****Jan 2013 mummies**** (and whoever else wants to drop in)

Yeah, Im really enjoying the weaning. You are right about the poppy nappys.....not so nice lol.

What kind of yoghurts are you giving Jackson? I havent tried her with those yet. Going to tescos later so will check out the pouches, they are always handy to have in the changing bag or whatever. Saying that, the purees I have been making theres always been heaps extra so we have a good stock in the freezer already lol. Going to try pear or apple tonight I think.

We have been using the bumbo or bouncy chair aswell but its getting a bit awkward cus shes kicking her legs so much in excitment the bouncy chair is bouncing too much which is not easy when your trying to feed her lol. The highchair is being delivered today....cant wait to get her in it! X

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What cute babies and so cleaver to be weaning all ready!

Nope so far Tonys had 3 interviews but not got the job. The jobs just aren't out there atm :(
6 months of looking - 3 of which been holed up here and bugger all but mega stress and empty savings account to show for it.

Well my dental nurse advised me not to buy the 'kids' ones because they are full of sugars. I give jackson low fat yoghurt he loves it. Have only tried vanilla and stawberry.

Yeah the pouches r ideal for first tasting cos there's not a whole lot in them I've found 1 pouch does 2 meals.

I've got jackson one of those clip on seats that go on our breakfast bar. My friends LO has/had one she's 2 now and eats and drinks at the table like a proper little lady so I feel that's maybe taught her how to eat at the table rather than messy trays. Obv jackson isn't at the stage of feeding himself food but no point buying one high chair then the seat.

You should try frozen bannana we got some face with that!

Hope you get something sorted PF you must feel stranded?! I had J in the company of mil yesterday for a couple hours and she was doing my head in "he's a bit crackley" yes he has a viral. "You should take him to docs" already have just keeping an eye. "Oh his hands are cold" babies hands sometimes get cold. "Oh I think he's coughing up mucus" no, he's blowing bubbles and drooling like a baby that's teething does give me a break!

I couldn't live with mil. xxxxx
Oh I'm so glad some of you are weaning!

Cay's on baby porridge for breakfast,

half a jar of meaty purée (such as bolognese, beef casserole, etc), then half a jar of a fruit dessert (summer fruit salad, mango and banana melba) for lunch,

then half a jar of veg purée (cauli cheese, veg risotto, etc) and half a jar of a chocolate pudding (chocolate and banana, etc) for tea.

These are at 8am, 12, and 4pm.
He still has as much milk as he was having two weeks ago (pre-wean), at 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm, and 1:30 in the night.

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He loves his food :)

Sounds like most people are getting on pretty well :)
PF - I'm sorry you're still having such a hard time :( I really hope something happens for you guys soon :(
Have you tried council housing? Xx
Hahaha- love it! He's obviously storing some up for later! He has an amazing head of hair- Molly still has hardly any! She was born with quite a lot, and it all fell out! :)
Haha thats so cute! I can only imagine the mess our bubs will be in when they start feeding themselves! Eilidh is loving her new highchair.....she can sit in it in the kitchen now and watch me doing dishes or cooking etc. Its ace! Xx

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Just a tip for weaning ladies..

Now I know broccolli makes OH stink, but I thought I'd be diff and try J with a brocolli and pear pouch the other day. The nappy, by god. I have never had anything like it. There was an actual poo. Like a golf ball and then his usual mess! It stunk like hell and I was almost sick (gagging and everything).

You can imagine I do change my fair share of dirty nappies but I will maybe avoid brocolli for now!

Just incase anyone has weak tummys. I don't I usually do the cats box the lot but by god this was awful.

LMAO! xxxxx
Long time no chit-chat!

What are we all up to now?

Cay is giving out the biggest smiles, and has giggled a few times as well.
He is now holding his bottles himself, I lay him down, put it in his mouth, he grabs hold and off he goes. After a few mouthfuls, he'll pull it out and inspect it, then shove it back in and carry on.
When he's in his car seat and I go to take him out, he lifts his arms and throws himself forward so I can get my hands around him.
He's fully established on three meals, two (full) bottles, and one snack a day (he still gets the required amount of milk, he just wants it all in one go... Weirdo) :)
He sleeps through the night, at last. Finly dropped that final feed, and now goes from 6pm-6am, has a bottle, then sleeps until 8am. WOOP! (This works great for us as mornings I'm off, I feed him, mornings I'm in work, he's in with me and I start at 6, so this is ideal).
He sits up on his own, when he wants to. So, he doesn't. Lol :) he still topples, a lot, but he's getting there.
No toothy-pegs still... All seems to have gone quiet on that front for now.
Whenever he's in the bath and I sit him up to wash his hair, he either throws himself backwards, or stands up. Monkey :) I lay him in a coupla inches of water because he loves a good old splash, then sit him up side-on, one arm over my arm by my elbow, my arm across his chest, his other arm over my wrist, and my hand wrapped around the top of his far arm. He then plants his feet and shoots up so his bum's in the air and he looks like he's bowing over my arm! It's hilarious, but a pain in the bum... Lol!
He answers when given a choice. I'll hold two things up and say "this one? (Wave A) or this one (wave B)" then hold them up again, "this one? (A) -pause- or this one? (B) -pause-". 8/10 times he'll "meh" and lean towards one or the other.
He loves music, and being in the water. Oh, and eating. Food, muzzy, my face... Lol :)

I'm back at work full time, so Cay's in nursery two days a week (we're lucky with shift patterns he spends most of his time with OH or myself). I won't say I enjoy it, but it is kinda nice being back in the "adult world".

So, what are your little beauties up to?
How's life in general?

And who wants the next one already? :D (ME!!! Ish...).






We are so rubbish at keeping in touch on here!! Lol.

Great piccys of ur wee monster! Sounds like cay and eilidh are pretty similar with their milestones etc!

She is such a smiley happy wee girl but also has a mega temper when she wants! Lol must get that from her dad. I stopped breast feeding through the day 2 days ago, so shes now on 3 bottles a day as well as her 3 meals and having boob through the night. Im still managing to do homade stuff for her and stock up the freezer but im pretty laid back with what she has....always give her wee tastes of our food if we are eating when she is around. Bananas are her fave!

Shes not quite rolling over yet...has done front to back a few times but dont think she actually realises whats happening lol. No signs of back to front yet but im sure it will come. Her latest party trick is shaking her head if we say 'no no no no' lol. She gives the cheekiest smile when shes doing it too! And same as Cay, can sit a few seconds then topples over. Shes been using her jumparoo about a month now and just loves it! Its hilarious watching her go mad in it lol.

We are struggling a bit with through the night :( shes always been such a good sleeper from day one up until about 3.5 months old and now shes up 2/3 times a night! Such a shock to the system! Shes still in with us tho so im wondering if shes being disturbed with us tossing turning amd snoring so her room is being finished off tomorrow and going to get her through there at the weekend. Fingers crossed it makes a difference. She goes down at 7pm great tho, self settles no probs so its just through the night shes a wee menace!


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Oh and no teethies yet!

And yeeees I am broody! But not going to ttc until shes 2 ish. Xx

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Hi everyone :wave:

We are doing fabby! Jackson is now 6 months my wee bright spark can almost crawl on his knees (he privets and wriggle moves on his belly like commando crawling - he can roll about too thts how he gets his toys so he's mobile-ish now.

He has favourite programs, he loves mickey mouse clubhouse he laughs at Donald Ducks voice. He takes his Dondald Duck teddy to bed each night - he's got his own little routines.

He's very ticklish and laughs alll the time he's just a happy wee baby.

Got two teethies, two front ones! Came in a month or so ago so as you can imagine be bites.. Everything!! Including me and its actually quite sore!

Still sleeping through the night he's down till 9am every day so can't complain there..

He can pull himself up, but still working on balance when sitting. He can sit watching tv but as soon as looks down to play he face plants into the pillow LOL.

He puts his hands out and shouts on me now if he wants up. If he wants down he literally tries to climb off me or thrusts his way to the floor so he can play!

His weaning is coming on he's managing much more food. 2-3 meals a day! Still loving his milk just now but the food def helps him sleep deeper. We still do bath bottle bed tho. He holds his bottle when he wants.. Usually during the day. Morning & night he cba holding it but I don't mind I know he wnt need me soon!

Can say mumma and dada but its usually mumma if I'm honest. OH says its just noise until he starts saying dada again haha he switches between.

Last time we got him weighed about a month ago he was 15lb - still a nice wee slim boy. We are in between 6-9m and 9-12 for certain baby grows so my little tally wally is going through so many clothesssss!!

I've not been on anything since J - we have been careful-ish. We plan to get marrried etc soon so we are saving first then over to ttc when J is nearly two. Coil is due in this month unless any suprises pop up LOL :p

I'm back at work 2nd September, kinda can't wait to get some routine. I just clean and play with J till OH comes in and just wanting some sort of routine. Jackson will start nursery Monday-Thursday mornings before I go back to work.

I just know it'll help him come on so fast, I'm so glad I have a bright boy, my little brothers were so lazy when little. Jackson seems to be trying to stand, sit and move but he can't so I'm just like a puppetire hahaha.

Hope you lot are doing great. Your wee ones have all turned into wee smashers over the months!



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Click go advanced then there's a wee paper clip click that and it brings up a page for you to browse xxxxx
I'm going to attempt to load some pics with this- who knows whether it will work!

All your little people look gorgeous! Must be some who have had their 6month birthdays?

molly is absolutely brilliant (I have a horrible case of mastitis at the moment, so am rough as a**holes, but she is perfectly fine!). She is a massive smiler, and has a gorgeous cackle, but she gets a very serious face sometimes, when she is really taking something in. She is a maSter at raspberries, squs, shrieks and 'bababa' and 'bwa' noises! She rollls happily from back to front (which has turned her into a tummy sleeper, which I hated to start with), and is now pushing hEr bum up, and moving her legs, as iff to crawl. She has.manage to roll from front to back a couple of times, but I've not actually seen it- just the result! She sits confidently, except that she rocks manically back and forth most of the time (too many renditions of 'row your boat' wirh daddy!).

I'm still exclusively breastfeeding, but will be starting weaning next week- have lots of frozen purees in the freezer ready! She is till sleeping through (although we are yet to drop the dream feed- will do thaat at the same time as weaning). :)

Anyway, her goes with an attempt at loading pics! :D
So many happy little bubba's :)

Nicnax... No pics that I can see :( If you're on an iPhone, get tapatalk. It's well worth it, and easy to use. Add pics the same as on Facebook.

I had loads of purees frozen all ready, but he didn't seem to like them. I've gone to jars for now, and he definitely likes those. Now he's established with his meals, and old enough to be allowed different stuff, I'm going to start giving him small versions of our dinner.
He has a banana for his snack, which I peel, hold, and just pick lumps off. He manages perfectly well with like, centimetre sized lumps, and I know in nursery he has things like pie (well, the filling) for lunch, with peas and sweet corn in that he gums and swallows.

It sounds like everyone's bubba's are coming along really well. It's interesting to see the different skills they've picked up.

Has anyone seen PF around? I wonder if she ever got her living arrangements sorted? I know she wasn't having a particularly fun time :( xx
I gave up- it kept timing out, and we've been at a wedding today, so haven't tried again yet. I will do though. :)
Hiya all.
Glad all you and your babies are doing well. They've grown so much!

Still at in-laws and got to the end of my tether then snapped it. Finally found a place to rent that will accept kids and pets tho but don't move in until end of the month at ealiest :(

So of course the weeks are dragging by as with this heat can't go anywhere as I suffer too much as does Katie.

Katie - started the weaning process yesturday and it amuses me the amount of differant expressions she pulls. Can't sit up fully by herself yet but can roll around and garble lots :)
Jackson is now on C&G stage 3 follow on milk since we are on proper 3 meals a day now.

He seems to be taking the stage 3 milk better, as if its nicer ?


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