***June 2019 Mummies***

Glad there seeing you sooner abi, hopefully you’ll get some answers. I think especially with it being first pregnancy aniexty goes through the roof. I know I panic at the littlest of things and I’m constantly on toilet paper watch when I go to the loo! Doesn’t help when my nails are pink at the moment and they reflect through and then I panic and realise!
I know it’s easier said than done but try and relax, sending hugs xx
Hope your dad is better caz?

Abi, I’ve not been in your position re the bleed, but like baby said the internet is full of horror stories. I know it’s unrelated, but it’s a bit like people saying vaccinations causing autism. There is no link, babies develop at different rates some are quick and bright and first to do everything, other babies are slow and lazy, but catch up in the end!
I have been having nausea the last week or so first thing in the am, so maybe it’s a point in pregnancy that causes it?!

Hope your girls are ok bubbles. Nothing makes me more paranoid than puking kids! I’m scared for them and also scared of the vomit and that I’ll catch it lol!

My other half is in the loft boarding it up so we can put away the stuff we had in our spare room.
We also bought two pet rats yesterday! I’m sure I make work for myself, but we moved in our house almost a year ago and a home just isn’t a home without a pet!

My little one is with her dad until Wednesday! I hate this long stint. It happens every four weeks, and always comes around so quickly! I’d be lying though if I said I wasn’t glad after the week I’ve had with her! It’s nice to sit on my phone, watch tv and just chill. I don’t know the last time I had a full nights sleep without waking up through the night!
Try not to give yourself such a rough time Abi, I went through a phase of really hating myself and my body after finding out about my condition and with everything we had to go through to conceive and maintain pregnancies - I'd always felt like I was born to be a mum, so to find out I actually wasn't was really hard to come to terms with! But having spent a lot of time in the lttc section of this forum I am very aware of how much worse things could be and how very blessed I am to have 1 healthy child and hopefully another soon. As others have said we're on the home leg now and it's amazing what support they can offer - I have steroids tomorrow so baby should be fine after that point, as will yours xx
Thanks girls. Smcx, I do the same thing, freaking out every time in the loo. Yesterday my knickers had a red tassel on the front and I freaked out every single time I saw it!
Chrissi, enjoy your resting time and your rats!
Unicorn, good luck with the steroids, you're right it really feels like the home stretch now! A couple more weeks and I'll be in the 3rd trimester, I know some of the girls are already there. It doesn't seem long since we all left the first!

I'm in the hospital doing my glucose test now. I was the first one in so at least I should be done soonest too. The drink wasn't as bad as I thought. There was a lot of it, like a panda pop sized bottle (I thought it would be like a shot glass full) but it didn't taste as awful as I expected. More like those kwenchy cup things they sold at school discos in the 90s. It's still made me feel a bit sick but that's probably the lack of food other than sugar. The nurse thanked me for not throwing it up, I feel like that probably happens a fair bit by the sound of it. It's also a bit surreal, all these bored pregnant women sitting around in the hospital. It feels like something from the handmaids tale.

I'm trying not to worry too much about the results. I knew not to go mad with sugar yesterday so that helped. Last time I took a glucose test I had no idea and went to a birthday party the day before and ate 2 huge slices of cake and got a borderline result that I had to do again. Luckily the next one was fine.

My mum also warned me about this test because she had only got over her morning sickness the week before hers and used the week to eat all her Easter eggs and again got a borderline result.

Looking forward to getting home and I think I'll buy my baby bag online as a reward later.

Edited to add: I'm home now and had a cheese toasty. I was so hungry but overall the glucose test isn't as bad as I expected. I hope that's reassuring for anyone nervous about it like I was.
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Thanks Chrissi yeah they are fine. I’m same as you, have bit of a vomit phobia so was up from 3am Saturday night panicking. But was all ok in end. Had lovely evening with take away and cake from a yummy bakery. Birthday today so after swimming lessons with little one off to lunch with my mum.

Good luck with test abi and it’s not too bad. I must have been so lucky never having one with three pregnancies (I’ve said it now and bet for some reason I’ll end up having it this time!)

Exciting time for you unicorn! Bet you will feel so relieved after the steroid! :)

Yeah, I'm really relieved to have got to this point I'm currently sitting in the hospital, my appointment was at 9.50 but it's heaving so I think I'm going to be here a while longer yet! Sounds like you're having a lovely birthday Bubbles xx
Thanks Chrissi, definitely make the most of the next few days- you deserve a bit time to yourself.
My dad is still very ill, just taking it day by day at the moment - the hospital isn’t nearby either and it’s the same hospital where I’m having baby and each I visit I’m starting to feel more nervous about section.

Glad you had the glucose test Abi, it’s so natural to feel anxious, hope your able to relax and bit more now and like others said your doing really well.

Unicorn such a relief with having steroids - hopefully it be all done soon.

Happy birthday Bubbles, hope you have a lovely day xx
So it turns out that I've got to go back for more steroids 24 hours after the ones I had today, which I wasn't aware of, and just as I felt like we'd reached another milestone and were pretty much out of the woods, I was told today that because our little boy was what they consider a small baby they want to do regular growth scans to monitor this one's weight! So I spent this morning at the hospital having the steroids, which I'll also be doing tomorrow afternoon and then next Friday afternoon having the growth scan and the following Monday morning meeting with my consultant to discuss the baby's size and a plan? I'm going to be living at the bloody hospital! And they now said today that they want to remove the stitch at 36 weeks, whereas I was working towards 37 because that's when I was told the stitch world be removed initially, so I wasn't planning on finishing work until then so I'm now feeling pushed for time in work! But anyway, baby is fine and head down so at least we hopefully won't have to deal with her running out of space breach! I'm not feeling great after the steroids, I'm really hot and feeling a bit overwhelmed and have a really bad head ache and the baby's movements have slowed right down. Wow, sorry, that post is all over the place isn't it!? Which is how I'm feeling I suppose xx
I'm sorry you're feeling so bad Unicorn, I hope you feel a bit better soon, at least when you've had your next lot of steroids and can be in the clear. I know what you mean about feeling like you should just live in the hospital, I've been 4 times in the last week! Try not to worry about one less week in work, I'm sure my work weren't thrilled when my maternity leave changed from early may to last week with no notice but what can you do, baby comes first, and 36 weeks is still a really good age, I know of at least one lady here with a baby born at 36 weeks and it's good you're getting the monitoring to make sure growth is on track, hopefully the steroids will kick everything up a gear now. Do they think she will stay head down now? Mine still changes so much, Head up one minute then kicking me in the ribs the next! Good luck back at the hospital today xxx
Hey ladies hope you're all ok.

Anyone's bump been itchy? Gosh mine was so itchy yesterday, woke up this morning and I'm a lot bigger.

Went into the city today, weather was awful. Had to power walk which blooming hurt.
Our Mothercare is closing down so selling everything, and I mean everything. Shelves, the lot. Got some serious bargains haha

Also brought myself a bikini (wouldn't be seen dead in one usually) in the hopes Il finally get my water birth. I live in hope lol

I could hibernate for 15 weeks now lol.
Yeah my bump gets terribly itchy. Think it must be when it’s strecthing. Had terrible Braxton Hicks today at work. Bump goes so tight I think I’m going to burst then get a throbbing pain down sides and back.

I think I’ve decided when I’m leaving work, going to use 3 weeks holiday so I can leave at 37 weeks. Was hoping to go to 38 but I think i need a break and with the week before my due date before half term with both children I think I need to finish earlier! Haha. Xx
My bump gets itchy and I’ve got a few tiny little spots on it near my line right down middle, going to mention it to the midwife tomorrow at my appointment

Our mothercare is closing down too but every time I’ve been they don’t seem to have anything amazingly discounted

My other half finally felt baby kick before wooo!:cheer:
Wow, I didn't realise you're on maternity leave already Abi, how long will you have off after the baby is born? They say the baby can continue moving position up to 36 weeks but because I've got less space the baby is more likely to run out of room before they settle head down but luckily last time our little boy was already head down when he ran out of space and it doesn't feel like this one has much space to move now!
I had final lot of steroids this afternoon, but a lot later than yesterday so hopefully I'll be in bed before the side effects kick in - I had such a blinding headache yesterday evening that I couldn't open my eyes. Worst thing about them though is that they knock baby out, so I could just feel her lifeless really heavy at the bottom of my uterus, which was obviously really scary! And they're linked to low birth weight so probably won't help with the whole monitoring and growth scan situation!
Yeah, I get a really itchy bump as well and I've got a mole on one side which is being stretched so it's really uncomfortable xx
Wow, I didn't realise you're on maternity leave already Abi, how long will you have off after the baby is born? They say the baby can continue moving position up to 36 weeks but because I've got less space the baby is more likely to run out of room before they settle head down but luckily last time our little boy was already head down when he ran out of space and it doesn't feel like this one has much space to move now!
I had final lot of steroids this afternoon, but a lot later than yesterday so hopefully I'll be in bed before the side effects kick in - I had such a blinding headache yesterday evening that I couldn't open my eyes. Worst thing about them though is that they knock baby out, so I could just feel her lifeless really heavy at the bottom of my uterus, which was obviously really scary! And they're linked to low birth weight so probably won't help with the whole monitoring and growth scan situation!
Yeah, I get a really itchy bump as well and I've got a mole on one side which is being stretched so it's really uncomfortable xx

Government mandated maternity leave here is 45 days so although I say I'm on maternity leave I have technically resigned with immediate notice from when the bleed happened and I was put on modified bed rest, as 45 days wouldn't even get me to my due date! So it will be unpaid but I expected that, just not for this long! Luckily my boss is a really lovely person and a great friend and wants me to come back when I'm ready so I'll probably return in the September term after the baby turns 1. Luckily with it being nursery I can bring him then too but he won't be in my class as I teach the oldest class so he gets some time to be independent by then too. But it's all very up in the air at the moment. I can basically come back when I'm ready and I have said I will still do as much admin and lesson planning as I can as I was doing that before I went on bed rest and I can still do that from my bed/sofa. I'm currently making a handbook for my replacement as I was meant to spend the next half term training her up and she got thrown in the deep end a bit!

My bump goes through itchy days too. I have bump butter as a regular moisturiser and then my friend bought me a moisturising oil from the cow shed which I use when it gets really itchy. I hate moisturiser, it makes me feel really slimey but I want to fend of stretch marks as much as I can!
Had my whooping cough jab today, I had to check she'd actually done it as I didn't feel a thing. (I hate needles)
To say I didn't feel it Iv got a blooming sore arm haha

My aversion to food seems to have come back. Gone off alot of foods again.
Morning ladies, it’s probably a very common feeling amongst us all so probably a silly question but anyone else feeling rediculesly uncomfortable already? It worries me that I’ve got another 15 weeks of growing to do lol. I feel like I’m already huffing & puffing & starting to waddle ever so slightly ! By the end of the day my bump practically doubles in size from the morning. This was last night just before a fell asleep on the sofa at about 5pm!

I feel the same especially at night, feel a lot bigger. However went to midwife today and been told I’m measuring too small. Way below the 10th centile so got to have a growth scan! I don’t understand as people keep commenting how big I am and compared to other pregnancies I’ve had I look bigger. Here is my bump last week....

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Morning ladies, it’s probably a very common feeling amongst us all so probably a silly question but anyone else feeling rediculesly uncomfortable already? It worries me that I’ve got another 15 weeks of growing to do lol. I feel like I’m already huffing & puffing & starting to waddle ever so slightly ! By the end of the day my bump practically doubles in size from the morning. This was last night just before a fell asleep on the sofa at about 5pm!

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Constantly. I feel like a turtle stuck on my back most days
My bump has also grown a hell of alot lately, also very low.
Wow amazing bump pics! I feel like mine is quite small despite baby measuring so big! Just goes to show that all the random people on the street have no idea what is a big bump and what is a small bump. Since being told to rest my sciatica has calmed down a lot, I'm not sure if that's from resting or no longer sitting on tiny toddler chairs at work.

Instead I'm enjoying a 3 day babymoon with DH. We were meant to go with his parents too but they had to cut their holiday short because Father in law got a chest infection. So we have gone just as a couple and it's wonderfully relaxing. Just a shame I haven't been cleared to use the swimming pool so I'm just watching at the minute... And drinking mocktails, can't complain!
Mine is low too marvellous!
And also like you linett my lower back hurts, my bump hurts, my legs hurt. And with 15 weeks left I have no idea how I’m going to cope lol!
I feel so big and round, baby feels like he’s chilling out in my lower pelvis and about to fall out!


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