Day 16 of IVF Cycle
Day 1 of Stimming
We went for a scan this morning at the hospital. Battled through the early morning rush hour as we had done last week. Thankfully this time, I'd got it right and we were booked in!
Have decided that my consultant (who we are paying enormous sums of money to see privately) has the bedside manner of Sadam Hussein. She's horrible! It's all she can do to bother to say hello when you walk in. First thing she barked was "what was the first day of your last cycle?"
Bugger! Wasn't expecting a test especially as you'd expect them to have kept this note on file. It's pretty crucial as it was the day we did the first injection. I know it really, but under pressure I had to check the date in my diary.
She does the scan and all is well. Lining of the womb is thin and ovaries are inactive. Good to go to phase 2 - Stimulation of the ovaries to produce the eggs.
As I'm yanking on my clothes in this tiny room that contains me, OH, Sadam and a nurse she asks which drugs we are taking for stimulation. Well, we hadn't got to that bit yet and we can't remember what they're called. Most of you have seen the box of drugs we got and it's pretty overwhelming. OH helpfully suggested that it was the pen cartridges. It's Puregon we're having, I could've found it on the original prescription but we hadn't memorised the name.
The Nurse then hands me a big brown paper bag, McDonalds style. I peek inside and it's full of needles..... see pic
So I say to my OH (and his huge needle phobia) don't look in that bag. You don't need to see what's in there. Sadam turns to me and says "you've probably gathered that you're not as on top of things as you need to be at this point". Er....
First thought is one of horror that things aren't actually going well despite what she had said during the scan. We ask her what she means and she says that we need to know dates and the medication we are taking because I am "at risk". WTF?! Waited till her back was turned and OH and I pulled faces at each other like naughty children. Told her that I hadn't realised there would be a test. Bloody stupid woman. Grrr
Finally got out of there and OH is telling me not to get stressed about her. I know he's right.
Next stop, the nurse to get an injection lesson with the pens. Get a neat little rucksack which I must try and find a use for afterwards!
Hadn't opened any of the drugs so had to come dashing home at lunchtime to check we had the right needles included in the packets. We do. You know what.... we don't need the McDonalds bag at all! Why did she give us it.... unless she's "not on top of things" either!
Anyway, came back tonight and have done first injection. It's stinging a bit still but ok. Only problem is my dose is 250 and these come in 300 size catridges. It's so expensive you can't waste any so most nights it will be 2 injections. Whoopeee!
7pm is our agreed time so we need to keep at these until next Friday when I go for another scan. Hopefully all will look good on the eggs then and I'll be in for egg collection the week after
Got back to work and booked the Friday of the scan off and the following week so can totally chill out.
Am at counsellor on Monday and am ready for another session now to get stuff off my chest. Must stay calm and chilled out..... ummmmm ummmmm ummmmm
Day 1 of Stimming
We went for a scan this morning at the hospital. Battled through the early morning rush hour as we had done last week. Thankfully this time, I'd got it right and we were booked in!
Have decided that my consultant (who we are paying enormous sums of money to see privately) has the bedside manner of Sadam Hussein. She's horrible! It's all she can do to bother to say hello when you walk in. First thing she barked was "what was the first day of your last cycle?"

She does the scan and all is well. Lining of the womb is thin and ovaries are inactive. Good to go to phase 2 - Stimulation of the ovaries to produce the eggs.
As I'm yanking on my clothes in this tiny room that contains me, OH, Sadam and a nurse she asks which drugs we are taking for stimulation. Well, we hadn't got to that bit yet and we can't remember what they're called. Most of you have seen the box of drugs we got and it's pretty overwhelming. OH helpfully suggested that it was the pen cartridges. It's Puregon we're having, I could've found it on the original prescription but we hadn't memorised the name.
The Nurse then hands me a big brown paper bag, McDonalds style. I peek inside and it's full of needles..... see pic

So I say to my OH (and his huge needle phobia) don't look in that bag. You don't need to see what's in there. Sadam turns to me and says "you've probably gathered that you're not as on top of things as you need to be at this point". Er....

Finally got out of there and OH is telling me not to get stressed about her. I know he's right.
Next stop, the nurse to get an injection lesson with the pens. Get a neat little rucksack which I must try and find a use for afterwards!

Hadn't opened any of the drugs so had to come dashing home at lunchtime to check we had the right needles included in the packets. We do. You know what.... we don't need the McDonalds bag at all! Why did she give us it.... unless she's "not on top of things" either!

Anyway, came back tonight and have done first injection. It's stinging a bit still but ok. Only problem is my dose is 250 and these come in 300 size catridges. It's so expensive you can't waste any so most nights it will be 2 injections. Whoopeee!
7pm is our agreed time so we need to keep at these until next Friday when I go for another scan. Hopefully all will look good on the eggs then and I'll be in for egg collection the week after

Am at counsellor on Monday and am ready for another session now to get stuff off my chest. Must stay calm and chilled out..... ummmmm ummmmm ummmmm