Hello ladies,
Big welcome to linnet and marvellous_mum, I've added you to the front page

chrissi, I'm still to add you to the front page as I'm not sure what date you want?
Congratulations to those who have had early gender scans. Can't believe where at that stage already, nearly half way there now! I've assigned the correct colour stalk to everyone's name now, if I've missed anyone let me know.
Sounds like you've all had busy but fun Christmases! Hope santa spoiled you lovely mama's to be?
We've had a seemingly quiet Christmas compared to some, but it's still left me knackered! I actually went for a nap Christmas day, my eyes felt like they were going to fall out my head! I feel more tired this trimester than I did the first. Feeling a lot more movement now but it's still very sparodic, some days I feel her (still gives me butterflies saying her

) more than others but I think that is down to how she's laying. Sometimes I can feel a hard mass, look huge and feel the most movement. The next day I'll look less pregnant, tummy feels soft and can barely feel anything at all. Can't wait for more regular movements. Sickness is still lingering, randomly sick every so often but it's manageable and barely stops me from going about my day.
So we told our little boy Christmas Eve about the baby. Decided to do it early just in case he got upset, I didn't want to ruin his Christmas day lol. I'm glad we did now, as he didn't take it well lol. He was happy at the thought of being a big brother, but only if he could have a baby brother. The bottom lip came out and eyes welled up when he was told it was a girl

. After reassuring him that not all girls stink (his genuine concern lol) he was fairly happy at the thought of having a baby sister. Christmas day he was happily telling everyone that mummy's tummy was growing a baby girl.
I've still not bought any baby bits, will most likely wait until after the anomaly scan in January. Can't wait to start buying pink stuff!
Do you have any plans for new years eve? We're staying home this year, will probably have a few snacks, non-alcoholic beverage and watch a film. In all honesty I'll probably be asleep before 12 haha.