***June 2019 Mummies***

Fingers x’d for you on Wednesday smx let’s hope baby isn’t being shy! Can’t wait to see some 4d pics!

Unicorn do you think you’ll get to tee now? It seems like yesterday since you had your stitch put in!

Caz, sorry your dad is still poorly. Must be a nightmare juggling everything. I haven’t tried NUK, but same as you with wanting to do both. I’m looking at Medela Calma bottles. Apparently they make baby work like they’re on the boob, so they don’t get lazy. Still reading up on them though!

I’m in a dilemma. I have no choice but to combination feed Lo possibly from 1 week old, as I’ll be at college 1 day per fortnight. My partner is travelling with me the first 2 or 3 times, so I can BF before I start, at lunch and immediately afterwards. Just do not know how to do it and not confuse the poor babe!
Morning ladies

Good luck to those having 4D scans this week, hope baby plays ball. I'm considering having a 4D scan done myself, I'll have to have a look at places.

How are you all feeling now? I've got yet another cold! Started off with blocked sinuses, but it's now on my chest. Coughing up some lovely looking green phlegm :(

Luckily I've nothing to do today, did my shopping yesterday with OH. So today I'll just chill at home and potter about doing some cleaning.

Is anyone else out of breath all the time? Just climbing the stairs is a killer!

If no ones done it yet I'll pop over and start a tri 3 thread? I'm 30 weeks this Thursday and I'm sure there's others not far behind... So it's probably time to venture over lol xx
A tri3 thread sounds great! Although I'm not technically there for another week I have another checkup tomorrow and assuming all goes well I'll probably feel confident to switch over when the rest of you do. I had a really relaxing babymoon and no more bleeding (fingers crossed) so hopefully i'll also get permission to be a bit more active again.

I've been reading loads of parenting books while I've been resting, trying to get a better idea of what I want to do. Some of them suggest getting a schedule in place right away and others say to feed on demand. Its so much harder when different people I care about reccomend different things, I don't want to offend anyone by not following the books they suggest and parenting can be such an emotive subject I don't want to be judged or have friends think I'm judging them if I don't follow what worked for them. Plus so much of the information isn't scientific but written by mummy bloggers so only what worked for them and theres so much out there to read!

I have no advice for the ladies choosing bottles but I'm hoping to pick up some tips too!

Hope your cold feels better soon baby.
Abi, don't stress about routines. It's good to read books and get various opinions etc but at the end of the day you and your baby will establish your own routine. You might find you fall naturally into one or the other, or you might end up a mixture of routines. Whatever makes you and your baby happy is the best routine for you. And I'm sure your friends will appreciate that, and they definitely shouldn't be judging or feeling judged if you don't follow what they do. I'm sure they have conflicted info given to them but determined their own routine.

As for bottles, I've picked the MAM anti-colic bottles. Purely becasue these seem really good for colic which my youngest suffered from. However, I'm hoping to exclusively breastfed. I do recall though with my youngest I ended up going through about 4 brands of bottles before finding ones he liked and I got in with.

Glad your feeling better now abi. Fingers crossed that's the last of the bleeding. So worrying when something like that happens xxx
Agree with Baby Abi, there’s no point considering routines especially whilst babies newborn. They’ll feed as & when. If you think they’ve been inside us for 9 months feeding whenever they like so to try to establish a routine too soon will just backfire & you’ll end up stressing thinking you can’t do it or feel like you’ve failed when you shouldn’t have to. Every babies different so you just need to go with the flow. My DS (my second/last) was so much more demanding than my DD. I wanted to BF him for a while but I only did it for 2 weeks in the end as he was literally on the boob constantly & I couldn’t keep up with the demand. Just don’t put too much pressure on yourself, there’s no right or wrong, you just do what you feel comfortable with.

Baby I’m also out of breath a lot, I feel like i need to sit down for 5 minutes just for putting a load of washing on lol. I keep saying to hubby “I’ve still got another 3 months?! what the hell will I be like then?”
Think babies grown again over the weekend - bumps deff bigger & im so tired. Also his/her movements & kicks have ramped up and are so much stronger which is lovely but sometimes I think gosh baby you could warn me before an almighty kick lol. Here’s a picture my daughter took at the weekend :)

Aww linnett your bump is beautiful, looks so neat.

I know what you mean about needing a 5 mins break. I cleaned the bathroom and thought I was going to pass out, it's a killer isn't it lol. Things take so much longer. Doesn't help that I'm 100% bigger this time round and she still has 10weks of growing left!
Lovely bump photo Linnett!

I’m the same at home it takes me ten times longer to do everything and then I need a break before I carry on haha but in work I’m fine I just keep going.
I was painting the skirting boards in baby’s bedroom yesterday and I had to stop cos I wasn’t comfy sat on floor doing it

Baby’s kicking away currently which is reassuring as yesterday I was in such a crap mood all day after not being able to have the scan
Yeah I must say I’ve got to a point now where I’m loving my bump. I just felt fat before lol. I can’t even imagine how big I’ll be by the end though! Ha. Got an appointment with midwife next Tuesday when I’ll be almost 27 weeks & that’ll be the first appointment where she measures bump so I’m intrigued to see if I’m inline with dates or not. I’m not convinced by the accuracy of measuring bump but still intrigued none the less :)

I was helping hubby with the garden earlier. We’ve laid artificial grass & I was brushing it upwards so it didn’t look flat. I was only doing it about 10 mins before I was complaining that arms ached & I was hot etc. I bet he though for gods sake I’m better doing it alone haha
Hands up who's braved the shave and left with lady bits still intact?! Hahaha. It's a whole new ball game when you can't see what your doing. Had to pull the mirror off the wall and sit on the floor hahaha... They don't teach you that in antenatal classes lol.
Hands up who's braved the shave and left with lady bits still intact?! Hahaha. It's a whole new ball game when you can't see what your doing. Had to pull the mirror off the wall and sit on the floor hahaha... They don't teach you that in antenatal classes lol.

Haha! I don’t shave baby, I veet lol. I done it a few days ago actually & still found it ok but I did think omg if I was shaving I’d be much more scared I’d cut bits off lol. I did need to get the mirror though to check everywhere was covered lol
Veeting sounds much safer. Although, i used that once, and burnt my bits! I'm fairly sure i used the wrong one though?! haha

Ladies, i've set up the Tri 3 thread, so pop over whenever your all ready.
Veeting sounds much safer. Although, i used that once, and burnt my bits! I'm fairly sure i used the wrong one though?! haha

Ladies, i've set up the Tri 3 thread, so pop over whenever your all ready.

Quite a few people say that happens. Fortuneatly I’ve been ok with it. I just use the sensitive one & it works fine. Been doing it years now. I have told hubby he might have to help nearer the end of pregnancy though lol obviously he wouldn’t mind *rolls eyes* any excuse ah lol.

I’ll happily come over to 3rd Tri, but technically I’m still just over 2 weeks away :( can’t wait until I can say I have about 6 weeks left, not 14!
To much effort trying to tend to the garden. Mw have seen it all so literally no interest in trying to shave. Will sort it after baby is here

Hope you all had a nice weekend. It was our wedding anniversary so we went out for dinner... kids in tow lol. Was nice tho. Always fun to celebrate on st Patrick's day.

My eldest come running outta school so excited. She won the crazy hair comp they did on Friday. She won't share her prize the meanie lol
Quite a few people say that happens. Fortuneatly I’ve been ok with it. I just use the sensitive one & it works fine. Been doing it years now. I have told hubby he might have to help nearer the end of pregnancy though lol obviously he wouldn’t mind *rolls eyes* any excuse ah lol.

I’ll happily come over to 3rd Tri, but technically I’m still just over 2 weeks away :( can’t wait until I can say I have about 6 weeks left, not 14!
I obviously have a sensitive garden hahaha

marvellous, happy anniversary! Glad you had fun, even with kiddies in tow. Although, i'd leave the eldest at home next time, seeing how shes not sharing her goodies! lol
Linnett your bump looks amazing!

I've given up shaving too now. I can sort of get the edges will so I can wear swimwear but the rest I used to do in a squat position so I could still see and I'm not allowed to squat anymore so it will just have to grow. I also got a chemical burn from veet when I was about 16 and haven't tried again since. I had to sit in the car for a couple of hours the day after and was too embarrassed to say how much pain I was in!

I guess the only reason I thought a routine was useful was because baby seems to be in one already. I get the most kicks at specific times each day. I don't know it that means that he'll have a routine by the time he's born though. Anyone else noticing a routine with baby kicks? It doesn't seem related to when I've eaten all the time either.
I try to shave and just guess where I’m doing hahah I tried the mirror but still couldn’t see but I haven’t let my boyfriend near me since before we found out I was pregnant so I’m in not that fussed how neat it is at the moment hahah!
Linnett your bump looks amazing!

I've given up shaving too now. I can sort of get the edges will so I can wear swimwear but the rest I used to do in a squat position so I could still see and I'm not allowed to squat anymore so it will just have to grow. I also got a chemical burn from veet when I was about 16 and haven't tried again since. I had to sit in the car for a couple of hours the day after and was too embarrassed to say how much pain I was in!

I guess the only reason I thought a routine was useful was because baby seems to be in one already. I get the most kicks at specific times each day. I don't know it that means that he'll have a routine by the time he's born though. Anyone else noticing a routine with baby kicks? It doesn't seem related to when I've eaten all the time either.

Yes they do have patterns that you start to get to notice. The one I really notice so far is at 10.30 at night. Practically on the dot every night he/she wakes up & is very active for a good half hour. Haven’t really noticed any patterns during the day yet simply because I think your busier in the day so don’t have as much time to pinpoint patterns. He/she is kicking me in the right side as I type though! :)

At first they do tend to wake at the same times they did whilst in the womb but as the days/weeks go on that can all alter due to feeding, general being woken up / held by visitors etc. I’ve got friends who swear by routines but I’ve never really had them as babies. They’d make sure they were home by 5 for instance & would never stay longer to ensure baby follows their bath/bed routine but I’ve always been a bit more laid back. The way I see it baby works round me, I’m not going to put time limits on things just so babies in a strict routine. Once they get older obviously I have a set bedtime but whilst they are babies I just play it by ear really :)
I try to shave and just guess where I’m doing hahah I tried the mirror but still couldn’t see but I haven’t let my boyfriend near me since before we found out I was pregnant so I’m in not that fussed how neat it is at the moment hahah!

Lol is that just because you don’t want to? I find my sex drive is the same during pregnancy as it was before being pregnant. I have one week a month where I’m really “driven” lol (which would usually be when ovulating so understandable) & then it dies off & im not interested but even when pregnant & clearly not ovulating it still happens lol
Lol is that just because you don’t want to? I find my sex drive is the same during pregnancy as it was before being pregnant. I have one week a month where I’m really “driven” lol (which would usually be when ovulating so understandable) & then it dies off & im not interested but even when pregnant & clearly not ovulating it still happens lol

I’m just not interested in doing it all and I think because I spotted in the beginning and was told I had a little cervical erosion and having sex could of caused me to spot by irritating it (even tho we hadn’t had sex) it’s put me off :???:
I’m just not interested in doing it all and I think because I spotted in the beginning and was told I had a little cervical erosion and having sex could of caused me to spot by irritating it (even tho we hadn’t had sex) it’s put me off :???:

Aww bless that’s totally understandable. If there’s a chance it could effect baby it really isn’t worth risking. How’s hubby with the abstinence? Mine gets arsey if it’s been 2 weeks for gods sake lol but I guess if there was reason he’d understand. I’d just have to remind him even more that he has 2 hands! Lol

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