December and Christmas Testing!

Sorry she got you Samsgirl. She got me too :( xx
sorry samsgirl and laura, lots of hugs and baby dust for 2011 xxxx
not to worry....just wasn't meant to be at the moment........don't want to give up ttc completely.......but with timing and everything, would be better not to get my bfp until after june/july....but fate will decide and whats meant to happen wont pass me by!!

will just see how 2011 pans out.....not gonna use contraceptives, just do the opposite to ttc and not have sex around ovulation.......

i am soooo fat at the moment......if i bought a wedding dress now i'd fit into it 9 months pregnant anyway!! ha ha....actually, it's not funny...i dunno how i got this fat!

joined the gym and have given myself a target of 3 months to get my bmi back into healthy range......wish me luck!! xx

I hope all you lovely ladies get their BFPs very soon and those who have gone into tri 1 have very healthy and happy pregnancies...

I'm gonna stay on the forum if thats ok with u all as i like to keep up with everyone's news and still try and offer
Wouldn't be right without you love!! Besides we all want news of wedding planning - details!! Xxx
of course samsgirl, u would be missed if you left us! stick around xx
of the original list:

8 bfps
16 witches
6 no reports yet

so a really good success rate this month. let's keep it up - we must be doing something right...
witch got me! fingers crossed for jan bfp
Aww no kirlou sorry she got you :hug:
Fx to January bfp!! Xxx
Bit late reporting in but the witch got me on 18th. Congrats to everyone who had a positive. X
Aw no :hug:
Still you must be around fertile time about now? How's it going this cycle? Xxx
of the original list:

8 bfps
16 witches
6 no reports yet

so a really good success rate this month. let's keep it up - we must be doing something right...

I am one of those 'no reports' but in fact I have updated on this thread twice already and both times have been ignored.

I know I dont really post very much, and to be honest it's not because Im antisocial, it's because I'm having a really hard time with trying to conceive again after my mc in Oct, and just getting bfn's all the time.
Dont mean to moan and be miserable!
I know I dont really post very much, and to be honest it's not because Im antisocial, it's because I'm having a really hard time with trying to conceive again after my mc in Oct, and just getting bfn's all the time.
Dont mean to moan and be miserable!

Aww hun - give yourself time - October is so recent. FX and :dust: for you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sorry NaomiN, i know its just really hard somtimes, moaning is alot of what we do around here :) it helps

sorry witch got you and good luck for this month :)

So sorry she got you Naomi (and the others!) x x

Hope you're ok girls. :hug: x
Hi ladies,
I have updated this thread as much as I can; Naomi, so sorry for missing your post earlier in the month & sorry you're having such a hard time :hug:
As we're now in to January, I'll leave this thread as is now.
Good luck to all the ladies testing in January & February & congrats to the all ladies that got their BFP's at Christmas! :dust:
Jen x

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