right girls, that's probably my last post...it's 21:21 and I am still home. Contractions are still not reguilar, but got MUCH stronger...since my last post. some are every 10 minutes and some are every 5 minutes. They all last between 45 sec to 1min 30.
I have piut the TENS on, but I really can't say if it's doing something.
Right now, I am sitting on my gym ball which against a chair and the chair is against the wall!
and when it comes, I push everything and my husband sits behind me to stop me from falling!!!!!
bizarre, I know!!!!
I think I should go to delivery suite but I am scared they tell me I am not dilated!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, I am waiting!!!But I don't know how long!!!!
Louise, thanks for the advice, I am trying and my mum keeps on telling me as well, but it's hard sometimes to concentrate on that!!!! It hurts so much in the legs and bottoms!!!!!!!! and down there, of course!!!!!
If I can, I will tell you all when I leave for hospital...if I can!
Mel xx