Can I please be added to the list? Should be testing on the 23rd December...But will probably try a million times before that :D
Hi sorry i havent tested or updated on here. I have no tests (they are all packed in boxes and en route to Holland) as like an idiot i forgot to keep some out!!! Also not had internet at home until yesterday so it was hard to find time to keep up with the forum at the internet cafe. Well AF is due tomorrow so i guess this month i will just have to patiently wait and see what happens. Its amazing how strong you can be when you dont have access to a pack of ebay cheapies!!!! Normally i would have tested at CD10 :rotfl: Good luck everyone else due to test! :hug:
Added you Hara - good luck!

Bizzy - I have put you down as BFN - has AF arrived or are you just showing up neg on tests?
Hello :wave:

Looks like I might have ov'd yesterday so please could you add me to this thread? I'll be testing on Christmas day :D

Becs x
AF turned up at the weekend, after just 24 days!!! What is that all the about? We moved house to a new area on the 28th Nov. Then had a stomach bug the following weekend (new nursery, new bugs!). Could this have caused the really short cycle? Due to all the stress and hassle of moving house we didn't stand much of a chance so I am not suprised she showed, just suprised how early she has showed.
Nicky_Jones said:
AF turned up at the weekend, after just 24 days!!! What is that all the about? We moved house to a new area on the 28th Nov. Then had a stomach bug the following weekend (new nursery, new bugs!). Could this have caused the really short cycle? Due to all the stress and hassle of moving house we didn't stand much of a chance so I am not suprised she showed, just suprised how early she has showed.
Sounds like you just had a full on month hun and stress can play havoc with our monthly's. Chill over Christmas (if thats possible) and go for it in the new year. Good luck Nicky :hug:
Well, after totally messing me about this month, AF finally showed up yesterday :(

Totally fed up with things at the moment and starting to feel like its never going to happen for us. On top of that, my second due date is fast approaching in January and I'm struggling emotionally - last Monday it got so bad I was late to work because I started crying and couldn't stop and even now, the slightest little thing sets me off.

It wouldn't be so bad if my cycle was regular but the last three months I've had cycles of 40, 32 and 38, which is making it difficult to identify my fertile days - I'm this close to giving up :wall: :wall:
Sorry haven't been able to get on for a few days. AF got me finally on Saturday morning :(
Sorry I've lost track of this a bit!

Twink is eating my brain I think!

Sorry to all those who got AF (BOOOO!) - have EVERYTHING crossed for you all for BFP next month!
Waiting4amiracle said:
Babyblonde my test day will be newyears eve my birthday :shock: :cheer:
Blimming good luck hun, be a smashing end to the year for you, fingers crossed :hug:
well its not here yet but it feels like af may come early its due on thursday and i have cramps today boo hoo! so i dont think i am going to test as i dont want to see a bfn
Donna's here said:
Waiting4amiracle said:
Babyblonde my test day will be newyears eve my birthday :shock: :cheer:
Blimming good luck hun, be a smashing end to the year for you, fingers crossed :hug:

Aww thanks hun what i day that would be new year and my birthday
:pray: it works and i get my bfp .. Karen :hug:
Added you for the 31st Waiting4amiracle - have just welled up at the idea of you getting a BFP on new years eve - and it being your birthday too (flimmin hormones!)

No pressure but you have to get one now to make this emotional outburst worthwhile! :lol:
Nicky_Jones said:
AF turned up at the weekend, after just 24 days!!! What is that all the about? We moved house to a new area on the 28th Nov. Then had a stomach bug the following weekend (new nursery, new bugs!). Could this have caused the really short cycle? Due to all the stress and hassle of moving house we didn't stand much of a chance so I am not suprised she showed, just suprised how early she has showed.

Hiya Nicky :hug: :hug: Sorry to hear the nasty ole witch came :hug: :hug: The stress and illness probably didnt help with TTC, fingers crossed you will get a BFP very soon :D

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