***June 2019 Mummies***

Congratulations Bumbles! :blue:
Boys are definitely out numbering girls at the moment haha, I gave in earlier on and bought a few baby clothes online. That’s it now til after my 20 week scan then I’ll start properly :angel:
Haha bumbles, my little boy had the same reaction! Was adamant he didn't want a sister, he's come round to the idea now. It's so exciting when you find out the sex, don't know about you ladies but it made it feel a lot more real.

Smcx, I've not bought anything yet but I have and a sneeky peek at the girls clothes. I still can't believe I get to shop for little girls clothes! Xx
I've been looking at boys clothes and names because in all honesty I hadn't really looked at boys stuff before. Girls clothes are so pretty it was easy to browse and we had a girls name picked. We have changed our mind on the boy name and back to square one. Had a good look at some things in the sale though as there's loads of half price tommee tippee stuff about right now.
Congrats Bumbles!!!

I’m starting to regret not booking a gender scan now, so jealous of you all finding out!! Only two weeks Thursday though till 20 weeks now.

My poor sis in law has been in hospital two days now trying induction but nothing has started. They are talking about sending her home for a day and then starting again. I want to see my neice or nephew!!! :) xx
Oh bless you bubbles. You've not got long now you'll soon know what team your on. Seems like forever when your so desperate to know doesn't it. I'm inpatient so knew I'd have to book a early gender scan, plus it gave me a bit of reassurance inbetween scans also.

I've got my anomaly scan on the 10th, day after my birthday. So not long now and I get to see her again. Will probably book in a 3d scan at some point after 28-30 weeks, will take my little boy with me to see her.

I'm guessing everyone will be returning back to work shortly? My fella has gone back today, it'll be weird him not knocking about to share the load bit feels good to get back into a routine. My kids aren't back until 8th Jan so will have to find something to do to pass these next few days. Weather is miserable though so kinda limits outdoor play :/
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It definitely made it feel more real for me Baby. We’d been trying for so long I didn’t think it would ever happen. Even with my bump growing by the day I still didn’t quite believe it. We got to have a sneaky peek in 3D with our gender scan and it was so much clearer than I ever thought it would be at 16 weeks. We could see our little boy’s face, I think that’s when it hit me that it was really happening.
Ahh love the scan Bumbles! I was exactly the same feels a bit more real now, I’ve shown people my 3D scan and people say how weird they look but I liked it cos it made him seem a bit more real than the 2D scan. This is mine at 17 weeks..

Aww look at those 3d scans! So cute. Can't wait to get one done myself. But I'll wait a while yet.

Baby has been moving this morning. I can feel her loads more than normal I this makes it more real for me, being able to feel my little girl. Ekk, exciting! Xx
Awwww I love 3d scans. I got 2 free with my other 2 as my consultant turned the scanner 3d for me. Dont think Il get it this time tho as diff consultant.

More boys eeekkk. I'm convinced I'm having a girl so maybe girls can start to even up the numbers lol
Morning ladies, have any of your symptoms just suddenly stopped? 15 weeks today & woken up this morning to realise I didn’t get up once during the night to pee. Didn’t even need to pee that much upon waking. When I went it was quite a long wee but I wasn’t bursting to go like normal. Also the biggest thing is my boobs. They’ve been the most prominent symptom the whole way through, really heavy & sore & today I’ve woken to notice they barely hurt ! I just don’t “feel” pregnant anymore. I know it’s early but I’m sure I was able to feel movement before & now I don’t feel anything. Has any of your symptoms just suddenly come to an abrupt holt?
Morning ladies, have any of your symptoms just suddenly stopped? 15 weeks today & woken up this morning to realise I didn’t get up once during the night to pee. Didn’t even need to pee that much upon waking. When I went it was quite a long wee but I wasn’t bursting to go like normal. Also the biggest thing is my boobs. They’ve been the most prominent symptom the whole way through, really heavy & sore & today I’ve woken to notice they barely hurt ! I just don’t “feel” pregnant anymore. I know it’s early but I’m sure I was able to feel movement before & now I don’t feel anything. Has any of your symptoms just suddenly come to an abrupt holt?
Iv felt full of energy, no sickness, mo tiredness nothing the last few days. I'm taking it as a break and taking advantage while I can lol
Sorry linnett, my symptoms have been fairly consistent but I did have the odd day where they were a lot less than others. If you're worried contact your midwife? They should be able to reassure you. I'm sure all is okay.

I had my midwife check in appointment and so pleased as got to hear baby on her doppler (he was kicking it like crazy!) Everything is perfect from 12 week scan so that's why I hadn't heard anything and my 2nd urine test was fine after - hurrah!
Have booked in for flu and whooping cough vaccines now. January is the month for lots of appointments, I have 5 to get through!
I had no symptoms for a few days too but the last couple of days they’ve come back with a vengeance.

Baby the 3D bit was only a little part of the well-being scan. I didn’t have any extra scans with my daughter but after seeing him in 3D I can totally see the appeal of having one. If I was paying for a 3D one I’d leave it til later though so you can see more. They had photos on the wall in the scan centre of a 3D scan at each week of pregnancy (from 15 weeks) and the further along in the pregnancy they were the more detail they picked up.
I had the same thing Bumbles. Though mine was a bit of a let down as he is facing down with his hand over his face and would NOT move... but here it is none the less. A bit creepy and lumpy looking to me haha.

Happy New Year ladies :)

We found out New Years Eve we are having a boy! We were convinced, as were both our families, that it was going to be a girl. We had no preference though and it's our first baby so we are super excited. We had the names Mia and Maya shortlisted for a girl but as it's a boy he's going to be an Archie! Due date is now 16th June, Father's Day :)

Feels a lot more real now and was lovely to see him on the scan again. Reassuring too as I haven't really had any symptoms for weeks. I was also told I have an anterior placenta which will be cushioning any kicks so I will likely feel them less and a bit later. Bit of a shame as I'm looking forward to them at the moment but sure I will be grateful when they are strong punches and kicks!
Morning ladies, have any of your symptoms just suddenly stopped? 15 weeks today & woken up this morning to realise I didn’t get up once during the night to pee. Didn’t even need to pee that much upon waking. When I went it was quite a long wee but I wasn’t bursting to go like normal. Also the biggest thing is my boobs. They’ve been the most prominent symptom the whole way through, really heavy & sore & today I’ve woken to notice they barely hurt ! I just don’t “feel” pregnant anymore. I know it’s early but I’m sure I was able to feel movement before & now I don’t feel anything. Has any of your symptoms just suddenly come to an abrupt holt?

Hi linnett, bless you it's so hard not to worry isn't it. But try to relax. Your symptoms easing off may just be a simple case of hormones leveling off and placenta taking over the workload. My symptoms have always been hit and miss. Barely no symptoms to be certain off til 11, and then it was only occasional vomiting. My boobs fluctuate between feeling like they are lead balloons to not feeling anything at all. So your boobies feeling OK can be normal. And as for needing a night time pee, some nights I can be up 3 times a night to pee, other nights not at all. I think as the uterus grows it moves up out of the pelvis so iy doesn't crush the bladder as much, and I believe it depends on where the baby lays as to how much you can hold.

If your concerned to the pint of not being able to settle then I'd recommend ringing your midwife. But if she's anything like mine she'll just say 'as long as you've no pain or bleeding, its all normal' which personally I don't find reassuring at all. If you get no help from the midwife would it be viable to get a wellbeing scan privately for your piece of mind? Xx
Happy New Year ladies :)

We found out New Years Eve we are having a boy! We were convinced, as were both our families, that it was going to be a girl. We had no preference though and it's our first baby so we are super excited. We had the names Mia and Maya shortlisted for a girl but as it's a boy he's going to be an Archie! Due date is now 16th June, Father's Day :)

Feels a lot more real now and was lovely to see him on the scan again. Reassuring too as I haven't really had any symptoms for weeks. I was also told I have an anterior placenta which will be cushioning any kicks so I will likely feel them less and a bit later. Bit of a shame as I'm looking forward to them at the moment but sure I will be grateful when they are strong punches and kicks!

Congratulations on the scan and having a little boy!! Love the name Archie.

Shame about the anterior placenta but like you say, you'll be thankful for the cushioning when it comes to full on punches and kicks. They can be a bit painful sometimes, especially in tri 3 lol.

Those are some lovely 3d scans, it really does make everything seem so real when you see the baby like that. So exciting!

I've needed to pee far less the last week or so too. It's great! I read somewhere that as the uterus lifts up out of the pelvis and pops out the front it takes some of the pressure off the bladder so you don't need to pee as often. I was getting up several times a night, now I only go once or twice.

I'm still waiting for movement too. I also have an anterior placenta so it could be a while yet but the doctor said that because I'm fairly slim it may not take too much longer. I keep laying down and trying to convince him to move but so far nothing!

My bath thermometer finally arrived today so I had a lovely relaxing bath. I knew 37C would be colder than I usually go for, I measured my normal bath and it was about 40C so I'm glad I bought the thermometer so I don't overheat.
Congrats on baby girl unicorn.
I only gained baby weight smithy with my last pregnancy. I weighed 8.5 stone before and the week I gave birth I was less than 9.5 stone! Baby was 7lb4!

Baby.. I’m due on 29th June, find out the gender on 16th jan I’ll have my 16 week midwife appt and then my scan on the same evening. We can’t wait!

I’m still getting outbreaks of awful acne and the sciatica/ hip pain. It’s right in the joint at the back. It’s not all the time, but like you mainly in bed and if I’ve been standing too long. We went bowling NYE and it killed me yesterday.

Anyone else feeling huge? I’m nearly as big as I was at 27 weeks with my daughter! I’ll post the comparison pics. Although my bump at the moment is obviously low, people can clearly tell now!
Striped top is now and blue one was with my daughter at 27weeks x

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Awww lush bump Chrissi! I am feeling a lot bigger suddenly last few days. I may be brave enough to post a bumpie in a bit haha. Yours is so neat though.
I literally feel like I've done 100 crunches this morning, my lower abdomen is SO sore. Midwife didn't seem that concerned but it's honestly difficult to move around as it's making my lower back sore too.

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