Shell's TTC Diary - *IVF/ICSI* - BFP!!!!

Didn't think i'd be posting again until my scan. But i fell down the stairs on Saturday night and thought as i've recorded everything else i should write about this too. I slipped off the top step, fell on my back and bounced/slid half way down. Luckily my mom was staying as DH was working away. I only seem to have hurt my arm, and now have a huge bruise. I managed to scare myself by looking for info on the internet though. Most stories were positive were everything was ok despite them having a worse fall than me, but one lady said she fell down the stairs at 11 weeks and miscarried 2 days later :cry: I checked for the heartbeat with the doppler and found the heartbeat straight away and i've been checking everyday. Last night i couldn't find it and after being able to find it instantly for a few week now that was a bit scary, but it was just being a naughty baby playing hide and seek and being really active! :D

I'm spending the day with my friend and her baby on Friday, which i'm looking forward to. She said she's going to let me do everything to give her a break! I've said thats fine but i'm not ready for nappies just yet! :? Then i'm staying the night at my moms........i love halloween, so i'm doing pumpkins with my brother and watching a scary film. :cheer:

Its also now only just over a week til my scan!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Michelle x
:hug: oh no i'm so glad all is ok i can imagine how scared you were though, these babies are much tougher than we give them credit for but its still a constant worry xx

have a great time practising being a mummy for the day, you'll have plenty of nappies to do in no time at all :D

all the best for next week can't wait to hear how you get on, at the 20 week scan you see just how much the lil baby has grown and can pick out features so clearly! have a great time xx :cheer:
:hug: Glad you are ok (apart from the bruise that is) - looking for info on the internet is a pregnant woman's worst habit - it always makes things seem worse than they are - Im sure we'd all be convinced there were horrible things wrong with us if we believed all we read! Your LO is safely tucked up and well padded inside - I hope hearing the heartbeat on the doppler has helped put pay to any worries you may have had.

Sounds like Friday will be fun.....

:dance: the scan is so close now!
love reading your updates. have a super Halloween!

lookafter yourself hun. xx
It was so good spending time with my friends baby, and i cant wait for mine to arrive now. It was lovely. I also managed to buy quite a lot of new clothes while i was back at my moms (i'm a bit shop starved where i live now!), so i shouldn't need anything else and i'm hoping these will last. On saturday, my stomach seemed to suddlenly pop out too and i think i have more of a 'proper' bump now. I thought i would post a pic, although i dont think it looks as good in the photo as it did in the mirror!

19weeks & 2days

Michelle x
Aww thats a fantastic bump! Yay only 3 days until you scan! :cheer: Hope your arms better now! :hug:
I hope you scan went well today!!

Look forward to seeing piccies, as you're not finding out the sex i'm just gonna have to follow this thread until your big day instead lol.
20 Week Scan

Sorry for the delay.......DH had to go in to work to scan the pictures for me and then i have been helping him pack as he is working away again from tomorrow.

Everything is well and looked normal, so that was a huge relief. Baby has also caught up in size now, so is looking just right for dates. :cheer: It looked really funny as it is lying on its tummy with its bum in the air and its feet on my bladder! It explains why i've been having loads of kicks really low down. :shakehead: It has grown so much since the last scan and it was amazing that you could see all its bones now. The pictures aren't that good, the lady found it really difficult to get decent shots as the baby was constantly moving. She said it was a very active baby that doesn't like having its picture taken!

We stuck to our decision of not finding out the sex. Actually, i was really surprised as the temptation wasn't even there when i got in the scanning room. Sorry abcd1234, but i'm keeping you waiting! I cant wait to find out though!

This is the best photo we have, if you step back from it i think you can see its nose, eyes and mouth ( i could be seeing things though!)

This is the face on the left and feet on the right. The face looks like something evil at halloween!

Next scan wil hopefully be the 3D just after christmas. I always thought the 3D scans looked a bit scary, but i think i should get one as i might not get the chance to have one again. Plus it will be interesting to see if the real thing does look like the scan photo.

Right must get to bed now! :sleep:

Michelle x
:cheer: what a fab clear pic hun thats one of the clearest i have seen ever on here!!

so glad all is well xx
A very belated congratulations to you :hug: I remember reading your diaries months back when I was TTC, I didn't realise you had a BFP.

I'm so, so pleased for you. The scan pics are fabulous.
We've booked the 3D/4D scan! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Originally we were going for the beginning of jan when i would be 28 weeks, but then as we are taking our moms with us we thought it would be nice to go before christmas. DH's mom doesn't finish work til christmas eve though so its now booked for the 27th Dec, just over 4 weeks away! I cant wait.

Going to stay at my moms for a few days from sunday. She is coming down to us on Friday and i'll go back with her on sunday. I've arranged to meet up with a few people one of the nights, they haven't seen me since we moved, so before i was pregnant. They want to see my bump. Also going to try to spend a day with my friend with the baby. Then we're going to the christmas market on wednesday. Its just overpriced junk for sale, but i just love going! I love christmas!

Talking of christmas, its going to be a christmassy few days. :cheer: I'm attempting to make a christmas cake tomorrow. The ingredients have cost a fortune and i have the most horrendous oven that burns everything even if its on gas 2, so i'm :pray: it behaves tomorrow and doesn't ruin my cake. Its the christmas lights switch on in our village on Friday and there is meant to be lots of christmas stuff going on, so i'll be taking my mom to that. Then i need to make a batch of Nigellas christmas cupcakes at the weekend to take back for my brother as he thought they were lovely last time i baked some!

Also thought i would add another bump photo, that i took last week at 21+5:

Bye for now,

Michelle x
ohhhhhh how lovely!!! look at your bump!!! :cheer:

this is going in so fast shell! well done for resisting temptation btw, i didn't :oops: (found out at 24wks) :lol:

your bump is looking fantastic, i can't wait till you pop this little miracle out :hug:
:cheer: How exciting about the scan....Im hoping I'll have my baby by the time you have your scan! :shock: Its going so fast!
:cheer: 24 Weeks Today :cheer:

I cant believe that i am 24 weeks already, the time has gone so fast. And i was worried it would drag! :rotfl:

Had my 24 week appointment yesterday with the GP. All was well, blood pressure fine, no infections etc. She said my wee had a slight bit of protein in so it needed to be sent off to be checked, but that it was most likely nothing. She had a feel of my bump and measured it. It was 24cm which she said was exactly right for the amount of weeks i am and that i had a very tidy bump. :D I hope it stays that way!!

I am really starting to suffer with heartburn now though. She said my stomach has now been pushed up a bit so i will get it a lot more now. Waiting for DH to pick up my gaviscon prescription to see if it helps. I only got it before after certain foods, but now it just stays all day!

Had a lovely few days at my moms and managed to get some christmas shopping done. Just a few people left to buy for. Got to do my christmas cards tonight. I love christmas but for some reason this year i cant seem to be bothered.....which is not like me at all. Actually i have been in a strange mood for the last few days. I've got a really short temper and the slightest thing going wrong can set off the tears. I know its probably just hormones but i want my festive cheer back! Doesn't help that DH is so busy at work that he cant take me to get a tree :wall: :x :wall: Once the tree is up i'm sure it will make me happy again!

I made my christmas cake and thankfully it survived in my oven!

Oooh nearly forgot, the day after my last post i was so ill. On the evening i coldn't stop being sick. It went on all through the night until there was nothing left in my stomach. The next day i ate a satsuma and it came straight back up, so i had to starve myself all day. I eventually had a banana and a slice of toast on the night and thankfully kept it in! I spent the day sleeping, my body was freezing but my face was burning hot. It must have been a 24 hour bug thing. Being sick while a baby is thumping around in your stomach is not a nice experience though! At least i knew he/she wasn't affected by it!

Only 3 weeks til the 3D scan!! :cheer: :cheer:

Post soon,

Michelle x

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