Chart Stalkers April 2008

:hug: Kmac

:hug: Rach i hope you dont miss ov hun.

Babydust, yes it would be my luck, we will see!

Well my lower abdomin around pubic bone feels quite tight :think:
My temp has gone abit higher not so steady anymore :( my pretty chart has gone :(
tasha you chart looks really good :)

rach opk's are sounding good :) but i understand about not wanting to add pressure to your oh :hug:

well dh woke this morning and forgot about my hair, so he got a pleasant surprise(so he says) im not sure if i like the colour but the condition of it seems much better, i will give it some time, but if someone told me i looked much older i would be in the bathroom like you rach bleaching it.

:wave: to everyone else, kitty hope your dh is feeling a bit better
Morning everyone :wave:

Check out my chart and guess who had a drink last night!! It always amazes me just how high my temp goes, I only had half a bottle of white so not that much really (3 glasses). Anyway still no sign of anything and patiently waiting to hear from the hospital....

Tasha symptoms sound great :pray:

Claire hope you made the most of that nice + stick!!

Rach your poor hubbie - be gentle with him but perhaps he would like something to take his mind off it??

Kmac :hug: sorry its so confusing right now - I still cant believe how difficult it is to get pregnant!!

Sookie, Loola, chokolatemonkey and Kitty hope you are OK :hug:

Oh yes and :cheer: :cheer: for charmed :D
thanks everyone

babydust temp right up looks like you might have ovd hun :cheer: FX xxx
rom its amazing how a bit of alcohol can make your temp rise so much im the same mine goes sky high so i tend to stay off it while charting otherwise it messes my whole chart up lol
sorry you still have no answers hun hope you get some soon :hug: xxx
trudy chart is looking good hun FX xxx
chill sorry af got you hun :hug: xxx
chok temps still up hun and 15dpo :shock: are you going to test? everything crossed for you xxx
charmed congratulations hun :cheer: xxx
tasha your chart is looking fantastic hope this is your month hun everything crossed for you xxx

everyone ive missed hope you are all ok :wave: xxx
Grrrrr I have just telephoned my GP and they havent sent the letter off yet!!! Got a call back scheduled from my GP at 12.00 today and I am going to go mad!! I cant believe this - I could have been waiting for months and nothing would have been sent..... The good news is I spoke to the consultants secretary and I can ring up and book an appointment now - I'll wait and talk to my GP but then I will phone the clinic straight away.....
:shock: rom thats awful good job you phoned hun :hug: and great news you can book an appointment with the consultant read the gp the riot act hun xxxxxxxx
Hello all sorry I've not been around much am trying to buy a car but as it has to be an estate and diesel and £1300 or under. It's not proving easy. :(

Sorry to read and run but congrats to Charmed I've updated the front page :cheer: :cheer:
Kitty - please come back!!!!! Hope DH is healing ok.
ROM - sorry bout the nightmare you give it them with both barrels when you go back to your GP.
babydust - give yourself time to get used to it. I'm sure you'll like it.
kmac - I hope you get a temp rise or + OV soon. :hug: :hug:
Tasha - hope today is better for you.
rach - get Bding and catch that egg!!
:wave: to everyone else sorry if I missed anyone.

Gotta go actually working for once!!! Not holding out much hope for this month have got usual pre AF symtoms. Ah well I get to stay here a bit longer. :)
Well my GP phoned - he said he thought the letter had been sent, funny as the receptionist said it definately hadnt!! :shock: Very apologetic and was going to chase it (I could almost hear the scratching of the pen as he began to write it!!!).

The good news is I then rang the Nuffield and was able to get a private appointment next Wednesday at 9.30 am.... At last something might actually happen to sort out this bag of sh*t that has become my body!! The secretary said that I may only have to pay the one off consultation fee and then he may refer me back to the NHS for any treatment!! So keep your fingers crossed for us.....
Thank you everyone :hug:

My cervix has gone weird though? its like its pointing down, were as normaly it points toward my back.


ROM good luck hun :hug:

Hope everyone else is ok :hug:
Oh good luck ROM, really praying for you and I really hope you can get NHS funding. I think its the least they should do after the amount of cock ups they have made in your case. :hug:
Hello all!

I feel so guilty :oops: I've just read through the pages and pages of posts and feel so bad!

I just have such a lot of things to do at the moment, and because we can't TTC for a while, it's kind of slipped my mind.

Anyway - I don't know if anyone still needs me to take a look at anything, it looks like I might be too late, but I will come back this evening so if you do want my opinion (for what it's worth!) then post before then!
Hi all

My temp went up a bit this morning so my question for Dr Kitty or anyone else who has an opinion, is could I possibly have ov'd without seeing a + on a stick even though i was doing a few a day?
It seems unlikely, doesn't it? :( And the line is fainter again today.

I guess my temp tomorrow will give me the answer......
I'm starting to feel quite down in the dumps about all of this - and I know I haven't been ttc very long in the grand scheme of things... but still...
:hug: Hun you had quite a dark one the other day remember.

If it shows you have ov'd id take that darkest one as your positive.

It was sunday and monday i had strong ones (when i put the pics on here). I have marked them as + on my chart to cheer myself up. I can always undo it later....
I think you may have ovd then, we will see with your temps tomorrow.

If you look at mine I had a small rise for a few days on my first chart below, and it was two days after my positive that I got a big rise after o on this cycle.

I had a look back at your pics and they looked pretty close to + to me. How frequently were you testing? It's always possible you missed the actual + by a couple of hours. Some women never see a definite positive, but each month get almost positives.

As for your temp, it's not an obvious enough jump to be able to say with any certainty, but it does look very promising. I would have expected the coverline for you to be around 36.3 - 36.35. If you compare this chart with your chart from a couple of cycles ago, you do seem to get a slow rise post-ov, and today's temp would be in keeping with your 1dpo temp from your previous chart. Howerver, you'll need the next two days' temps to be sure, so make sure you BD again tonight just in case!
Sorry I haven't been here for a couple of days! We have been sorting the house out as we've got friends coming this weekend - I can't wait to see my old uni mate :)

babydust - I bet your hair is fab!!! :D YAY for + OPK and plenty of BD!!!
rom - Good for you for ringing!I have everything crossed for you :pray:
kitty - I hope your DH is ok. Thinking of you both :hug:
sookie - I hope those temps stay high and the meds help :)
shellbham - I hope this is the month for you :pray:
Trudy - Sorry you have AF symptoms :(
scones - hope you're ok :hug:
chill - sorry AF got you :(
loola - Fingers crossed for your BFP! Hope you're ok :hug:
kmac - I don't know if you missed OV but I thought the pics did show ov so you never know ... You BD'd at the right times :pray:
I am sorry you're feeling down :hug:
kaykav - coming up to ov hopefully :hug:
choklatemunky - ooo I hope you get your BFP. How are the new vits?
satch - I've never had a 35.4! I hope your temps stay up! :pray:
skairdykat - hope you're ok :hug:
hara - I hope you get your BFP :pray:
sally - hope it's your month. I had to laugh at your MIL being like Hyacinth!! :rotfl:
rach - sorry about DH's grandmother. :hug: Hope you catch that egg!

I have had a rough day really after my gynae app.

My hysterosopy, D&C, biopsy from before Christmas came back fine so we now have a plan of action ...

*Hubby has to have his 'little swimmers' tested
*I have to have Day 2-5 bloods done
*I have to have Day 21 blooods done
*I need another ultra sound scan in about 3-4 weeks
*I need a hysterosalpingogram on Day 10

I will then go back to see the dr during his infertility clinic on 11th June

If I need to start infertility drugs then I will need to lose about a stone in weight which is a little unsettling with my eating disorder past :? I had a bit of a wobble before but I am feeling a little better now.
He said I will most likely be started on Clomid as my periods are irregular and it sounds like I am not ovulating properly.

Sending lots of babydust xxx
welshpolly - don't think about the past, think about the future!

a stone is manageable without getting silly. We'll all help you. Let's say you aim for a stone loss before 11 June appointment, well, that's just under 5lb a month - which is only just over a lb a week. You can do that. Hell, I can do that!
And to be honest, you've probably got longer before any treatment actually starts, so that's your contingency chocolate budget.

First things first - up your calorie loss rate. Increase exercise before you decrease food. Personally, I don't give a **** about weight, but it is worth getting body fat measured. It's a far more accurate measurement. If I started thinking about weight, I'd be worried - last time I went to the doctor's, I came in as overweight. I don't think I am (some of you have seen pics of me, I'm sure you'll correct me if you think I am overweight). I'm a UK size 6-8. (Then again, I had my legs waxed yesterday, and the BULGARIAN therapist asked if I did weights or swam "because your legs, zey eez big and ard!" F***ing hell, an Eastern European says that to me? Definitely time to cut the pool mileage!)

So... get in 30 mins of walking a day. If you go to the pub after walk, choose a pub 15 mins further away than normal, and walk there and back. From that start, you can do anything. I should know, I eat like a pig. I had to keep a diet diary when I was being tested for allergies and it was a bit shocking to discover I consume about 5500 calories a day on average. Every so often DH photographs the plates of food I serve, preferably on scales. I have an awful habit of packing the plate full (and I bought bigger plates too :oops: ), and most times he weighs the dinner, I've served up more than 3kg each :oops: :roll: :rotfl: The way I see it, you can either cut back on the fun stuff, or you can eat the fun stuff and have fun too. What you can't do is eat nothing - you just shoot your metabolism to pieces, and you'll put on weight. There are sooo many ways to enjoy yourself and lose weight (hey, TTC is an obvious one :wink: ), you don't need to think about food. Though I would add, I don't eat crisps, or takeaways, or sweets, or fried food - I don't like the taste. I do eat heaps of carbs, 3/4 veg on every plate, and a row of Green & Black's 70% every day without fail. I don't drink fizzy drinks, but I find a couple of glasses of red wine are good for the heart :wink:

If it helps, log on here every day and tell us what you've eaten and what exercise you've done. If you've eaten nothing, I'm coming round to beat you up. Or sending Loola, she's closer. And possibly scarier, if she's still on a couple of bottles a day! :rotfl:

Sorted? You'd better be! :rotfl: :hug:

Talking of which - Trudy, how are you getting on with your running these days?! :lol:
Kitty - since you're here, do you have any opinion on my progesterone and Ov dilemma? My temp is higher but not like in the past.

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