Skairdy - keep BDing! It's possible that you have ov'ed - some people's charts show a sharp rise, followed by a dip back below the coverline on 2 or 3dpo - but on the other hand it might have been a one-off high temp. Temping 25 mins earlier will have made a difference, but it's unlikely to be that big a difference. Let's see what happens to your temp tomorrow - if it goes back up, we could try adjusting today's temp and see if that gives you crosshairs.
Gypsy - looking great!
Well, I phoned the surgery at 9am... everything (thyroid, FSH, LH, etc) "normal" for CD21, apart from progesterone which was, apparently, "excellent". But then, you'd probably guess that from the chart! Blooming typical, the month I have the bloodtests done, it's a textbook cycle. Still, that means that it's highly likely my doctor was spot-on with his assessment that everything's working fine, but that the chemical pregnancy really did throw my hormones out of whack for three months. I just still can't believe that a very faint line on HPTs for just three days was enough to cause a hormonal mess for three months... we'll see what happens this cycle.
Anyway, I'll need to make another appt to discuss what to do next (he'd mentioned a gynaecologist referral and ultrasounds to make sure that nothing's blocked), but I'm going to pause a little to think things through first. DH obviously needs to get his SA done, but there's no point doing that before the op, he'd have to get it done again afterwards to make sure everything's still working properly and they haven't accidentally damaged the tubes. I think I'm relieved that all the blood tests are fine, but in a funny kind of way, I'm also disappointed because it means there's no obvious explanation and no quick-fix solution right now. Personally, I'm not keen on getting the scans and examinations done until after DH has done his business - it's such a horrible invasion, and all DH has to do is squirt in a cup!
oooooh, it's SNOWING outside! right, gotta go, I'm excited!!!
Howe weird - it's stopped, and it can't be snowing, the forecast says it's 11 degrees and part sunny/part cloudy today - but I definitely saw big snowflakes and there are now wet patches on the patio where they landed... oh, and my live weather update has just changed from 'cloud' to snow 'sprinkles'! Gosh, I lead such an exciting life!