Diary of an IVFer

I hope it all went well last night Helen, you are so brave these injections sound dreadful!
How did it go Helen? Hope everything went well! Are you feeling ok?

I can't believe you're in the final stage now.... Seems so long ago when you were posting in the ttc buddies thread! I admire you! :)

Let us know how you're holding up. In case you're not around today, good luck for tomorrow's egg collection.

Day 27 of IVF Cycle
Day before Egg Collection

Injection went ok last night. It hurt again even though OH was there this time. I just think maybe I have run out of places to inject now! :shock: Lots of tears again afterwards from me and lots of cuddles from an exhausted OH.

OH got up this morning to go to work as normal but has finished early (thankfully). I slept till 10am and have felt drained all day.

Took myself off to the shops earlier to buy a nightie for tomorrow. I don't own any other than the sexy kind. Certainly not one that says Responsible Prospective Mother-to-be! :lol:

Going to pack my bag tonight for hospital and write a list for OH of things to do and ask. No injections tonight but a sedative table to take and another in the morning. By all accounts I'll be totally out of things tomorrow.

Hopefully by Wednesday I'll know how many eggs they collected and maybe even how many embryos we have. That's such an unbelievable thought and still feels millions of years away. I suppose there is still so much that could go wrong before that point...I can't even bring myself to wonder about OH and I actually creating embryos. :shock:

Wish me luck!!!



P.S. Thanks for all your support so far
good luck for tomorrow, we'll all be thinking about you! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good luck for tomorrow. Its so amazing to hear everything that goes into the whole IVF treatment.

Gem xx :hug:
Day 29 of IVF Cycle
Day after Egg Collection
Day before Embryo Transfer

Well I survived and am here to tell the tale!

Monday night I took the sedative at 10pm which prompted more tears from me. I was really worried that I would be totally out of things until Wednesday. Thankfully, it just relaxed me and calmed me down and I was able to get a good nights sleep.

On Tuesday morning I took the second sedative and two paracetamols. They weren't the swallowing kind..yup...suppositories. There is no dignity in this process!

We sped off to hospital and were told that Saddam was running late, so OH went off and did his side of things. :oops: He had the forethought to bring some reading material ...ahem.... from home and wasn't gone long. He said it felt like ages. :lol:

We were in this side room waiting to be seen. I felt pretty calm and a little woozy from the sedative. They took us into the egg collection room .... more stirrups! I must have been more woozy than I thought because I was aware of someone taking some blood from me and sticking one of those things in the back of my hand but it all felt a bit remote. I remember thinking there seemed to be loads of sheets over my lower half. My hypnotherapy CD kicked in which was lovely. In fact one of the nurses asked me for a copy afterwards. Saddam was there doing the collection and behind her was a hatch in the wall where the eggs were passed to people waiting who were checking and counting them. They do it in a darkened room.

OH was behind me in a natty open backed gown and those things they wear over their shoes. He was wonderful and stroked my hair throughout and was giving me egg number checks. Towards the end it started to get a bit painful and I was wincing a bit. I was tremendously relieved that it was all over. Then something else went up there. Saddam must have been moping up, I think.

How many eggs?...... 22!!!! :shock:

They took me back to a bed where I snoozed for a bit before going back to the room where we waited beforehand. OH was instructed to go and get some drugs for me which seemed to take ages. See below...


The reason for these extra drugs is that there is a danger of me over stimulating. 22 is a pretty high number of eggs to collect. I think they normally expect between 10 and 15.

The drugs are progesterone and something else (a blood thining agent). The progesterone goes in my tummy as before but the other... is in my bum. Which means that OH and his fear of needles has to be conquered. He did the first one yesterday very bravely. I was so proud of him.

Came home and spent the rest of the day snoozing in bed.

I don't feel too bad this morning but it really hurts to pee. I'm waiting on a call back from the nurse about that.

I have to have some blood tests at the hospital. One tomorrow before embryo transfer, one on Monday, one Friday and one the following Tuesday to check I'm ok and not overstimulating. One downside of the progesterone injections is that you get PG symptoms sore boobs, nausea, tiredness, etc. and you don't bleed. So I won't know if it has worked until we go for the test. My temp chart was interesting this am though! http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/fec25 That's some temperature surge! :lol:

Anyway, now for the most important bit. Just had a phone call from the hospital. They were able to injection 17 of the eggs they collected yesterday and this morning 9 have fertilised. :D I'm so relieved. Weird that it's relief more than happiness.

Going in tomorrow morning for the embryo transfer. Keeping everything crossed that we get some to freeze too.


Helen that's fab news, 9 eggs is great! I am wishing you so much luck and hugs hun.

Oh and the really fun bit I forgot to post is that I am measuring my wee.

I have to keep a record of every bit of liquid that goes in and ..yup... every bit that comes out. The hospital gave me a measuring jug to pee into.



Thats great news, my OHs friends had IVF treatment and results of that was sunday morning they gave birth to twins boy & girl.
So good luck hope all works out!

Helen that's great news!!! 9 eggs fertilized, YAY!

Hope your blood tests about overstimulation come back ok but most importantly i hope tomorrow goes well!! Do you know how many embryos they're going to transfer?

Best of luck hun!! And lots of baby glue when the transfer is done tomorrow!


Thanks for your replies. :D

They will just transfer 2 embryos tomorrow. Legally they aren't allowed to do more than that (unless you are over 40? in which case they can do 3). It's to minimise the risk of multiple births which can be quite dangerous all round.

They have this absolutely dreadful phrase "fetal reduction" :( which they encourage you to do if the embryos split. I'm not quite sure how many you need to be expecting for them to suggest this, but it's pretty rare thankfully.


Maybe more than 3? :? I heard several people having twins or even triplets with IVF so I suppose 2 is fine and 3 is borderline

Sorry to ask about this Helen but when the embryos are transferred, how many days do you have to wait till you know whether it was successful? Will you monitored every few days?

it all sounds like it is going well Helen, you have done so well and lets n ot forget oh he has done well too with his injection fear and stuff, good luck for tomorrow, thinking of you, I think Phoebe on friends says "think thick!"
wow good luck!

One or two would be fab!

We have twins and they are full of love and cuddles! :D
I think Phoebe on friends says "think thick!"

I was watching that episode on TV last night :D
She was referring to the lining of her uterus lol, I doubt I actually understood what the hell she meant by that when I was watching it two years ago

Sorry to threadjack Helen!


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