this point then it doesn't mean it's isn't a boy. By 16 weeks if they can't see anything it's a girl for sure.

I didn't mind boy or girl but I did want to know so I could tell the family. But I prefer out name choices for a boy so it's worked out well. I can totally see wanting a little girl when you have 2 boys already though. And aren't some of the outfits for girls so cute!
Hey June Mummies! I was initially a July mummy but had my dating scan yesterday & my new due date is 26th June! Here’s me little bubba. Hope your all doing well by the way :)

Lovely photo Linnett and congratulations!!

Have a good flight Abi, how lovely to find out so early :)

I had midwife today and got to hear heartbeat -155 so I’m convinced it’s a girl again. Midwife said they do all have high heartbeats at this stage and not to get upset yet! I said I’m not upset, as long as it’s healthy! We didn’t have another baby to try for a boy. I think both have their pro and cons. My girls would love a girl and would play better with her and we would save a lot of money, but also be nice to have a boy as is different. My oh says he has his boy anyway as DD2 is such a tom boy! She loves motorbikes, dinosaurs and wrestling! Xx
Lovely photo Linnett and congratulations!!

Have a good flight Abi, how lovely to find out so early :)

I had midwife today and got to hear heartbeat -155 so I’m convinced it’s a girl again. Midwife said they do all have high heartbeats at this stage and not to get upset yet! I said I’m not upset, as long as it’s healthy! We didn’t have another baby to try for a boy. I think both have their pro and cons. My girls would love a girl and would play better with her and we would save a lot of money, but also be nice to have a boy as is different. My oh says he has his boy anyway as DD2 is such a tom boy! She loves motorbikes, dinosaurs and wrestling! Xx

Thank you bubbles!

I have a DD who’s 8 & DS who’s 4 & I’m pretty certain this ones another girl. I honestly don’t mind either way at the baby stage but my daughters such a cow lately that I just think can I do this again?! Haha
Lovely photo Linnett and congratulations!!

Have a good flight Abi, how lovely to find out so early :)

I had midwife today and got to hear heartbeat -155 so I’m convinced it’s a girl again. Midwife said they do all have high heartbeats at this stage and not to get upset yet! I said I’m not upset, as long as it’s healthy! We didn’t have another baby to try for a boy. I think both have their pro and cons. My girls would love a girl and would play better with her and we would save a lot of money, but also be nice to have a boy as is different. My oh says he has his boy anyway as DD2 is such a tom boy! She loves motorbikes, dinosaurs and wrestling! Xx

Thanks Bubbles. The flight wasn't too bad, thank goodness we landed at Heathrow not Gatwick! We told dh's family and they are so excited! Celebrated FIL's birthday today and he said it was the best present ever to find out he will be a grandpa.

Sadly we are meant to be having a Birthday dinner for him this evening but I'm having mine on a tray in bed because the sickness really hit this evening. I was doing so well today, not even nausea until about 5pm but it didn't last. Everyone is being really good and looking after me well though. I'm slightly dreading going to my parents on Christmas eve because they don't cope nearly as well with illness my mum is such a worrier and my sister has a genuine phobia of sick. A few years ago I had a coughing fit and was nearly sick and my sister panicked to much she ran into the patio doors trying to get away from me. I don't know how she will will cope! We may have to stay in the Travelodge down the road!

I Was a July mummy, but now a June mummy. Expecting no3 on June 27th.

This is Jelly bean. Gave us alittle scare at dating scan as nuchal fold was measuring right on the cusp. So scary 24 hrs while they rush my results through, but all is good as low risk for downs and tri13/18.

Having a scan at 16 weeks to keep an eye tho as I carry a genetic problem.

Thought I'd come say Hello.
Glad you arrived safely abi. Not so good about the terrible nausea though, that must be so awful!

My daughter is also a little so and so linett, she’s only 2.5! Bless her. It’s nice as I do get a break while she’s at her dads though.

Is anyone else suffering with sciatica? I’ve had it on and off briefly for a couple of weeks now, but this morning I woke up and it’s absolutely agony. Praying it doesn’t become constant and have to finish work early again.

Sorry baby I forgot to put due date on it’s 29th June x
Glad you arrived safely Abi. Hopefully the sickness won’t be too bad near you sister.

Welcome Marvellous!! Scan must have been a scare but fantastic news that all ok now. Im on number three and think there are a few of us crazies on here. :D
Just caught up, glad everything went okay Unicorn and you arrived safely Abi!

I had my 16 week midwife appointment last Wednesday, was a bit gutted she told me they don’t listen to the heartbeat anymore at that appointment. Especially as someone I know who had there midwife app a few days later got to listen to there baby’s heartbeat.

Sooo I was planning on waiting til my 20 wk scan on the 18th jan to hopefully find out the sex, but.. I gave in and booked a gender scan for the 27th!! I’ve not told any of my family as they’ll say I’m being impatient (which I am haha) but I’m going to surprise them all after it as soon as we know :D

Hope you all have a lovely Christmas xx

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