***June 2019 Mummies***

Smcx I totally get staying away from the deed! I didn't have any bleeding thankfully but I still stayed away from sex in the first tri but due to being scared of miscarrying because if past experience.

My fella doesn't get upset at the lack of sex, but he does let me know how long it's been inbetween times haha.

'it's been 3weeks since we last did it...' haha
Aww bless that’s totally understandable. If there’s a chance it could effect baby it really isn’t worth risking. How’s hubby with the abstinence? Mine gets arsey if it’s been 2 weeks for gods sake lol but I guess if there was reason he’d understand. I’d just have to remind him even more that he has 2 hands! Lol

Oh he’s always throwing it in my face I don’t give him anything hahaha I’m not bothered though although I just had to get him to shave down below for me as he saw me in the shower trying to peer down to do it hahaha!
Gorgeous picture Linnett, you both look lovely ;-)
I'm really hoping I get to term Chrissi, although I'm feeling more confident about things after having the steroids! And it would be ok for her to come after I have the stitch out, which is going to be at 36 or 37 weeks but I really don't want to go into labour before then because the stitch would tear my uterus, which I suppose would mean no more children, particularly as hubby has already said he wouldn't risk it!
I'm still shaving every other day but god knows what it looks like down there, I'm just carrying on as normal and hoping for the best :wink: And the stitch is like having twine in my vagina so there's no way hubby will have sex with me anyway but I'm horny as hell in pregnancy so we definitely get up to other stuff!
I agree with Baby as well Abi, the there's no point in writingw about how you want things to be when the baby's here now, you'll work out a routine which works for all of you once he's here!
Oh my gosh. It's like you all read my mind sometimes!
Out of breath just sitting down sometimes. Glad I have prenatal yoga and swimming but honestly I feel so unfit. I heard it's something to do with the extra blood and blood pressure going on.
I can no longer see anything down there so the other half had to neaten up the disaster I created with the razor haha! Thinking I will have to go for a wax soon.
No sex here, after our 2 losses I think OH is too nervous as he really doesn't want to but annoyingly I am more up for sex than ever - typical!
Glad everyone is okay. GP appointment tomorrow yay! Getting more real with every apppintment.
I usually struggle to walk my kids to school as I feel like my legs don't work properly, but I went on a huge cleaning spree the other day. Felt a massive wave of energy, but gosh Iv payed for it ever since.
Ended up with the most awful pains the best day. Felt sharp like I was being ripped open. Thankfully they did calm down after a while.
Didn't sleep well at all last night. I just can't get comfy. It's really starting to bother me noe.
Does anyone else get paranoid on how much they’ve felt baby? Last week he was really active and most mornings I’d feel him the morning then on and off through out the day. I’ve been awake since 6 dead paranoid cos I was lay on my side and couldn’t feel him. But then I’m thinking do I usually feel him at this time anyway cos I’m usually asleep. Feel like my heads doing overtime
Take it easy marvellous! Glad your pains have eased up now. I'm fairly lucky with my sleep so far. I have the odd few days where I struggle with getting comfy but generally I'm ok. I have found though that my hips ache a lot, so I have paracetamol in my bedside draw. I pop a couple of them if my hips/back/legs feel like they are keeping me awake.

Smcx, how far are you now hun? It wasn't until I hit 28 weeks that I began to feel regular movement. There is still plenty of room for them to get into positions where you might not feel every movement, especially if they have theyre back pointing away from your back, all the movements will be hitting towards your back so you might not feel them. And also if they get up against the placenta you might not feel them. Having said all that, if you worried at all ring your midwife or maternity team. It's always better to be safe than sorry xxx
Take it easy marvellous! Glad your pains have eased up now. I'm fairly lucky with my sleep so far. I have the odd few days where I struggle with getting comfy but generally I'm ok. I have found though that my hips ache a lot, so I have paracetamol in my bedside draw. I pop a couple of them if my hips/back/legs feel like they are keeping me awake.

Smcx, how far are you now hun? It wasn't until I hit 28 weeks that I began to feel regular movement. There is still plenty of room for them to get into positions where you might not feel every movement, especially if they have theyre back pointing away from your back, all the movements will be hitting towards your back so you might not feel them. And also if they get up against the placenta you might not feel them. Having said all that, if you worried at all ring your midwife or maternity team. It's always better to be safe than sorry xxx

I’m 29weeks now, he was curled up with his back facing me and bum down on Sunday at the scan so maybe that’s why. I think I’ve just become really paranoid since then. Fingers crossed he’s in a better position tomorrow xx
Smcx I agree it's totally normal. Sometimes I won't feel anything for a while and just as I start to panic I get about 10 kicks in a few minutes. I've started to notice a pattern where I won't feel him much in the late afternoon, then when I go to bed I feel loads of kicks again. But I think because I've been told to rest I have more time to sit around and notice when I'm feeling him. I certainly feel him more than when I was busy.
Smcx, good luck with the scan today. Hope he's playing ball and you get some really good photos of him! Xx
Smcx, good luck with the scan today. Hope he's playing ball and you get some really good photos of him! Xx

Thank you! I felt him having a good move around early this morning so hopefully he’s shifted position fingers crossed xx
Good luck! I really want a 4D scan as we’ve never had one & if this is our last pregnancy I think we should but hubby thinks it’s to expensive :( hoping he surprises me with one for mother’s day but I know that’s wishful thinking! He never surprises me ! Lol.

Anyone else’s hunger back? I feel like my belly’s rumbling every few hours! Also it’s not really for the want of good healthy food either! I seem to just want crap! Chocolate, crisps, sausage rolls. At the start of pregnancy I loved salad & eggs but now it’s just rubbish! Wouldn’t be surprised if I gave birth to a carbasaurous !! Lol
Good luck! I really want a 4D scan as we’ve never had one & if this is our last pregnancy I think we should but hubby thinks it’s to expensive :( hoping he surprises me with one for mother’s day but I know that’s wishful thinking! He never surprises me ! Lol.

Anyone else’s hunger back? I feel like my belly’s rumbling every few hours! Also it’s not really for the want of good healthy food either! I seem to just want crap! Chocolate, crisps, sausage rolls. At the start of pregnancy I loved salad & eggs but now it’s just rubbish! Wouldn’t be surprised if I gave birth to a carbasaurous !! Lol
I was like that with my son. Ate everything I could, none of it good. Prob why I gained so much during and after lol. This one likes salad, which is strange as I usually avoid salad like the plague lol. Can't say my hunger is back tho. Wish it was as I'm worried theyl weigh me and wonder why I'm still nearly a stone lighter than pre pregnancy. Even tho hopefully Il come out of this with a body of a model hahahaha if only.
I was like that with my son. Ate everything I could, none of it good. Prob why I gained so much during and after lol. This one likes salad, which is strange as I usually avoid salad like the plague lol. Can't say my hunger is back tho. Wish it was as I'm worried theyl weigh me and wonder why I'm still nearly a stone lighter than pre pregnancy. Even tho hopefully Il come out of this with a body of a model hahahaha if only.

Oh my gosh! I’m so jealous! I was about 11.2lb to start with & now I’m 12.9!! With 14 weeks to go!! Maybe this one is another girl as I put on 3stone with DD & just less than 2 with my son & he was 2lb heavier!! Currently sat eating beef soup with tiger bread lol
Oh my gosh! I’m so jealous! I was about 11.2lb to start with & now I’m 12.9!! With 14 weeks to go!! Maybe this one is another girl as I put on 3stone with DD & just less than 2 with my son & he was 2lb heavier!! Currently sat eating beef soup with tiger bread lol
I gained stone and half with my eldest, and 3 stone with my son. This time I just can't gain weight. I lost a stone in early stages from being ill, and I have shifted much since then and no idea why. Can only assume because I'm not eatting anywhere like I used to and won't eat cake that I'm naturally losing the fat but baby's weight is evening out the difference.
I was a binge eater so struggled to lose weight before.
Good luck! I really want a 4D scan as we’ve never had one & if this is our last pregnancy I think we should but hubby thinks it’s to expensive :( hoping he surprises me with one for mother’s day but I know that’s wishful thinking! He never surprises me ! Lol.

Anyone else’s hunger back? I feel like my belly’s rumbling every few hours! Also it’s not really for the want of good healthy food either! I seem to just want crap! Chocolate, crisps, sausage rolls. At the start of pregnancy I loved salad & eggs but now it’s just rubbish! Wouldn’t be surprised if I gave birth to a carbasaurous !! Lol

Not sure where abouts you are but I’m going to a company called Window to the Womb and they’ve got them all over the country and it’s only cost me £59 should of been £99 x
Aww yay smcx, so glad scan went well. Look at his little Button nose <3 so cute!!

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