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Checking in thread for late Feb/early March mums

Ooohhh yay for Pips.......hope all is well hunny!
Well I had my 38 wk appointment today and LO is fully engaged....thats the good news.....the bad news is he has shifted into the back to back position.....but hes still wiggling all over the place so im not gonna panic just yet. I think ive finally resigned myself to the fact that ill probably go over rather than have him early....a very depressing thought but a maximum of 27 days isnt so bad......sob sob(trying to convince myself!)
Well good luck to all due soon, lets keep this thread up to date!
Hi Girls - hope you are all well - Go for it Pips - really hope things are happening for you!!!!!

I had to go hospital today to have Blood Pressure monitored - the M/W told me to take my overnight bag as at my normal check it was very high. Good news is it has levelled out. Certainly made me think though about getting everything ready - so tonight I packed mine, D/H and baby's hospital bag - took me ages to work out what to take for baby - seems like too far away still!!!

Thought I would post my latest bump pic too - so once Ive got it on Photobucket I will post it on here. I've also finished nursery so will post that seperately.

Apart from all that no other news!?!?!? Like you all Just waiting waiting.................!

L x

Aha!!! think Its worked - if not I'm switching off and going bed lol!

L x
Lovely picture Lisa - beautiful bump!!

Nothing new from me today!! Fed up as I woke up at 6.30am for no reason and couldn't get back to sleep again and typically the kids didn't wake up till 8am!! Tummy quite unsettled too but think thats cause I have been up so long and need something decent to eat.

So now I am very tired and have a busy day ahead of me - Lunch at MIL's, midwife at 3pm and dinner at a friends tonight........with no chance of sleeping this morning!! Never mind.

Love to you all xx
Good luck Pips!

Lisa your bump is lovley. Im not brave enough to post pictures of mine on here!

Nothing to report from me today either!
hi everyone!

sorry no good news :(
i didn't check in yesterday, i had a very busy day. thanks for your messages though

well update is i had a sweep this morning and cervix was still far from ready, though baby is there waiting at the door... not much chance it will be coming in the next few days so am going in to be induced on monday. it will be a tues 21 or wed 22 baby... :?
i guess i should be happy but i just feel as if it's not right. plus i'm prob going to have to forget my waterbirth... :cry:

well at least my mum will be there to chear me up
pfff and it's so hard to get around when you're that big!! iwon't even bother posting pics

i hope it all works out for some of you
is there any news i've missed?? xx
Oh Pips, I am so sorry!!!!! sends you tons and tons of hugs....enough till your mum comes and does it herself!!!

We really thought it was it this time. There are 3 days before monday and you never know!!! these little ones are very naughty already...not even born and they have such a strong power on how we feel!!!!
Try to NOT think about it, that's what my MW advised (I know, I know, not very easy when you are overdue!)

As for me, well, I really got positive when I started loosing a bit of blood on wednesday, and thought "that's it, am gonna have my baby today!"...yea, of course, as if! :?

went walking loads despite my bad back (mum pushing me :wink: ) and had spicy thai, and...NOTHING! next morning nothing had changed...was still loosing my mucus plug (this seems to go on for ages!! :roll: )

So, yesterday I felt very weepy, even cried in Tescos coz they did not have anymore almond croissants and no yum-yum in Greggs!!!! :)

This morning, I woke up at 7 ish with crampy feelings down there and it has been on and off since then. Managed to sleep though till 11:30...I think it's just gaz! everytime I think That's it, that must be it, I have gaz (sorry TMI :oops: )

So, here I am, shared between "it's just gaz" and "something is happening " coz today is the due date Pakistani doctors had given me...20th is from Uk...it's confusing me!!!!

oh, my god, I have been long and boring! sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will let you all know, anyway, but I am not keeping too much hope!

Lisa, your bump looks great!!!!! no stretchmarks!!!! and you look so happy as well...blooming :)

Kerry, thinking of you as well, you are soooooooo brave to be pregnant with children already!!! I can hardly take care of my husband and mum...don't know how I would cope!

love to all,
Mel xx
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh GIRLS!!!!

Just after I finihed my previous post, I think my waters broke!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And it's typical: I am home alone!!!!! my man is gone praying (muslim and it's Friday) and my mum is gone shopping! cherries for me, and other stuff!!! and I called my midwife, but she can't come coz she is in the middle of a homebirth!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink:

TYPICAL!!! does not worry me, though, if it is what I hope so much for, I will still be there for a while!

keep you posted!...live, just like the Turino Olympics :wink:

Mel xx
ooooh mel! that's great!!!
fingers crossed that's it for you :D
good luck hun xx
Thanks Pips!

Have called my husband who called my mum who called me back! :lol: So they are coming back, and I am going to ring the delivery suite and tell them. DOn't really feel like, I am fine t home, just done a bottle of orange juice to take with me, and am about to take a shower!

I am worried they will them me no sorry it was not your waters, or we have to keep you in for monitoring BP, etc!!!

Well, I will let you know when I come back...I have very short contractions, more in my bums and top legs than on my bump! and far from being intolerable...Having periods everymonth was much worse...so far...wait till I scream :wink:

Am off for my shower now
Take care and good luck to everyone, just in case they don't let me come back! :cry:

Mel xx
Aww, so close for us all,.....

You all excited? lm nervous,....also wishing baby out, as me and my man so eagerly would like to meet our little one, not only that its really starting to get uncomfortable now,..... want my old body back!! lol!! Good luck all,.....

Fluffy. xx :lol:
Ooooh thats soooooo exciting mel, good luck good luck good luck!

Pips you poor thing you must be really fed up now, but if you do have your LO on the 21st/22nd it may well be the first Pisces of the group!

Kerry hopefully the busy day will trigger something off for you!

And Lisa, lush bump and you look soooooooooo well and happy.....I dare not put my face on the pics cos its so fat now! Cant bare to look at it!
MW did say that I really was holding alot of water everywhere though so that makes me feel better (the fact its not all fat!)
Heres my latest pic at 37 wks you can see the bumpy bit on the underside of my bump.....that is apparently water retention!!!!!!!!!
How bizzare eh!

Im gonna go for a long.....ish walk now bouncing as I go and hoping this little blighter will do something!
lovely bump fayebalina!

My bump seems really small compared to most,... lm due tomorrow! Oh well, will have to see what happens!!

Fluffy. xx :lol:
oh faye, i've only just realised it will be a pisces...
i was REALLY hoping it wouldn't be, it's just made the whole thing worse!
:cry: :cry:

i think your bump looks lovely and you are not that big

pip and very slow baby xx
Excuse me!! I am a pisces - so is my daughter!! We are lovely calm, laid back little fishies who make ideal, easy babies!!

Very exciting news for Mel - keep us posted.

Pips, sorry you had to have a sweep in the end but at least the end is in sight for you now eh? Lots of love, have a great weekend and maybe you will have it naturally over the weekend!! Here's hoping for you.

As for me, my busy day hasn't triggered anything but I have felt really sick today?? Is this a sign or am I in store for another bug!!! :roll:

Been to Dr today, now only 2/5 of the head palpable which is good, means its very low. Everything else fine.

Much love
ooooh Kerry didnt realise you only have 8 days left!! Good luck hun
Thank you - still could be 18 days though I suppose!!!! :?
Hey girls, writing this between 2 contractions, so sorry if my typing is a bit messy!

have been to hospital, they did the checks, and yes, my membranes have broken! :lol:
when I arrived my BP was on the higher side of ok (140/70), but when I left, it was 110/55!! It was kind of funny, coz I had to stand up everytime I had a contraction...to make their job harder! :wink:
The bad news is that babay was back to back :cry: :cry:

My membranes have gone, but I am still loosing water, yuk!!! (sorry, TMI! :oops: ). After hospital, we went shopping at morrisons, and went to the city centre to have quarter pounder with cheese and chips!!!! I thought it will keep my mind busy and I will do some walking! but walking is becoming hard, when contracting! and waters breaking
Now, I have contractions every 10ish minutes, and I am sitting on my gym ball! tryingto bounce when there is a contraction!!! :D

It's a very bizarre feeling, girls, I am telling you! close to nothing I know, even the period pains aren't the same anymore!

20 minutes later, I can finish off my post...sorry girls, but I think I have to go! :? the last 3 contactions have been harder to handle!!!!

Bye...for now :)

I hope I don't bore you, just sharing this amazing experience with you..hey, you have to get prepared, it's coming to you as well :wink:

Haven't used my tens machine yet...will try to hold it for as long as I can without it!

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