***June 2019 Mummies***

Caz I'm so sorry about your dad, take care of yourself, I'm glad all the baby stuff went well even though it must have been an awful week for you.

Smithy, I've had scans where baby is moving too much to be measured. I had 2 12 week scans because the first one he was moving too much for the doctor to get a measurement. Don't worry they manage it the next appointment!

I need to book antenatal classes at some point. The one the hospital offers is only 1 morning so I think I'm going to do an online hypnobirthing course as well. I don't want to spend too much on antenatal classes as I've been told after the bleed I'm 50/50 for a section anyway and if so I would rather spend the money on a cleaner for a few hours a week after the baby is here. I do want to get DH and I signed up for paediatric first aid though, even though I have done it before for work I feel like I need a refresher because I imagine it's so much easier to panic if it's your own child in trouble.
That's okay then. I feel like things are moving along so quickly that there's no time to do these things! I'm enjoying the yoga but I wanted something my partner could go to as I feel like he might be a little in denial about the birth part too haha.
Tiredness has hit really bad again and I've got a stinking cold but to be fair it's the first illness I've had since being pregnant so I'm very lucky.
Anyone got nice plans for the weekend? I've got a baby fair on Sunday, super excited about it x
I’m still trying not to think about the labour, and I still haven’t booked any antenatal classes haha. Think my boyfriend just thinks it’s gonna happen like the movies waters break push and he’s out haha!

I’m baby sitting tonight for my boss straight from work tonight so that’ll be fun

Can’t believe I’m 30wks on Monday!! Where are the weeks going seriously :think:
Sorry to hear about your dad Caz :( it’ll get easier in time.

Mine has only really been family that have commented on my size, asking if I’m sure there’s not triplets or a baby elephant lol but I’m ok with it as I feel big already & I half expect to get big due to last baby size.

So hubbies given in & booked me a 4D scan as a mother’s day gift! Going in a few weeks when I’ll be around 30 weeks! I’m super excited!!

I’m actually not worried about the birth. I always look forward to labour strangly enough, it’s the exciting part that means baby will soon be here. I’m really drawn to the idea of a homebirth as time goes on. It’s still up in the air at the min whether I’ll be under a consultant but hope I won’t be so then a homebirth can be my option. Only thing I’m wondering is what room I’d do it in lol. I’ve thought kitchen because it’s tiles floor so easy to clean if any mess but is the kitchen an inappropriate place to give birth lol.

There’s a small baby event near us today where you can meet them homebirth team & other Midwife’s so I’m going to go there to see what it’s all about so quite looking forward to that :)

How’s everyones peeing ? Mines ramped up loads! Day & night. If I drink just a few pints of water a day it literally makes me need to go every 20 minutes sometimes! Last night I was up 3 times & the night before was 5!! I’ll be up every hour by full term at this rate!! Ha
The thought of labour is scaring me this time, purely because we don't have the support network we had last time, so worried what I'm gunna do with the kids.
I want a water birth but that never goes to plan, so I live in hope. I do know I want drug free tho. I had drugs with my eldest and it was an awful birth.

I haven't bothered with any antenatal classes with any of my pregnancies. Just not my cuppa tea really. But I dont do social groups lol

Both my kids are unwell and on top form, so weekend in for us. Got a nice beef stew in the slow cooker so looking forwards to that.
Sorry about your dad caz, it’s especially hard being pregnant and dealing with something so big. Try and take some you time amongst all of the rushing around!

I dreamt about labour last night! I’ve had very few baby dreams but it felt so real just without the pain which was lovely!
Although I was waiting for the burn LOL!

I’m getting more nervous about birth now incase he ends up being a big boy and getting stuck or something! I can’t afford to have a c section as it’ll mean missing college and having to pay for a tutor to catch up.
Fingers crossed he’ll pop out like his big sister, and with any luck a lot quicker!
Yay glad he’s given in Linnett!!

I’m still up quite abit in the night for a wee. Last night I was desperate for a drink but it was a case of do I drink then have to get up for a wee or just stay needing a drink haha!
We did the pediatric first aid course last time Abi and my only advice would be to do it as early as possible otherwise it's really hard to practice anything with a massive bump!
Our little one is having a sleep over at Grandma and Grandad's so we're spending the weekend organising for the baby, which I'm really pleased about! Hubby is boarding the loft so we've got space to store everything and sort through all of the baby stuff ready xx
Sorry about your dad caz, it’s especially hard being pregnant and dealing with something so big. Try and take some you time amongst all of the rushing around!

I dreamt about labour last night! I’ve had very few baby dreams but it felt so real just without the pain which was lovely!
Although I was waiting for the burn LOL!

I’m getting more nervous about birth now incase he ends up being a big boy and getting stuck or something! I can’t afford to have a c section as it’ll mean missing college and having to pay for a tutor to catch up.
Fingers crossed he’ll pop out like his big sister, and with any luck a lot quicker!

I’ve had dreams the last 2 nights. First night it was a boy & so so gorgeous so it made me want a boy lol. The midwife told me I was 5cm & she’s check me in 4 hours & I may be ready to push then, she went out the room & I needed to push them & delivered him myself. He was 8.9lb & adorable !! My husband then bottle fed him & then he wouldn’t take the boob! Lol.
Last nights didn’t get as far as what the sex was. I was induced & ladies kept coming in & having their babies & going home whilst mine wasn’t progressing at all! Such different dreams lol I’ll take the first one! Haha
Thank you for all your lovely thoughts - really means alot. I’m starting to feel better- it’s just there’s so much to do with arrangements etc.

Linnett your last dream was exactly how it was with my first baby- I got induced at 38 weeks and a week later still no baby and amount of ladies coming in and leaving with their babies x

I don’t really get the comments about my size it’s just after having all girls I get the gender comments such as “you might be lucky to get a boy this time” and I know they mean well but I generally don’t mind the gender as long as baby’s healthy etc plus I’m very sure I’m having a girl - yesterday brought some lovely pink sleepsuits from Next xx
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Thank you for all your lovely thoughts - really means alot. I’m starting to feel better- it’s just there’s so much to do with arrangements etc.

Linnett your last dream was exactly how it was with my first baby- I got induced at 38 weeks and a week later still no baby and amount of ladies coming in and leaving with their babies x

I don’t really get the comments about my size it’s just after having all girls I get the gender comments such as “you might be lucky to get a boy this time” and I know they mean well but I generally don’t mind the gender as long as baby’s healthy etc plus I’m very sure I’m having a girl - yesterday brought some lovely pink sleepsuits from Next xx

Oh gosh Caz! I bet that was awful. With both of mine I fortunately started labouring naturally but at 41 weeks & I had them both by the following day. I hate the idea of being induced just because the bodies clearly not ready yet. Obviously if you have to be for yours or babies health you have to but all the inductions I know of haven’t been the best experiences & like you have gone on for days.

I’m going to try eating dates this time as I’ve heard they can help bring labour on. I don’t want to be too early but it’d be nice not to go over 40 weeks this time so I’m going to give those a try.

Oh, 4D scan is booked for 14th April ladies! 3 weeks today! I can not wait. We’re going to take the kids so they can see baby! I think it’ll help them to bond more & get even more excited to meet him or her :)
Morning ladies,

Hope everyone has had a good weekend?

Caz, so sorry to hear about your dad. I hope you have lots of support around you? It's a challenging time when you lose a parent but must be especially hard whilst pregnant. XX

I've not really thought about labour as such, i just hope its as plain sailing as my last labour. Had a little bit of a scare at the in-laws over the weekend. Had some pretty intense contractions that turned out to be braxton hicks. But they where the strongest to date and had 4 of them in the space of 30 mins! Luckily mother in-law is a midwife support worker so she sorted me out. Had a rest and a drink and they disappeared. Did get me thinking though, maybe i should pull my finger out and actually get a little more organised. I still need to buy bedding, get the travel system out the loft and have it cleaned, pack a hospital bag, wash baby clothes etc. I'll have 9 weeks left by this Thursday which doesn't seem long considering how fast all the other weeks have gone!

Also I've come to realise that I've not dreamt about baby, at all. And while everyone is so excited about baby and the birth, i'm terrified but not because of the labour because i'm scared that she's not ours to keep. That something is going to horrifically wrong and she'll be snatched anyway from us. I suppose that's why I've been so lazy in getting things organised. I know this all stems from my previous losses but i'm not sure what i can do about it or how to shake that feeling. I'm seeing my midwife on Wednesday for my 31wk check, so i'm going to talk to her. I'm a little worried that it will set off postnatal depression or anxiety. I had PND last pregnancy but i stupidly kept it to myself and suffered for nearly a year.

Well that was a bit of a rant, sorry ladies, just needed to get it off my chest i suppose.

I've only had 1 dream about my baby too and I gave birth on the loo. I'm sure dreams don't mean anything, or at least I hope they don't!

It's good you're talking to your midwife about pnd, especially if you feel it building up as worry now. My mum keeps warning me to keep an eye out for it too. Hopefully you won't have to suffer for as long or at all this time.
Baby it’s good that your mother in law was there to help and sort you out!
Definitely good that your going to speak to your midwife about pnd.

I don’t know if I’ve had any dreams about baby. Few weeks after finding out I was pregnant I had one dream where I didn’t know how to use the car seat and squashed baby init! But nothing really since

I’ve been paranoid Pete again yesterday worrying I hadn’t felt him move as much. As soon as I tried to sleep that was it he was wriggling around, I think he’d moved position so that’s why I wasn’t. Then today he’s not stopped so I feel a lot better now x
Morning ladies! Anyone else’s really struggling with sleep lately? The last 3 nights have been crap. If I’m not getting up to pee, babies waking me up kicking/moving. He/she is so strong now that I wake up with every big thud. God knows how many times I woke up last night :( think this might be it now until he/she is here !
Sleep..... What's that lol Iv not slept properly in weeks. More because I can't get comfy. Baby is well behaved at night atm, just suffer from trapped nerves so my legs go dead or get awful cramp. Day napping is my friend atm lol
Me too! I seem to wake up at about 2am and within 10 minutes baby is kicking me. In a way its quite reassuring but I can't go back to sleep until I'm sure he's there, kicking away. I've had some heartburn too so that has kept me awake. I'm being really focused on getting me water in the first half of the day so I can drink less after 5ish so I only have to pee a couple of times a night. I find that baby is pressing on my lungs now and so I sigh a lot when I roll over. DH keeps complianing it's waking him up because he worries that I can't breathe but I think it just feels that way!
lol glad it’s not just me. But if it’s not baby waking me it’s the hubby! He has no sleep awareness & just puts his legs over mine, elbows me in the head, puts his arm around me unknowingly. I just want to punch him in the face everynight! Lol. He said I’ve started snoring now & it’s really annoying, I just good it’s payback for all the shit nights you give me! We’re going to put a day bed in babies room so it’ll be a spare for me & eventually baby can go in there when he/she gets bigger. We weren’t going to sort to the room until baby was a couple months old but now I’m thinking we should just so I can sleep in there! Lol

I've not slept properly either for the last few nights. It's taking me ages to get comfy, then I'm waking for a pee once or twice a night, and I'm also in and out of sleep for no apparent reason. Baby seems to be relatively quiet once I'm in bed, only a handful of times have I woken to her kicking the hell out of me.

So I'm constantly in a state of exhaustion, I've even tried not napping I'm the day to see if I just pass out at bedtime... It doesn't work. So I nap when I can. And OH has confirmed I now sound like a warthog when I do eventually sleep haha. I've told him to sleep downstairs if it's keeping him up haha
Same here for sleep. Normally get a good few hours but after first toilet trip I am up every half hour to turn over cause my back and pelvis is in so much pain. May try paracetamol tonight. Xx

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