***June 2019 Mummies***

Aww lovely photos :) glad baby was being more co-operative today for you xxx
Thanks ladies I feel a lot more relieved now I’ve seen him and it went well <3
Smcx, what a beautiful scan, you must be so relieved and thrilled with your gorgeous baby! I'm so glad it all went well!
Anyone else getting comments from other people that rub you up the wrong way.
In the space of a week Iv had about 4 different people ask how long I'd got left, then go wow youv got ages yet.... like I dont know how long Iv got lol
Iv had someone tell me I'm gunna be huge.
I know I'm just hormonal but cone on, there's a rule of what not to say to a pregnant woman lol I know it's not said in malice but really bugs me.
Yep Marvellous I know that feeling!
One of my clients went to me last week ‘your very low I bet when you finish work you have him the week after’
I was like I hope not I’ll only be 35wks he can stay cooking a bit longer

Then I get some people saying oh your only small aren’t you, well considering I can’t put weight on anyway I think I’m pretty big haha!

Oh and I can’t stand when my clients come in and start rubbing my belly!!
Yes! One woman in the school play ground likes a weekly flipping update, 'how long you got now?' I'm like '1 less week than last week'... Then she comments on my size, I get the 'your huge', 'you'll pop before your due too', 'I wasn't that big when I was full term!'.

I just bite my tongue, nod and smile.

I don't know why people feel the need to point out how big or small a pregnant person is, we are well aware! Lol xx
It's such an odd thing to comment on too given how different every pregnancy is and how people are much bigger with 2nd or more child than with their first. Plus I think people think it's a polite thing to say or reassuring or something to say how big you are and you'll have the baby early. But it's so annoying, I mean I would love to be holding my baby now and to stop dealing with horrible pregnancy feelings but not at the risk of him being so early.
I was huge with my son. Everyone was like Youl have him early because you're big.... He was 11 days late!
This one won't be early either lol

I dont mind having a bigger bump. This is number 3 and I enjoy people being able to tell I'm pregnant esp after so many mcsin the past. It's just the comments of how long you have left, or commenting on size, or the sex of the child
Beautiful scan pic smx

I keep getting people say I’ll be early and that I’m huge, I think because I have a small frame. But for me sometimes I feel massive like I can barefuly move and others I feel like I’ve shrunk.

I’m sure my boobs were leaking last night as I remember them feeling wet, but not sure if I’ve dreamt it! Anyone else getting leakage yet?

Went to the cinema last night and it was the most uncomfy two hours ever! Starting to suffer with my back and my bump moving up to my ribs now! 14 weeks left and counting!!
I'm constantly uncomfortable lol. I can barely bend now without feeling like I'm going to crush her or my rib cage haha.

If I lay on my side I have to have a pillow under my bump because it feels like my bump is being pulled otherwise.

Some days are better than others. If she moves down I feel like I can bend/move more without getting out of breath. Then other days she feeling like she's so high I might cough her up! Lol

Potentially 10 more weeks to go until D-day, but I have an awful feeling she's going to keep me waiting. The other 2 did :(

No leakage here as of yet. To be honest my boobs look like they've barely grown! They just look like they have more veins and my nipples are huge lol.
I've noticed some white/yellow stuff on one of my nipples at times. I don't know if it's dried milk or just dry skin/moisturiser. It's not a lot but I wonder if its the start of it.
Argh, bending is horrendous! Again I think cause I’m small. I don’t remember it being this bad last time though.
I’ve been getting the dry stuff since early on abi, I think it has something to do with it. Im not sure if I was leaking or just sweaty as there was no dried milk anywhere But my boobs aren’t very big still even though they’ve grown a lot, there’s still no cleavage there to create tit sweat :rotfl:

I don’t know it’s all a mystery. I just can’t wait to get the pregnant bit done!

Hope everyone has a fab weekend!

I took on a zero hours contract on top of my part time job to earn some extra pennies before mat leave. I’ve got a 4-10 shift tonight, now I’m not so sure whether it was the best of ideas, I’m always exhausted when I’ve finished!
Hope you ladies are doing well, my little girl still b/f so already have milk.

My dad passed away a couple days ago - even though I was sort of expecting it’s really hit me and there’s so much to sort out and just feel such mixed emotions at the moment.

Its been such a hard week, was a little worried about baby but pregnancy wise everything is fine, apart from bit backache which mainly from sitting in hospital for long periods- I got my GTT and blood results and everything looked really well and measured bump again and I’ve gone up 7cm in 2 weeks and she weighed me and I’m half st down from booking in, baby is still transverse x
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I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad Caz, I hope you've got a lot of support with organising everything and emotionally.

For weeks now I've been getting a couple of comments a day on the size of my bump, when they ask when I'm due they usual call to a friend to point out how huge I am and then always ask how many I'm having!? Yeah, thanks!
Growth scan today showed baby is measuring just below the 50th percentile though, so all good so far.

And yes, I started lactating last night, much to hubby's horror!
Sorry to hear about your dad Caz. It must be a very upsetting time for you.

I keep getting the opposite. Bump seems to have stopped getting bigger and teacher at daughters school asked me how far I was as bumped seemed small! It upset me a bit after obviously measuring small arm midwife but I know from growth scan baby is actually measuring 75th centile for everything and I actually have borderline too much water. Must just be carrying it well!! Xx
My boobs have been leaking as well for a little bit. Get the white crusts and if I squeeze them sometimes they produce colostrum. Didn’t have it this early with other pregnancies and didn’t have it at all with my first actually and my milk came in fine when she was born. Xx
Really sorry to hear about your Dad cazz xx

My boobs haven’t started leaking either, they’ve definitely grown a little bit but not much as I hardly had anything before!!
I’ve struggled with back ache this week but it’s like right between my shoulder blades so washing clients hair has triggered it off every day.
I have 5 weeks left in work now, definitely starting to feel more tired come the end of the week. But I just can’t believe it’s weekend again already, it doesn’t seem like two minutes ago it was last weekend and I was waiting to go for my scan on the Sunday!!
So sorry to hear about your dad Caz! Hope you're okay :(

I've had lots of people rubbing my tummy which is odd. The favourite thing people say to me is that I'm huge considering how short I am?? Which I find strange seeing as my bump is measuring completely normal.
No leaking nipples but sort of flaky... which is gross soon assuming there is leaking and it's drying?
I really don't want baby to come early as all my family are on holiday for the 10 days before my due date. Would be pretty gutted if they missed his first few days.
Anyone else feeling very nervous? He going to be my first so this thought of birth is freaking me out. When do I need to start going to antenatal classes with the OH? I feel like we both don't have a clue what we are going to be in for despite being in our 30s... I feel very not grown up haha
Oh and I did get my scan after all but baby was so wriggly my GP and the nurse were both shocked. He was doing full on somersaults in there. They couldn't measure him for that reason but said all looks fine anyway. Bit nervous they couldn't measure him at all as I don't have a clue what size he is coming up as...
Yes Smithy, I think I'm feeling a bit nervous about labour as well, but also in denial! I had a really traumatic time last time so I'm really not looking forward to that again. Your midwife should be able to tell you when you need to book onto the antenatal classes - I did lots of different ones last time but I can't remember how far along I was when we started the courses and to be honest none of it prepared me xx

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