***June 2019 Mummies***

Yeah, I wouldn't say you look small at all Bubbles! All these measurements and growth scans are completely pointless if you ask me - the babies will be whatever size they're meant to be xx
Well I actually ended up having growth scan this afternoon!!!! And measuring actually bigger than average and uterus is actually 2cm more than midwife had estimated! So all on 90th centile and fine. Also had a lovely male sonographer who did a bit of 4d and printed me off a freebie photo!

Awww wow bubbles that’s amazing! How cute!! I think they may aswell scrap measuring the bump, it’s pointless really as it can’t give a true size of baby at all. You could have a big/small placenta, a lot of waters or a small amount, baby could be positioned more to the back/front so they appear bigger or smaller. Just seems like a bit of a pointless excersice really
Lovely seeing all these bump pics!! I had my GTT today omg felt so ill afterwards and forgotten how horrible that drink is, at least it’s done now.
Such a beautiful scan pic bubbles - I feel tempted to book 4d scan now xx
Feeling heavy again today. Been doing the crafts for my eldest crazy hair day tomorrow. She's giving me my orders lol

I had my 28wk midwife appointment yesterday, I didn’t have a growth chart in my notes so she measured me and said she’ll do my chart then let me know later on. Text me last night saying growth is fine.

It’s crazy how much I feel baby moving now, I hope he’s as active in the day rather than night when he’s here like he is now haha. I have my 4D scan on Sunday I can’t wait, although my partner isn’t keen on though but I’m sure he’ll still love it I hope haha

29 weeks for me today and I feel huge! Like comically big! I have a full on pregnancy waddle, every part of me aches. My uterus feels so heavy I fear it may fall out! I also have yet another stinking cold, and as usual it's all in my sinuses, and there's absolutely nothing I can take for it :(

So all in all I feel pretty sorry for myself lol.

Is there a few of us in tri 3 now? If so should I start up a tri 3 thread or shall I hold on for a while longer? Xx
Up to you baby I’ll move over whenever think there’s only 4 of us who’s now in that 28/29wk stage x
I'm 28 weeks on Sunday so happy to go with the flow.
You all look beautiful! It's amazing seeing all the different bumps. It was like that in my prenatal yoga session, everyone's bumps were so different.

I moisturise so much I go to bed feeling like the last chicken in Sainsbury's so greasy but I'm trying my best. Fingers crossed no stretch marks yet.

I have a docs appointment on Tuesday and hoping they do a little scan, I'm greedy to see baby again. Will be a bit sad if I don't have any more scans.

How are you all feeling? My hormones are nuts, flipping between really sad and sobbing to being ridiculously happy and busy. Cleaning my house to within an inch of its life while the OH destroys it and rips ceilings and walls down. Argh!

Anyway that was a long post. Here's my bumpie this morning

I'm loving all the bump pictures, everyone looks amazing! And I love the 4D scan bubbles, looks like a real baby, mine was done quite early so mine was too skinny and looked a bit creepy, it's nice to see them now they have a bit of fat on them. Go careful with the cleaning Smithy, don't go mad like me!
I’m happy to go with flow with trim 3 thread, aww it’s going so quick now! I’ve got 10 wks left of pregnancy as my section is due around 38 weeks- still got loads to buy x

Smithy you look amazing- hope the house is coming on well- definitely be lovely to see baby again.

Unicorn - hope your growth scan goes well today x
I’ve got the worst gum ache/toothache ever, I don’t like taking paracetamol even tho I know there safe to take. Hopefully il get in the dentist early next week.

Wow caz not long at all, it’s definitely going quick!
I’ve got the worst gum ache/toothache ever, I don’t like taking paracetamol even tho I know there safe to take. Hopefully il get in the dentist early next week.

Wow caz not long at all, it’s definitely going quick!

Cordosol mouth wash and try rinsing with salty water for sore gums usually helps x

Just ordered baby’s car seat and sleepyhead from amazon - I actually got extra 10 percent off by signing up to a baby wishlist x
Had an awful night sleep, Tbh I'm not even sure I actually slept at all. Couldn't get comfy, couldn't settle. Just horrid night sleep.
Had to get up early to do my daughter's hair for crazy hair day. Had fun making her hair in to an octopus and sea scene haha
I'll try and be well behaved Abi, can't help it as follow Mrs Hinch and she makes me clean crazy lol!
Thanks Caz, hoping it won't be more than a few weeks, driving me crazy already. Can't believe it's only 10 weeks for you! Eek! Exciting x
Marvellous - I know what you mean, sleeping is becoming more and more difficult. I'm usually awake between 2 and 4 am and baby thinks it's hilarious to kick, twist and roll at that time.
All I feel like today is TGI Friday. Another long and stressful week. Putting my feet up with a chippy tonight x
Thank you Caz but my first growth scan isn't until next Friday.
I'm exhausted as well, I think the steroids boosted me for a few days but also really reduced my sleep and we've been at 2 birthday parties today so I am exhausted! Xx
Thank you Caz but my first growth scan isn't until next Friday.
I'm exhausted as well, I think the steroids boosted me for a few days but also really reduced my sleep and we've been at 2 birthday parties today so I am exhausted! Xx
Sorry must misread your post- it’s good that they are monitoring you though x Aww your lo is too popular! Feeling the same as my dads is still very ill so back and forward to the hospital at moment and trying to fit everything around the children aswell x

Anyone tried Nuk bottles - last time I exclusively bf as my little girl wouldn’t touch a bottle but hoping this time I eventually can do both (well that’s the plan) with the others I used advent and tommee tippee bottles x
Pretty gutted got up this morning went to the loo to do both and had a bit of pink discharge when I wiped, not sure if it’s just cos I needed to poo.
Went to my 4D scan at 10 and typical baby had his foot and cord covering his face.
Tried to have a walk and a fizzy drink but didn’t work so they’ve rebooked me in for weds.
So now I’m gutted, but I’ve felt him moving around since. So I’m thinking cos I’m usually working and busy and when I’ve had scans before they’ve always been later on in the day he was just too chilled and I hadn’t done much apart from get up get dressed then drive to the place.
I asked if everything was okay with baby though and they said yeah it’s just his positioning. So fingers crossed I get to have the scan properly on weds as it’s not til 7 :-? x
Sorry Caz I don't know about the NUK bottles. Everyone recommended tommee tippee to me so I have just gone with them.
Hope you're okay smc, you're handling it well to be fair. Best to be relaxed and take it easy. Think I would be freaking out so well done you doing the best thing for you and baby :) annoying you didn't see baby properly but at least they will scan you again.
I'm hoping to my LO Tuesday at my hospital appointment but don't know if I will be that lucky to get another scan.
Sorry to hear your Dad is still ill Caz, is he improving at all? I'm afraid I don't know about NUK bottles either, I exclusively breastfed as well last time, I did have a go with lansinoh bottles because that's the breast pump I choose but didn't really use them much!
Sorry you've had a rubbish day Smcx and I hope you're not still bleeding at all xx

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