Shell's TTC Diary - *IVF/ICSI* - BFP!!!!

How exciting - 12 weeks tomorrow eh? :shock:

Maternity clothes can be a pain, something of one size will fit from one shop and not another. Unfortunately its just a case of shopping about.

The swooshy noise on the doppler is quite possibly the placenta. The heart at this stage is so teeny so you have to use quite a bit of gel and move the sensor around VERY slowly to hear a heartbeat. Its going to be very low down too (suprisingly so really). Best bet is to leave it for when you are felling relaxed and lay very still just moving the sensor slowly, millimetres at a time and then leaving it for a few seconds before moving again - it does take time at first. I hope you manage to find it soon, although I would say that M/W won't even try to find it before 15/16 weeks usually, and at my 16 wk appt my midwife said that she would have a go but that it might be too early to hear anything properly. Try not to worry too much Hun!

Sorry to hear you are feeling queasy still, not got any suggestions about veggie meals really I'm afraid.

Good Luck for the scan which is really soon now! :pray:
Wow time really has flown by hasn't it!! I understand your anxiety, I was in tears when I spotted LO moving on the scan at 12 weeks - it was such a relief to have made it so far.

For jeans I personally like Next mat jeans best - if you don't have a Next near you then the mail order is pretty good.
hope your scan has gone good and you have some nice pics to share shell :hug

like choklatemonkey said the swooshing will be your placenta, you'll know the heartbeat when you find it - like a train or a galloping horse :) aidens was always like a train and i'm sure they say train for boy horse for girl :wink:

Hope the scan has gone well and you have some lovely pics to show us!! :cheer: :cheer:
12 Week Scan

All is well. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: It is so weird that it's actually baby shaped now, it's no longer a blob! It was jumping around and waving its arm. I feel so lucky to have made it this far. I am 12w 3d but it measures 11w 6d, the lady said that it has its chin on its chest though which would make it shorter. Here are the photos........

Had more blood taken and now have a horrible bruise starting. :x We decided not to have the blood tests for downs. As we wouldn't want the further tests if it did come back high risk then there didn't seem much point having the initial blood tests.

Love a very very happy Michelle x
aww michelle thats your baby on the screen and how gorgeous he/ she is well done and you deserve every ounce of the happiness you feeling :cheer:
Michelle.... awww how fantastic. I have been waiting all day to see you fab pics!!!! You so deserve this. Have a happy and healthy 9 months (well 28 left!) :hug: :hug: :hug: :cheer:
:cheer: Glad everything went well.
cute pics!

Sorry 'bout the bruise but I'll bet it's a price you're willing to pay a hundred times over for your LO
omg i am soooo happy for you michelle :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

look at your little baby!!! i feel like it's absolutely flying in though!! your almost in 2nd tri :shock: xxxx
20 Week scan date - 15wks 2days today

Thank you for all your lovely comments about my 12 week scan pictures. :hug: It makes me feel very proud already! :D My mom took them to show my nan and she has decided its a girl as it looks like me!!! :shock: :rotfl: Has she got some kind of special vision as i cant see it!

I came on here to post that my 20 week scan date had changed and would be a few days earlier, only to find i never posted about the original date anyway :rotfl: What is going on with my brain?!!! :wall:

Anyway, my next scan will be on the 6th Nov, so only about 4 and a half weeks away. :shock: I cant believe i will be half way already!

Nausea seems to have disapppeared completely now, except for car journeys still. And i think i may be starting to get my appetite back. :cheer: After weeks of eating very little, it will be lovely to feel like eating anything and everything. Still early days, but i am keeping my fingers crossed. Last night i had chicken curry and ate more than i have eaten for ages. Plus i managed to eat all my chicken. So next week i am going to attempt some other meats.

I am going to London next weekend with my mom for her 50th Birthday. We're going to The Sound of Music Friday night, and then shopping on Saturday!

Oh and before i forget, i dont know if any one will remember my friend who told me she was pregnant during my 2nd IVF?? Well, she had a baby girl this morning. I am so pleased for her and cant wait to go to visit (which is a nice change as i used to avoid newborns!) However it has also woke up the bad thought gremlins and i am now worrying about whether everything is ok with my baby again. :( I just wish i was the end of march now!

Bye for now,

Michelle x
hi hun :wave:

it is going so fast can't believe your talking about being nearly half way already!! :cheer:

i seen the sound of music it is fantastic you'll love it and congratulations on your friend having her baby too. :dance:

now while you'll starting to feel good try and relax a bit and enjoy being PG and eat well!! :cheer:

ARe you going to find out the sex at the scan? :hug:
shellbham said:
I came on here to post that my 20 week scan date had changed and would be a few days earlier, only to find i never posted about the original date anyway :rotfl: What is going on with my brain?!!! :wall:

There's only one word for it Hun.....PREGNANCY! thats what's going on - it steals your brain cells! Honestly, Im not sure I have many left!!!! Pregnancy brain should be a recognised condition! :lol:

Wow, things are really moving along.....the scan is not long now is it........and I seriosuly cannot believe that means you'll be half way!!! Its mad!

I'm glad the nausea has pretty much gone, and that you are wanting to eat again now.

Your trip to London sounds like it will be fun! Congrats to your friend. It will be lovely for you to go and visit...........try not to worry about things being wrong.......just enjoy pregnancy (before you get to big and just want the baby out!!). The whole worrying thing is normal though, I dont think it ever stops once you get PG - there is always something to worry over, but I guess thats just part of becoming a parent!
what a fabulous read... just sat her in my pjs thought i would have a quick looks at a few posts and an hour later im still here!!!

a big fat Congratulations from me!!!!
Baby's Heartbeat

I finally managed to find the heartbeat with my doppler on 5th october (after posting on here that i was worried that there was something wrong with my baby now that my friend had hers! :oops: ). I dont know if i mentioned that we thought we got it about a week or two earlier but the monitor didn't count the beats per minute. Well this time it counted, it was around 163bpm. DH was still working away in America so i recorded it on my phone and emailed it to him, he loved it. So my doppler finally worked at much for as early as 10-12 weeks!!

16 Week Midwife Appointment - 8/10/08

DH got back this morning so came with me as i was hoping she would listen to the heartbeat as i was still doubting myself whether i had actually found it! She warned us that it was still quite early and it may take a while and to not worry if she couldn't find it. But she found it straight away. It was lovely. It was slower than when i found it and was between 140-150bpm this time. I have tried once more since at home and i can now find it straight away. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

London Weekend

Had a lovely time with my mom. The sound of music was great. I really enjoyed it, which was a nice surprise as i wasn't really bothered about going, i only went as it was my moms birthday! Saturday we spent all day looking round the shops, i cant believe how much we walked, my legs have never ached so much! I bought a few baby bits and pieces, like baby gros and other basic stuff. I couldn't help myself as they were in a pale green and i love green, some are stipey and some are plain. I also bought the leggings and hats to match. I also bought some wool for my mom as she's knitting me a little pram suit type of thing, a bit like a sleeping bag but with sleeves and a hood. It cost a fortune and my mom pointed out that it would be cheaper to just buy one, but i think this one will be a little more unique!

When i got back from London, i went to see my friend and her new baby. She was so tiny. I held her for ages and it was lovely, she didn't cry at all. If i had not been pregnant, that visit would have been horrible for me and i was so glad that i was able to enjoy it.

My mom has since bought even more baby stuff. I think this baby will be very spoilt! I dont mind, actually i love it, the more the better. But DH is moaning already about the amount of clothes we already have for this baby and that we have no where to put it. :roll: I dont care, its took a long time to get to this point and i want everything!! :D He is just as bad though as he bought a little outfit back from america and some really cute bibs!

I must remember to update this more often as and when things happen instead of trying to remember everything and then writing mammoth posts!

Sara - I know!! My friend keeps telling me to slow down as when my baby arrives her maternity leave ends! She thinks my pregnancy is going far too quickly!

Lilly - Thank you :hug: But sorry for stealing all your time!!

Chok - Thank you for all your advice. Everytime i'm worried you always write a really thoughtful reply.

Rusks - Hi :wave: No, not finding out the sex. Really tempted as i always have to know everything, but also really want the surprise of it. I always said i wouldn't find out, and DH definately wants it to be a surprise too, so i'm not allowed even if i wanted to! :D

Bye for now,

Michelle x
:wave: so glad you had a good time away in london, knew you would enjoy the sound of music and great to think you are buying stuff for your baby, and of course its going to be spoilt and you must enjoy every second of that :cheer:

all the best for your scan in 2 weeks, well done for being strong and not finding out the sex, you are a stronger woman than me!!

love lisa x
:wave: so glad you had a good time away in london, knew you would enjoy the sound of music and great to think you are buying stuff for your baby, and of course its going to be spoilt and you must enjoy every second of that :cheer:

all the best for your scan in 2 weeks, well done for being strong and not finding out the sex, you are a stronger woman than me!!

love lisa x

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