20 Week Scan
Sorry for the delay.......DH had to go in to work to scan the pictures for me and then i have been helping him pack as he is working away again from tomorrow.
Everything is well and looked normal, so that was a huge relief. Baby has also caught up in size now, so is looking just right for dates.

It looked really funny as it is lying on its tummy with its bum in the air and its feet on my bladder! It explains why i've been having loads of kicks really low down.

It has grown so much since the last scan and it was amazing that you could see all its bones now. The pictures aren't that good, the lady found it really difficult to get decent shots as the baby was constantly moving. She said it was a very active baby that doesn't like having its picture taken!
We stuck to our decision of not finding out the sex. Actually, i was really surprised as the temptation wasn't even there when i got in the scanning room. Sorry abcd1234, but i'm keeping you waiting! I cant wait to find out though!
This is the best photo we have, if you step back from it i think you can see its nose, eyes and mouth ( i could be seeing things though!)
This is the face on the left and feet on the right. The face looks like something evil at halloween!
Next scan wil hopefully be the 3D just after christmas. I always thought the 3D scans looked a bit scary, but i think i should get one as i might not get the chance to have one again. Plus it will be interesting to see if the real thing does look like the scan photo.
Right must get to bed now!
Michelle x