chartstalkers- September 2008

added you jo jo to the list and skardy i'll take you off :hug: :hug:
Hi guys, my temp went up this morning, 36.7 and took it late last night like i did when I was pg and it was 37.1 (oooooh!) :pray:
I'm also bloated and constipated again like I was! Mind you thats not really anything new! :think:
21 aug 36.7
22 aug 36.6
23 aug 36.5
24 aug 36.6
25 aug 36.5
26 aug 36.5
27 aug 36.6
28 aug 36.2
31 aug right ovary twinges /bd/ light line on opk (cd 13?)
03 sep 36.7
06 sep 36.8

I havnt been very good at recording have I? if we're not successful I'll learn how to do those graphs. :doh:
i'd say your cover line is 36.5/36.6 so if that is right you may of oved 28 aug 36.2
31 aug right ovary twinges /bd/ light line on opk (cd 13?) one of these days but that'll depend on the next few days if your temp continues to stay up :D good luck holly
Anna i started ab's on the day it went down, so not sure if they had anything to do with the drop, I also got a blank on an opk, but that would in theory have been cd 10 which is when in July that I had the ewcm and felt was the time! :think:
Hope I didnt miss the window, I wasnt even going to do anything this month but when felt that right side twinge i couldnt help myself. :moon: If I start getting late night temps of 37.2-37.4 then I'll be hopeful :pray: Man, just hope it goes better next time :(
I'll cack myself if I can only test on 10mlu's again.
i had positve OPK last night but Temps this morning have increased slightly???? Confused
Hols you really need to take your temps after 3 hours uninterupted sleep so they have a constant so it's really difficult to tell if you have OV'd or not. I hope so though! If you don't get a BFP this month you really should start temping in the morning and do a graph so I can stalk you!!!

Jojo, your temps should dip quite a bit before you OV so it's a little confusing... Was it a definite OPK +ve you had?

My Dh is back now so we're BD every day until OV!!!
yeah last nights OPK was definate positive. Ive had a positive today too so hopefully my temps will dip in the morning.

Not going to BD tonight so if my temps drop tomorrow will BD tomorrow and hopefully catch the egg. Have done it last 2 nights anyway so fingers crossed
Jojo your chart looks like you'll get your dip tomorrow - can't wait to see if you do x
me too. Ive been waiting for it for days xx
Jojo you didn't get your dip :?

It looks like Monday could have been OV but then your chart hasn't picked it up if so.

My chart has picked up that I OV on Monday?!? I did an OPK on Monday and it was negative but I normally get pains etc and nothing. Also I have been taking the magic medicine for a week and a half and no extra CM (only a bit Mon & Tues)

The line on my chart is dotted which means they are not sure, I wonder if it is picking OV up by mistake as I have had cycles of 53 days/35 days/43 days so far, so OV has been as late as CD40.

If I did OV Monday then I missed the egg :(
its because your temp has gone up over a few days however i'll keep a eye on it for you and if it stays up then you did ov but only the next few days will tell :D hope you didn't so then you can catch it :hug:

jo jo it looks like your cover line is 36.3 :D

Andrea it looks liek you may of oved on 3rd wednesday however if so your temp needs to continue going up :D
Hope you didnt miss the egg ellie :pray:

JoJo, keep checking your chart over the next couple of days... looks like you may have ov'd yesterday? :think:

Anna... I really hope not because we havent bd'd since the weekend :( saying that my lines are getting stronger on my opk's so it looks hopeful that I might not have yet... plus I took my temp a little later this morning. I did put that into FF but it's still coming up with a filled in dot

HH... i hope you didn't miss it this month :hug: and next time you will get + on all tests - keep positive :hug: :hug:
Anna, this is my chart from last, month... I had a dip on exactly the same day! (CD13) and then a sharpish rise the next day but FF gave me an ov day of CD18 and i had +opk on CD16 & CD17.

Do you think I have missed it? :(

Well ive had stomach cramps again today, on my left side so im praying ill get my dip tomorrow. if not i give up :(

If i have ov monday then i reckon im in with a chance :pray:
andrea i'd sugest waiting to see what oyur temps do over the next few days :hug: :hug:
This is confusing... But I think I like it!!!

I'm almost sure I haven't OV yet because I have noticed the pains every other time. If I get a lower temp tomorrow maybe it will move my OV marker...?

Andreaa I think you OV on CD13 cos of your CM. What happens if you disgard the temp on CD10 because you had a drink the night before? That might be sending your chart out a little bit maybe?

Jojo your chart is a bit odd cos it looks like you haven't OV yet but then you have CM. If I were you I'd be BD all the time! Looks like it's close for you though
Keeping my fingers crossed for you Ellie hope the chart is wrong, could well be if you had no pains.

Hope you didnt miss the egg either andrea. hope we all get BFP's this month

Ive had pains in my left side today, they must be ov pains. Fingers crossed
Morning girls :wave:

My temp dropped quite a bit today :cheer: looks like I didn't miss it after all!

Can't do any stalking atm because I'm only on my blackberry but will be back to stalk after my networking club :hug: :hug: :hug:
ooohhhhh good luck andrea xx

I've updated my temps today looks like i ovulated Wednesday,we BD'ed Tuesday PM and Thursday PM so fingers crossed i caught that egg :pray:
Thanks JoJo :hug: Looking at your chart it looks likely that you did ov on wednesday... :pray: that you caught that little egg :)

Ellie, your temp has come down again so maybe you didn't ov afterall :think: hoping there's still time for you to catch the egg this month :hug:

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