***June 2019 Mummies***

Have you tried a pillow between your knees and ankles Baby? That helped my hips last time round. I keep waking with pins and needles in my hands, it wasn’t just at my in laws.

Very tempted to book a private scan for next weekend now!
D3bbie I had Pins and needles in hands at night with my first. I mentioned it to physio when I went for spd and she said it was carpel tunnel in pregnancy which is quite common. She gave me a wrist support to wear at night and I found it did go away as I progressed into pregnancy. Xx
I’ve had terrible trouble sleeping because of the pain in my hips Baby. I start off on one side and swap over all through the night. I can’t bare being on one side for long.
Have people got any ideas for names yet? Our little boy was going to be called Malachi but now she's a little girl we have no idea what we're going to call her! Xx

Congrats on the baby girl! Lovely news to take into the new year :)

We have a quite a long list of boys & girls names. We’re not finding out but have the following as favs for girls Thea, Darcy, Harper & Ruby - middle name Florence & Chester, Jaxon (jax for short) & Brody as favs for boys. Middle name Robert. Middle names are always family names for us. Could all still change yet though haha
I have awful lower back pain during the night. Had it before pregnancy but deff notice it getting worse now. I kind of just put up with it as don’t know what else to do lol. Thinking about buying a yoga pregnancy dvd as it’ll be good overall but read it really loosens you up & takes away aches & pains.
I will join you all on the pain front. Pain in my back and right down low in my pelvis when sleeping. Trying to sleep on my left as much as possible but it's proving a challenge. I have a pillow but halfway through the night I get too hot and bothered so it gets launched out of the bed. Hoping it eases a bit.
We are quite boy heavy in our June group I've noticed, how funny x
I went for a nap earlier and wedged a pillow between my legs. It helped a little but I can see that being annoying when I need to turn over I'm bed, having to rearrange the pillow lol.

I did notice the boy to girl ratio, still plenty of time for it to even out though lol.

Went to morrisons today, never bother looking at the clothes but had a peek today out of curiosity. They have a few cute girly baby grows in, so looking forward to buying baby stuff.

What are your plans for tonight smithy? Xx
I'm not really experiencing that much joint pain yet but my sleep is shocking! I must wake about every 30 mins all through the night, I think it must be hormonal!
I also like the name Darcie Linnett but hubby isn't fussed, we can't agree on any girl's names! Xx
I'm pain free so far which is great as with my 2nd I has spd and was in excruciating pain everyday from 14 weeks until he was born.
Did get my first bout if heartburn earlier, I hate heartburn. Luckily it's now gone.

We have a name for a girl, it's a name we've had 5 years. As for boys names, baby will be doomed as took us long enough to agree on my son's name lol
I'm convinced were having a girl anyway... Will find out next week hopefully.
Our little boy's name is Hendrix, which I love, but no girl's names are grabbing me the same! Xx
We have a list of girls names but can’t think of any boys we like!! We always liked Oliver and call him Ollie for short but now our second daughter is Lily I think it is too similar. Wait till 20 week scan and then we can at least discard half of the baby name book :)

Happy New Year to Everyone!!! Xx
Happy New Year! Hope you all had a fab night, I was asleep by 10 then woke up bang on 12 when the fireworks started!

Anyone who’s first pregnancy this is, when did you feel baby move? I know everyone can be different and second pregnancy you feel baby move much earlier. I had little twinges yesterday on and off in my right of belly. But I know that wasn’t him moving but I’m still waiting to feel that feeling!

Also went to the toilet this morning when I woke up, didn’t need a massive wee as I’d woken up quite a few times in the last. But when I wiped I had a blob of yellow discharge? Has anyone else had this?
I’m so paranoid when I go toilet always checking the tissue since I spotted through out my first weeks X
With my first baby I didn't feel him til late on about 24 weeks. But I didn't really know what I was meant to feel. With my second I was about 19 weeks, and with this one I'd say I was about 16 weeks. To me tge initial movements feel like little popping bubbles. Now she's bigger I can feel pressure movements too, like she's stretching or turning round. My popping movements always seem to be just above my pubic bone.

As for the discharge, I use to get this all tge time in tri one. Made me panic too. But I was told its just mucus, most probably excess mucus plug. A surge in hormone produces more and sometimes its not needed so will come come away. Try not to worry, your ok as long as its not painful when you pee or you have a funky smell going on. But if you need piece of mind you can ring your midwife, she might do a dip stick test to rule out UTI

Thank you I also read that somewhere else about the mucus. I haven’t had it again since this morning and not in any pain. It’s crazy I used to be so laid back before I got pregnant now I get paranoid and worried over any little thing :doh:xx
I've felt the pressure feeling too like he's snuggling up against my internal organs or something haha.
No real kicks I don't think just that bubbly feeling at the moment.
I get that (Sorry this is gross) snotty mucus discharge nearly every day and so far our baby has been just fine. Think it's only something to worry about if it smells or is a strange colour I would have thought.

Nothing exciting happened for new years other than me trying to sleep through this horrendous headache I've had for 3 days solid. Think it must be hormone related but it feels horrible.
Oh smithy, I remember in my second pregnancy I got terrible headaches. The only thing that helped was a cold flannel over the forehead or back of the neck. I've got some little angel vapour bubble bath, reviews suggest that it's really helpful for relieving headaches/migraines. I've not used it for that as yet, bought it to help with my cold last month. But might be worth a try to help your headaches?

Smcx, I get what you mean about being paranoid. I spent most of tri one in disbelief and paranoia. The paranoia has remained, I think it will until baby is here. Least we have each other to keep one another sane lol xx
I had an ice pack on most of today then caved and took paracetamol this evening. I didn't want to but I feel instantly better now. Won't make a habit of it but I needed to take the edge off desperately after so many days of feeling rough.
Thanks for the advice on the bubble bath, might be worth a try as these headaches seem to last a while. I'm not sure what's worse, the sickness or the headaches haha! Oh well.
Oh fantastic news bumbles! Have you told anyone else or keeping it secret?

The boys are totally out numbering the girls so far
We’ve told most of our family tonight. My husband is over the moon, my daughter has even come around to the thought of having a little brother. She’s 6 and at the beginning all she wanted was a sister, she cried every time we said it could be a boy. I had a funny feeling it was going to be a boy this time. Very exciting.

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