***June 2019 Mummies***

Yeah, not much sleep happening here either, mainly due to our little one though, he's really not good at sleeping at the moment, which is really bad timing! And I worry about going to toilet in the night in case I disturb him and then that's the end of any kind of rest for all of us, so I spend most of the night just lying there needing a wee! And I've been woken by those horrific leg cramps a few times - they're bloody agony and such a horrible way to be woken up it takes me a while to get over it! Xx
Looks like we’re all losing the sleeping battle then lol. Last night was rubbish as well. Just feels like I’m awake every hour for one reason or another!

Had midwife appointment today. Babies measuring in line with dates. When she felt for baby it was head down, back along my right side & legs to the left. I know it moves all the time as this stage but still cute to know as I can’t tell which was it’s laying just yet. Hearing heartbeat again is always lovely. Spoke to her about wanting a home birth so she’s referred me to their team. We actually have a dedicated homebirth team here so I feel like by choosing this option you get more 1 on 1 time. Instead of going to her now for appointments they’ll come to me & I love the fact you get 2 come to you when your in labour & stay the whole duration. You don’t get that in hospital so I’m really excited to get the ball rolling with that. I know labours still a while away but it’s just nice to start getting some of the “serious” bits into play now :)
Wow that seems like really dedicated service Linnett! Are you doing hypnobirthing? I've been doing an online course and they keep saying how home is the safest and most comfortable place to give birth. It certainly sounds great. Shame it's not an option here.
Sleep is better for me than it has been, besides being too hot! And my other half’s sleep habits. He’s got an appt on Monday, I think he has sleep apnea and wakes me up when he gasps for air!

I’ve just booked a holiday to Spain for end of May/June how crazy?!
My little girl is going away with her dad, so thought we’d have a few days break before baby comes! I’ll only have 4 days to spare before my flight cut off at 37weeks! I hope he doesn’t arrive early!

Does anyone else feel like they might faint when they lay on their back?!
I still find laying on my back far too comfortable! I have been trying to be so careful about sleeping on my side with my pregnancy pillow and now my bump is a bit bigger it sort of weighs me down so I don't wake up on my back as much but I'm still missing sleeping on my back.
I actually sleep quite well minus the getting up for a wee at night! Suffering from an achy lower back at moment which makes me feel like I’m waddling. Hoping it’s not a urine infection and just because of my bump and job!

That really does sound like a lovely dedicated team there for home birth Linnett. I haven’t even thought that far ahead yet about the birth!
Wow that seems like really dedicated service Linnett! Are you doing hypnobirthing? I've been doing an online course and they keep saying how home is the safest and most comfortable place to give birth. It certainly sounds great. Shame it's not an option here.

Haven’t started hynobirthing yet but it’s deff something I want to look into soon. My first 2 children I had in hospital & strapped up to machines a lot. They weren’t bad labours but I just feel if I can have a more relaxed, almost tranquil environment it’s a no brainier. I love the idea of having baby, being able to get in my own shower & my own bed with my new baby & family around us. I stayed overnight both times with before & there was barely any help at all from midwives. I know it’s not there fault as they are so short staffed but to me if I can have baby at home with the care of 2 midwives up until babies delivered & they are happy everything’s ok with both of us then it just seems perfect. If anything was to go wrong they just call an ambulance out but fingers crossed that won’t happen :)
I actually sleep quite well minus the getting up for a wee at night! Suffering from an achy lower back at moment which makes me feel like I’m waddling. Hoping it’s not a urine infection and just because of my bump and job!

That really does sound like a lovely dedicated team there for home birth Linnett. I haven’t even thought that far ahead yet about the birth!

I had an awful lower back yesterday. Not had it before & only thing I can put it down to was how I’d spent the whole of Monday cleaning every inch of the house, windows, floors, doors, walls etc & then yesterday I spent practically all day ironing so last night it ached so much. Decided to get a hot bath & it helped it instantly. It was a small reminder of the real pain I’m going to be in in around 13 weeks time ! Ha
Ah, I've always loved the idea of a home birth Linnett but no chance with my complications and after my last labour I don't know what room I'd choose because I'd be too traumatised to go in there again!
Wow, that's brave Chrissi! And yes, I struggle on my back, my blood pressure isn't good anyway so I feel faint a lot of the time but being on my back definitely doesn't help xx

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