***June 2019 Mummies***

Ladies I've not caught up yet, will do that once I'm home and settled. But just wanted to let you know that I've had the gender scan. We are team :pink: I'm absolutely over the moon! After having two boys, I honestly thought I'd have another lol

Don't really have any pictures just one of her foot, one of her hand and her bits lol, she didn't want to show us her face at all. Went as far as turning her back to us lol.

If I don't manage to get on before Xmas, I hope you all have a very merry Christmas. Xxx
Wow, massive congratulations, that's lovely news. Have a fab Christmas all xx
Aww congrats baby! How lovely. I bet your boys are chuffed too. Merry Christmas to you too xx
Aww lovely news baby3. Congratulations <3:pink: what a wonderland Christmas present :angel:
Lovely news baby!
It appears my belly it definitely now noticeable! About the same as I was with my daughter around 20 weeks (belly button popped out at week 8)

Merry Christmas everyone
Here’s to not puking over the turkey tomorrow while cooking for a small army of 10! (It was a good idea pre pregnancy) xxx
Aw congratulations baby!!

Hope you all have a lovely Christmas xx
Lovely news baby!
It appears my belly it definitely now noticeable! About the same as I was with my daughter around 20 weeks (belly button popped out at week 8)

Merry Christmas everyone
Here’s to not puking over the turkey tomorrow while cooking for a small army of 10! (It was a good idea pre pregnancy) xxx

Haha 13 here Chrissi, well 10 adults, 3 kids. Like you this was planned pre pregnancy too! Think I’ll be ok though, doing most the prep today so should just be a case of chucking it all in the oven tomorrow & hoping I can serve it all still hot ! Big reveal tomorrow too! All my family & the kids. Hoping everyone’s excited although I can actually imagine my mum might be annoyed that I didn’t tell her earlier lol. Shall let you all know how it goes ! Merry Christmas if I can’t get on here before!
Merry Christmas Everyone!!! Good luck for the big reveal Linnett sounds like a lovely idea!

I’m already knackered! Did get a lovely Christmas present and felt baby kick for first time last night :) obviously picked up its sibling’s excitement xx
Soooo I found out baby’s sex tonight..

ITS A BOY!! :blue:

Over the moon, still can’t quite believe it!

Hope you’ve all had a lovely Christmas
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas ! Felt knackered today but I think that’s just because the last 2 days have been so busy. The reveal was good. Everyone was so surprised. Kids opened their t shirts at the same time & my DD took a while to read it whilst my 4 year old son threw his on the floor & said “I don’t want this!” He just thought it was another boring item of clothing haha! But when we explained he was excited. They both are. DD rubs my tummy at every opportunity bless her. Rest of family were happy & my mum was but did keep making a point of how I’ve known for so long & not told her which I thought she might do but I haven’t heard from her since so I think she’s taken it to heart more than I thought. Can just imagine it now “she doesn’t tell me anything anymore” and she’s very stubborn so this could go on a while!

Dinner for 13 wasn’t actually too stressful either, I’d do it again so couldn’t have been that bad.

Congrats on the baby boy Smcx, lovely news :)
Congratulations on team blue!!

I’m glad you had a good Christmas Linnett, hopefully your mum will come around soon.

I thought the exhaustion would go when I hit 14 weeks like last time but nope, I’m so tired still. Maybe it’s having a toddler to run around too. I don’t know when we’re going to tell her she’s going to be a big sister, probably after the 20 week scan. I wanted to have a private gender scan at 16/17 weeks but then she’d have to come with us and I don’t want her to find out that way.
Sorry I haven't written in ages, been pretty manic with Christmas!

Congratulations to those who have joined and on those who have found out the sex of their baby.
We found out today that we are having a BOY! :blue:
We did our reveal and everyone is so incredibly excited for us it has been just lovely.
It is all becoming very real, nearly halfway through! Went for a wander around mothercare and got stressed and panicky about all the stuff I don't know yet so left with nothing haha!
Hope everyone is well and had a lovely Christmas and a happy New year xxxx
Congratulations on the ladies finding out the gender. Hoping to find out ours in a few weeks at our next scan, that's if hel look (it's a scan to check baby is still forming ok)
Our daughter is hoping for a sister, our son wants a brother so someone is gunna be disappointed lol

We did a reveal at Xmas, really didn't get the response we expected. Everyone was so happy. Lol my dad is planning his and my mum's summer round the baby (we live near the seaside) my mum has got her crochet needles out ready lol.
Congrats on the boy Smithy!!

Sounds like another lovely Christmas reveal Marvellous :)

There is theee of us pregnant at work and only one knows the sex so far so we tried the baking soda test but used bicarbonate by mistake! All did it at same time and was anti climax when all three were flat! The one who knows is having a boy so we knew it wasn’t right. Going to try baking soda next time! Xx
Hello ladies,

Big welcome to linnet and marvellous_mum, I've added you to the front page :) chrissi, I'm still to add you to the front page as I'm not sure what date you want?

Congratulations to those who have had early gender scans. Can't believe where at that stage already, nearly half way there now! I've assigned the correct colour stalk to everyone's name now, if I've missed anyone let me know.

Sounds like you've all had busy but fun Christmases! Hope santa spoiled you lovely mama's to be?

We've had a seemingly quiet Christmas compared to some, but it's still left me knackered! I actually went for a nap Christmas day, my eyes felt like they were going to fall out my head! I feel more tired this trimester than I did the first. Feeling a lot more movement now but it's still very sparodic, some days I feel her (still gives me butterflies saying her <3) more than others but I think that is down to how she's laying. Sometimes I can feel a hard mass, look huge and feel the most movement. The next day I'll look less pregnant, tummy feels soft and can barely feel anything at all. Can't wait for more regular movements. Sickness is still lingering, randomly sick every so often but it's manageable and barely stops me from going about my day.

So we told our little boy Christmas Eve about the baby. Decided to do it early just in case he got upset, I didn't want to ruin his Christmas day lol. I'm glad we did now, as he didn't take it well lol. He was happy at the thought of being a big brother, but only if he could have a baby brother. The bottom lip came out and eyes welled up when he was told it was a girl :rotfl:. After reassuring him that not all girls stink (his genuine concern lol) he was fairly happy at the thought of having a baby sister. Christmas day he was happily telling everyone that mummy's tummy was growing a baby girl.

I've still not bought any baby bits, will most likely wait until after the anomaly scan in January. Can't wait to start buying pink stuff!

Do you have any plans for new years eve? We're staying home this year, will probably have a few snacks, non-alcoholic beverage and watch a film. In all honesty I'll probably be asleep before 12 haha.
Hello ladies,

Big welcome to linnet and marvellous_mum, I've added you to the front page :) chrissi, I'm still to add you to the front page as I'm not sure what date you want?

Congratulations to those who have had early gender scans. Can't believe where at that stage already, nearly half way there now! I've assigned the correct colour stalk to everyone's name now, if I've missed anyone let me know.

Sounds like you've all had busy but fun Christmases! Hope santa spoiled you lovely mama's to be?

We've had a seemingly quiet Christmas compared to some, but it's still left me knackered! I actually went for a nap Christmas day, my eyes felt like they were going to fall out my head! I feel more tired this trimester than I did the first. Feeling a lot more movement now but it's still very sparodic, some days I feel her (still gives me butterflies saying her <3) more than others but I think that is down to how she's laying. Sometimes I can feel a hard mass, look huge and feel the most movement. The next day I'll look less pregnant, tummy feels soft and can barely feel anything at all. Can't wait for more regular movements. Sickness is still lingering, randomly sick every so often but it's manageable and barely stops me from going about my day.

So we told our little boy Christmas Eve about the baby. Decided to do it early just in case he got upset, I didn't want to ruin his Christmas day lol. I'm glad we did now, as he didn't take it well lol. He was happy at the thought of being a big brother, but only if he could have a baby brother. The bottom lip came out and eyes welled up when he was told it was a girl :rotfl:. After reassuring him that not all girls stink (his genuine concern lol) he was fairly happy at the thought of having a baby sister. Christmas day he was happily telling everyone that mummy's tummy was growing a baby girl.

I've still not bought any baby bits, will most likely wait until after the anomaly scan in January. Can't wait to start buying pink stuff!

Do you have any plans for new years eve? We're staying home this year, will probably have a few snacks, non-alcoholic beverage and watch a film. In all honesty I'll probably be asleep before 12 haha.
Thankyou for adding me to the page :)

My daughter wants a sister, says she's had enough of boys and doesn't want another brother. She's 7. My 4 year old doesn't quite grasp it really. He just keeps asking if I'm still growing a baby lol

I plan a quiet new years aswell. Been quiet for the last few years now as husband always works, and nobody to watch the kids.
So will just be trashy tv, pop and jelly lol

Anyone experiencing awful constipation. I'm suffering this time. Gunna have to go get some stuff for it.

Hope you all have a lovely day, were off to let kids spend Xmas money and go to the beach. ( I know in this weather were mad lol)
I’ve suffered a bit with constipation! Now I’m on iron tablets I’m making sure I’m getting my fibre and orange juice in so I can go so I’m not too bad now.

I’ve bought a few bits but plan on actually buying after my 20 wk scan. Unfortunately both the closest mothercare’s to me are closing down, luckily they’ve got lots of sales on though!

I’ve been back in work since Thursday so Christmas already seems ages ago! But I’m glad cos then the 20wk scan will come faster. Even though i had a wellbeing check when I had my gender scan I still feel anxious until I know he’s growing okay!

Have a lovely sober new year everyone!!xx
No plans for New Years, oh has a horrid chest infection and just started antibiotics so don’t think he is up for much so both be in bed before midnight I think

I had terrible constipation with this and last pregnancy. I swear by prune juice. Have a small glass every morning and evening and soon gets me back to normal. Pharmacist gave me fybogel but that gave me such bad cramps and I was worse than ever!

Not buying till after scan. Going to get a little outfit and wrap it up for my girls to unwrap to find out gender! Not long now! 17th!! My sister in law is being induced new year eve... lovely way to see in the new year! Haha. Hoping that will keep me occupied till my scan xx
I'm glad everyone had a lovely Christmas and that everyone doing reveals got the response they were hoping for! My reveals to family went really well except to my great aunt who is getting a bit forgetful and had to be told 4 times. Still, she was so pleased to find out each time!

I had a lovely Christmas with our families and it just flew by. We have travelled back home again now so aside from being exhausted from an overnight flight it's good to be back at home. I've left all the washing for tomorrow.

My sickness was much better the last few days of the holiday. Mostly because I never got even slightly hungry with all the lovely Christmas food around. I slept on the flight back so missed my meal and then got really hungry and the sickness has been terrible again today though. Finally managed some pasta for dinner which should help. I still don't feel much like eating normal food though. I could quite easily live on crisps, chocolate biscuits and jelly sweets, so much for my perfect pregnancy plans!

I still have a week before I'm back at work so I have bought a pregnancy journal to fill out in that time and i got lots of craft bits for Christmas to do over the next few days. Hopefully it will be nice and chilled. No plans for new years either, I'll probably be in bed by 9 or 10 anyway!

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