List of our 2006 Babies

Logan Scott

Born 26.12.06 (Boxing Day!) 8lb 6oz

Proudest/ happiest moment : When Logan did that newborn stare and looked me straight in the eyes, it was love at first sight!
Hi I didn't reply to this when Jake was born so could you please add me to the list.

Jake Andrew
18th November 2006
7lb 2oz

It is hard to pick a favourite moment as I have so many but It makes me so happy everytime Jake smiles or laughs at me.
I thought id replied to this but i obviously didnt!

Thea Louise Carr was born on the 22nd October at 8.23pm in the Telki Hospital, Hungary. She weighed 7lbs 7oz and was 21 inches long with a full head of black hair :)
Leah Grace born 17th May 2006, weighing 7lb 7oz
Fave bit: she always seems to know when im feeling bit down, she always says mama n gives me a big gummy smile and makes my heart melt n i feel all happy again.
Hi my little um was born on Sept 15th called Aidan John Kelsey. Weighed 7lb 5oz. Best moment was the labour - 3 1/2 hours start to finish, and finally holding him in my arms.
Hi I have changed my username now so if possible could you please change it on the list of 2006 babies. Thanks :D
Owen jay vause was born 9th October at 11.46am, weighing in at 6lbs 8 oz's :dance:

best moment was when i saw him for the first time, i had a c section birth
Finlay Christopher born on the 19th dec 06 8.51am 7lb15oz

After 41 hours of labour and a blue light ride little man is finally here. . . . .

love him!

Best moment. . . every minute of labour and thereafter!
Niamh christina-anne born the 17.08.06 weighing 9lb 12 1/2oz :cheer:
the best moment was when they put her on my chest after the final push, and she looked into my eyes, as if to say so thist is what you look like mummy. xx
Elena Elizabeth born on the 7th August 2006, weighing 8lb, with a lovely (but very fast) home birth.
just seen this :doh: :lol: Emma Jane Jones born 30th of October 2006 weighing 2lb 15.5oz (10 weeks prem) :D
Only just seen thus too, im not too late am i?

Can you please ad:

30th October 2006
11lbs 2oz

Favourite moment was ''Aaliyah being placed on my chest after all the horrible drugs and 30 hour labour (oh and the big long sleep afterwards.)''

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