***June 2019 Mummies***

I did feel ovulation pains every month so perhaps your theory is true baby.3. I haven't had other children so think I'm just lucky to occasionally feel him/her flip over. It's very quick and a sensation like nothing else so I think it is baby.
Hi smcx, lovely picture, good to have another June mummy!
I'm so tired already and it's only Monday. I need Christmas sooooon. The kids in school are wild with plays and Christmas round the corner, teaching is pretty hectic. I just need a lovely rest. Nausea still very much there and taking aspirin plus additional vitamins as I'm consultant led so 4 tablets in the morning with my baby brain is proving a challenge.
Oh I can't imagine how tired you must feel! I honestly think teachers must have so much patience and they're definitely not paid enough! I'd never be able to do that job, and I'm training to be a nurse . How long will you get off during the Christmas period?

Sorry your still suffering with nausea, as frustrating as that is it must be reassuring? As my symptoms have near enough gone I invest in a fetal Doppler to listen to baby at home. It's been brilliant to calm nerves and lower anxiety.

Are you consultant led because of your previous mc? And if you don't mind me asking, is the aspirin to lower mc risk? I only ask as I've read you should be out on it for higher BMI reading and can help lower mc risk, both of which I have/suffered and yet my consultant said it wasn't needed :(

Oh I've finally book my gender scan, going on 23rd Dec just in time for xmas!
Exhausted doesn't even cut it lol. So tired! But nurses don't exactly have it easy so go you!

I have a doppler too. It makes me feel so much less stressed. I love using it just to check on baby maybe once a week to ease the worry. It was hard to hear it at first but it's getting easier to find the heartbeat the further along I get.

Actually I got put on aspirin because I have an underactive thyroid and it means I have an increased risk of preeclampsia. The aspirin reduces that risk. You get prescribed it if you tick certain boxes and unfortunately that was one of them. It also means I have a consultant because of it to watch my levels. Tbh they didn't blink an eye about the miscarriages, they haven't done much about that as I suppose it's something they see fairly regularly. If you're concerned though maybe talk to your midwife? Xx
Roll on the Christmas holidays for you! I’m a hairdresser and it’s our busiest time so I literally come home and get in bed I’m shattered from being on my feet constantly :bored:

Do any of you find that you wake up some days your bump looks like it’s gone smaller? Yesterday I felt really big and today I feel like it’s hardly there :-(
I'm so tired already and it's only Monday. I need Christmas sooooon. The kids in school are wild with plays and Christmas round the corner, teaching is pretty hectic. I just need a lovely rest.

I know exactly what you mean Smithy. There’s no tired like end of term tired anyway but with pregnancy tiredness added on top I’m exhausted. I’m really looking forward to the two weeks off. I plan on taking it easy as much as possible.
I'm still having wicked nausea and heartburn which is doing my head in now. Can't believe people think this is enjoyable haha. I sound like such a misery but it's getting me down some days.
I've had my parent's dog cone to stay so two pups just over a year going wild all weekend when the OH is in work. Been tough on top of the nausea.
I swear I keep feeling the odd flutter like I felt before. It's a very distinct feeling and not wind I've decided.
I've bought a giant elephant... which is the least practical thing ever haha but it was £5 from wish and really massive and soft haha.

Have you tried ranitidine for the heartburn? The pharmacist won't sell it to you if you tell them you're pregnant as they're nervous with pregnant people but it's perfectly safe so you can just not tell them or go to the doctor for a prescription if you'd prefer! It's amazing, just one tablet and it's totally gone! I took one every day last pregnancy and don't know how I would have got through it without xx
Thankfully I've not been hit with heartburn yet. I had that in my second pregnancy, it's horrific. I'm fairly sure I kept gaviscon afloat that year lol.

I'm flipping shattered today. Went to bed at 10.30pm, woke at 7am and it felt like I'd not slept! I've been into town this afternoon to pick up some last min bits for xmas and now I feel like curling up and sleeping, roll on bedtime.

Hope everyone else is doing ok? X
Having a bit of a nightmare actually, been booked in for a cervical stitch on Wednesday so looks like I might actually be a May Mummy, if I get that far, fingers crossed!
Oh I hope you're okay Unicorn! What happened of you don't mind me asking? Hoping all is okay xx
Thankfully I've not been hit with heartburn yet. I had that in my second pregnancy, it's horrific. I'm fairly sure I kept gaviscon afloat that year lol.

I'm flipping shattered today. Went to bed at 10.30pm, woke at 7am and it felt like I'd not slept! I've been into town this afternoon to pick up some last min bits for xmas and now I feel like curling up and sleeping, roll on bedtime.

Hope everyone else is doing ok? X

Still exhausted, agree with you there. And having crazy vivid (and random!)
I had a massive row with the OH over really dumb stuff. Thinking my hormones are going berserk. I really want to book my gender scan but there's nothing available this year that I can find. Everyone wants to find out at Christmas it seems.
Booked in with my midwife for 16 week check up but I will be nearly 18 weeks but I'm seeing her 2nd Jan. Next milestone for me. How's everyone doing?'x
I'm ok thank you, just high risk as I only have half a uterus and scan today showed the length of my cervix means I'm high risk of pre-term labour. So I need a stitch next week (which comes with a 5% risk of miscarriage) which will support my uterus but won't stop labour if it does start so I'll then have steroids at 26 weeks so hopefully baby's lungs will be developed enough if they do come early but hopefully I'll get to 37 weeks, when I'll have the stitch removed and will likely go into labor immediately. So baby's birthday will more than likely be the 29th of May, hopefully! Xx
Unicorn that all sounds very nerve wrecking! But sounds like your in good hands and I assume they'll be keeping a close eye on you? When is your due date? I can add you to the front page.

Smithy I'm doing OK. Symptoms still kinda come and go, apart from the ance which I was would just go!! Shame about the gender scan. Have you looked for places further afield? There's not many place near where I live, but if you travel out an hour you can find loads! Maybe travel out, get the scan then go shopping where ever it is that you find yourself?!

My next milestone is 16wk app, which is next 16wk and I'll actually be 17wks lol. Then 3 days later it'll be gender scan, then the 10th Jan it'll be anomaly scan time. So I've my next few milestones worked out haha
Yeah, this is obviously going to be another very nerve wracking pregnancy and I'm really not looking forward to a full spinal block and having my cervix stitched whilst pregnant, you feel vulnerable and delicate enough as it is don't you! But nevermind, whatever is needed to keep this little one safe. My full term due date is the 17th June xx
Hi Ladies,

I’m due the 6th June, baby will be born in May as I’m high risk due to previous c/sections.

It be lovely to get to know you all xx
I’ve made my way over to tri 2! How’s everyone feeling? Due date is now 22 June. I wonder if this little one will be early. My toddler arrived at 37+4 much to my surprise. I’ll definitely be taking mat leave early this time round just in case!

Gorgeous picture Debbie! Congratulations and welcome to tri 2. Glad everything is going well xx
Sorry not been very active recently. Been reading all your posts, just been really busy with Christmas stuff to remember to type anything back!

Welcome to all the new Tri 2 ladies!! So nice to have more people in this hopefully more relaxed trimester.

Unicorn, does sound very scary but hopefully will over quite quickly and then you can carry on with a little less worry anyway.

Think I am starting to feel baby a little now but it is my third. And my bump has growed so much in the last few weeks! Its like my body knew people could know so it would explode! haha. Got a poorly eldest DD tonight, temperature of 39.8 and flaked on sofa before she even managed tea. Hopefully only a virus and be better in AM. xx
That's no good Bubbles, bless her. Keep an eye on that temperature lovely. Not to be a worry wart but mine reached 40 when I had sepsis and I had virtually no other symptoms. I'm just very wary of high temps since then xx
Just got back from my scan and everything went really well. I'm back to 12w6d so due on the 25th June and baby is looking healthy, nuchal translucency is good. I'm so happy and relieved! They are also fairly sure it's a boy. He was still quite active but more cooperative this time. I have to see the doctor on Wednesday afternoon before I fly to check I'm OK, go through any blood results they have back. They also said the doctor will want to check up on something from the scan but to not to worry about it. I feel so much more relaxed already but by Wednesday night I might actually be able to relax properly and enjoy!

Only thing is she mentioned the Dr might want to look at the line thing that you can sort of see at the top of the uterus in the scan. Didn't say what it was. Anyone have any ideas before I drive myself mad googling?

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Hi, has anyone experienced pain in lower pelvis? I’m pretty sure it’s just my ligaments stretching but boy it’s uncomfortable especially towards the end of the day. I’m quite petite so my bump is quite visible already, the pain is just under my bump. Around my knicker line (the only way I can think of to describe where it sorry.) I’m 14 weeks now, I don’t remember all these little things from having my daughter, she’s 6 now.

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