*** July 2019 Mummies ***

Looks like baby will make its grand entrance soon then!

I just have period like cramps that come and go.

Yes been experiencing those on and off for the last week. V mild bt a couple times also felt them in my lower back v faint. Yesterday the show happened. It happened in a few stages. Also had a tiny bit this morning and nothing since so I guess the whole plug has now gone.
So turns out I should have had a consultant appointment to discuss and set an induction date for around my due date but it was never picked up on and made... Cue the rush to squeeze me in during a diabetes clinic on Tuesday to see a consultant to set a date. *face palm*
So turns out I should have had a consultant appointment to discuss and set an induction date for around my due date but it was never picked up on and made... Cue the rush to squeeze me in during a diabetes clinic on Tuesday to see a consultant to set a date. *face palm*

Oh no! Don't you just hate the lack of communication sometimes!

My due date is Monday. Not much has happened since my show on Tuesday...
Although today my stomach feels really tight and my bump looks super low...
Oh no! Don't you just hate the lack of communication sometimes!

My due date is Monday. Not much has happened since my show on Tuesday...
Although today my stomach feels really tight and my bump looks super low...

I've got some coming and going of pressure and mild pains. Lots of back pain too! Nothing much else happening though.

Going to be fun explaining why I'm at the diabetes clinic when I don't have diabetes on Tuesday! I've been told to expect a confused consultant.

At least I should have an at most end date for this pregnancy then. Really do not want to go beyond 40 weeks!
I've got some coming and going of pressure and mild pains. Lots of back pain too! Nothing much else happening though.

Going to be fun explaining why I'm at the diabetes clinic when I don't have diabetes on Tuesday! I've been told to expect a confused consultant.

At least I should have an at most end date for this pregnancy then. Really do not want to go beyond 40 weeks!

No I don't want to either. I want my baby to arrive by the weekend!
my plug came away 4 days ago. I'm still feeling the same as I did all week really. Tightenings, a couple of mild cramps here and there v briefly. Nothing has really changed.

Does anyone know what I can expect? Surely I must be slightly dilated if my plug came away? There was quite a bit came out initially.
my plug came away 4 days ago. I'm still feeling the same as I did all week really. Tightenings, a couple of mild cramps here and there v briefly. Nothing has really changed.

Does anyone know what I can expect? Surely I must be slightly dilated if my plug came away? There was quite a bit came out initially.

From what I've read (which you won't like) losing plug can happen anytime in pregnancy and isn't always a sign labour will come. More likely a sign now you're at the end, but many ladies lose their plugs at various stages in pregnancy and the plug just builds up again.

I had some more intense crampy pains last night that have now gone. Looking forward to knowing the baby's forced eviction date on Tues so I have something realistic to countdown towards (unless he appears sooner).
my plug came away 4 days ago. I'm still feeling the same as I did all week really. Tightenings, a couple of mild cramps here and there v briefly. Nothing has really changed.

Does anyone know what I can expect? Surely I must be slightly dilated if my plug came away? There was quite a bit came out initially.
I was losing my plug from 28 weeks, lost it all a week before I had her, i wasnt anymore than 1cm when I was induced a week later. For some losing it all means labour is imminent, for others it doesn't overly mean much. Maybe have a word with your mw, she might be able to offer some advice
Thanks ladies. I just got my hopes up in Tuesday as so much came away I thought surely this is it soon!
Oh Jelly it’s frustrating isn’t it! I had the same with my daughter - kept loosing the plug and thinking things would happen soon. She was induced in the end at 10 days late:roll:
But for some it actually means something will happen. So lots of walking, bouncing on a birthing ball, sex, eating a whole pineapple(!) might get things started.
Sex actually worked with my first. Contractions started the next day. Didn’t work with my 2nd (nothing did:roll:) but i’m gonna give it a good go this time. My OH won’t know what’s hit him haha! Although, I don’t know about anyone else but we’re finding the whole sex thing frustrating and hilarious. The bump is always in the way haha! And I feel like a whale which is just not sexy!

Just over a week to go until due date. On a mission to get him out before then!!
Oh Jelly it’s frustrating isn’t it! I had the same with my daughter - kept loosing the plug and thinking things would happen soon. She was induced in the end at 10 days late:roll:
But for some it actually means something will happen. So lots of walking, bouncing on a birthing ball, sex, eating a whole pineapple(!) might get things started.
Sex actually worked with my first. Contractions started the next day. Didn’t work with my 2nd (nothing did:roll:) but i’m gonna give it a good go this time. My OH won’t know what’s hit him haha! Although, I don’t know about anyone else but we’re finding the whole sex thing frustrating and hilarious. The bump is always in the way haha! And I feel like a whale which is just not sexy!

Just over a week to go until due date. On a mission to get him out before then!!

I've been eating pineapple and i am gonna spend some time bouncing on my yoga ball this evening so hopefully that might help. I'm just so uncomfortable. I went to Tesco earlier and I literally could not move properly. I am struggling with basic walking and moving hahaha! Oh well I mean, not long now whether she arrives naturally or being induced. Just got to wait it out. Ugh
From 38 weeks I've tried pineapple, spicy food, walking etc to no avail. I'm just glad I know I'll deliver around 40 weeks. No waiting until 42 for me thank god! I can barely roll over in bed and the lower back pain is starting to be a major issue. Heartburn has also been a big thing for me again for the last few days. May try a few other things this evening to try get the ball rolling. 39 weeks tomorrow and ready to meet our little guy now!
From 38 weeks I've tried pineapple, spicy food, walking etc to no avail. I'm just glad I know I'll deliver around 40 weeks. No waiting until 42 for me thank god! I can barely roll over in bed and the lower back pain is starting to be a major issue. Heartburn has also been a big thing for me again for the last few days. May try a few other things this evening to try get the ball rolling. 39 weeks tomorrow and ready to meet our little guy now!

I am just about to run a bath and see if that helps. Have just been on my ball for a bit too. Also had a curry! Gotta get this baby out before the heatwave in a few days!!
My beautiful daughter arrived this morning at 4.50am bang on her due date! Absolutely in love
My beautiful daughter arrived this morning at 4.50am bang on her due date! Absolutely in love

Congratulations! Really happy your little ones now here safe and sound.

I'm still very much pregnant right now and he doesn't feel like he's going anywhere anytime soon.
Saw a consultant and got a date for induction for the 26th! Could have gone in as soon as tomorrow, but decided me and OH needed a few days to get our heads around it and wanted to give the little guy a few more days to come himself. So happy I have a definate end in sight!
My induction date is tomorrow. So nervous and excited.
Thought it’s meant to be the hottest day of the week/year tomorrow and Thursday which I’m not exited about. Especially hearing they’ve declined fans before or not had enough but I can’t wait to see our little man.

I even think my other half is getting excited and he’s not always one to show his emotions over things. He’s more of a joker
My induction date is tomorrow. So nervous and excited.
Thought it’s meant to be the hottest day of the week/year tomorrow and Thursday which I’m not exited about. Especially hearing they’ve declined fans before or not had enough but I can’t wait to see our little man.

I even think my other half is getting excited and he’s not always one to show his emotions over things. He’s more of a joker
Take a fan with you. I took my own and wrote my name on it in marker pen. I wasn’t even in labour so I’m sure you’ll be allowed.
My induction date is tomorrow. So nervous and excited.
Thought it’s meant to be the hottest day of the week/year tomorrow and Thursday which I’m not exited about. Especially hearing they’ve declined fans before or not had enough but I can’t wait to see our little man.

I even think my other half is getting excited and he’s not always one to show his emotions over things. He’s more of a joker

I've already been given my admission chart with first meds to be given already written on there all in preparation to go Fri morning. Looks like I'm starting with a pessory.

I don't think it's sunk in for my OH yet. I rung him to let him know and he was a bit meh about it. I think when he gets home and isn't distracted by work reality will finally sink in that we'll have our boy with us soon. He struggles with excitement too. He didn't get excited when we moved to Asia for a year in the past until we were taking off on the plane there!

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